Yes, but instead of blocking gunners from joining mid-match in slot 2 or 3, lock them to engineer if there's already a gunner aboard. Locking out gunners from joining mid-match on a ship with no gunners would frustrate players. A common belief is that ships need gunners, and they may blame their loss on not having a gunner. Alternatively, there could be an option for custom lobbies as a checkbox to "lock crew positions" so captains are pilots and there's only one gunner
Most important to me is the ability to change class mid match. This is an essential feature that was disabled two years ago (and the subject of my first forum post). There have been various workarounds, and I'm told every six months by Muse that a plan is in the works, but in the meantime I have to tell every extra gunner to leave. I've heard conflicting reports on whether or not the current workaround
works, but I don't remember any recent example of it working for newer players (and they try). Thankfully, they almost always leave and don't get to play
There's no reason to block class changing and require a secret workaround.
IF there was a reason to abuse class switching,
which there's not, those players already know the workaround and would be using it!
I've never heard a single instance of abuse in 3k hours, and that was the sole reason given for blocking it... Meanwhile, players are regularly frustrated by joining as the wrong class and being unable to swap