Author Topic: Dev App Testing change-log: 30 June, 2017  (Read 5399 times)

Offline Inkjet

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Dev App Testing change-log: 30 June, 2017
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:30:43 am »
Ashen King (PvP]
  • 2v2 & 3v3(final testing)
Misty Mutiny (Night) (PvP):
  • Test lighting. Made lighter from last week. No gameplay or spawn changes from day map.
Voyagers Cove (Night) (PvE):
  • Test lighting. Made lighter from last week. No gameplay or spawn changes from day map.

World Map
  • ”Deploy” changed to “Fund”

  • Adjusted stats (same stats for pvp and pve)
  • -10% armor
  • 15m/s2 turn acceleration (from 21.08)
  • 15m/s max turn (from 12.53)
  • 3.5 vertical acceleration (from 3)

Aten MKS (PvP):
  • changed falloff stats and flame reduction
  • 15% chance of fire stacks
  • fDamageFalloffStart: 0.15 from 1 (this starts the falloff at 300m)
  • fDamageFalloff: 1.65  from 0.325 (near 0 damage at 1500 max range)
  • 200 shots
  • 10 shots per second
  • No jitter
  • Single 'shot' (no buckshot)
  • 40deg side arcs
  • 25deg up and down
  • +15% turn speed from Aten MKI base
  • 0.8 Piercing on Direct
  • 0.8 Fire on Burst (from 1)
  • fDamageAcceleration: 0.5 -This ramps the damage up at rate of damage = 0.8 * (1 + clamp(0.5*t, 0, max) ) where t=seconds
  • fMaxDamageModifier: 4 (from 7) -This caps max damage at 4n (max)

(Stats that are already in the main game marked with *)
  • +50% AOE*
  • +10% AOE damage
  • -15% RoF
  • +20% clip size*
  • +60% RoF*
  • -20% velocity*
  • -20% Damage*
  • +90% Jitter/recoil from +100% tested (main game has no jitter addition)
  • -0% AoE radius (from -90%)
  • Vanilla clip and rof
  • Extinguishes all fires on reload
  • +50% turn speed
  • -20% velocity
  • Velocity: +20% (new)
  • Jitter: -20% (new)
  • Damage: +30%*
  • Clip Size: -20%*
  • Rate of Fire: -25%*
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 11:34:21 am by -Muse- Inkjet »