Author Topic: SCS Notice  (Read 10745 times)

Offline Solidusbucket

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SCS Notice
« on: March 08, 2017, 01:27:16 am »
Same post as in discord:
Google Docs

These are changes to the rules I am proposing.

The Round Robin is more of a fix to make it a better experience for everyone. It also makes the rules more clear (I see no reason to deny the change). The overtime proposal is a fundamental change to the rule and could drastically change the way SCS is played. I personally think it will be a nice change for several reasons but I need your feedback.

side note: I'm editing the rules to fix it gramatically, make it more concise, and overall make it an easier read. If there are any writers on here please take the time to look it over once I am done editing it. The goal is to make it use active voice throughout the entire document and eliminate unecessary repetetive language.
Thanks for your time.

Please ignore the formatting. It looks much better than that in my word document.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 01:34:10 am by Solidusbucket »

Offline Captain Scrobeard

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Re: SCS Notice
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 10:08:13 am »
[This is the same post as in the discord channel]
[TLDR below]

My thoughts so far (didn't follow the whole discussion though, sorry if I miss something important):

Making the rules a bit more on point in terms of descriptions, formatting etc. is a good thing. Thanks!

However, here are my thoughts about the overtime rule:

What do you mean by "ignore clouds"? If there is a LOS in theory but clouds are blurring the view making it impossible for both teams to see eachother, the the ref should still not end overtime? This could easily lead to some wrong decisions. If it's meant the other way around the wording is unclear to me.

The passage "Ships are within 1000 meters of each other" could cause similar problems. What if they are very close to 1000 m?

Are those rules necessary? Can't we just say, overtime ends when ships stop dealing damage to each other for a specific ammount of time (like you proposed something around 30 seconds?). I admit that this might also lead to some problems when ships start shooting the exact moment when the timer runs out though ...

Another thing came into my mind. Since this game doesn't provide the mechanics to clearly determine if there is a LOS / reasonable engagement range / active engagement or not, why not simply make it so that in case of a tied match:
- either there is no overtime at all; match ends after 20 min
- or an overtime applies which always takes 3 min regardless if there's an engagement / LOS or not.
If the score is still even after 20 or 23 min, the firstkill or the infamous coinflip decides - I believe it was Nietzsche's Mustache saying in an older discussion in a similar context "both teams lose". And one is lucky enough to win by the firstkill or a coinflip.

However, there is something else I want so say. There is one important thing every ref should consider and respect in my opinion.
Every single announcement a ref makes should be obligatory. No ref should ever change his opinion afterwards when he already announced a decision in the match chat. This can lead to unfair advantages and disadvantages.

Ref says: "Engagement ends, match is over"
Some (but maybe not all) players immediately stop repairing/moving the ship etc.
Ref says: "Nevermind, continue"
One team might have a disadvantage now because some it's players stopped doing their jobs due to the previous announcement.
(We had a similar incident in one of our matches some time ago, which would now lead too far to talk about)

This is a thing which actually could have been the case in the unfortunate (yet extremely exciting) match on ashen scuffle last week (wp everyone :P). We should try to avoid things like that. I'm not blaming the ref though, it was difficult to decide what's right and what's wrong and the cancellation of the decision came in immediatlely. The good thing is that it almost never comes to such an unlikely event anyway. The rules are already pretty good and work in perhaps 99% of the time. ;)

- Thanks for putting work into making the rules more clear!
- Proposal (feel free to discuss): Make the rules as easy as possible (if a match is tied either #1 no overtime at all or #2 overtime always applies for 3 min regardless of active engagements).
- Ref decisions (at least if they involve calling out the end of a match) which have already been announced in the match chat should always be obligatory and never be cancelled.

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: SCS Notice
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2017, 09:31:20 am »
Why so complicated???

Are those rules necessary? ...
-or an overtime applies which always takes 3 min regardless if there's an engagement / LOS or not.
If the score is still even after 20 or 23 min, the firstkill or the infamous coinflip decides - I believe it was Nietzsche's Mustache saying in an older discussion in a similar context "both teams lose". And one is lucky enough to win by the firstkill or a coinflip.

Overtime should ONLY be used if there is a tie. From there I agree with Scrobeard, first to kill in 3 mins or coin flip. It's what has been used for years. I know people dislike the idea of coin flip but 1) we've never had a time were we have had to use it and 2) if teams have played for 23 minutes and still not gotten any points then dragging the match on is not going to be fun or helpful for anyone.

I watched the event last week and it was very confusing, at best, when both casters were "discussing" a) when overtime was over b) what encounters counted or didn't count as an engagement. It leaves way too much up for ref interpretation. I understand they are their to interpret situations and make the final call but the less things that can be subjective the better. There was quite a bit of down time for teams and viewers when the ref/casters were trying to figure out what engagement counted and for the streamer to send the video to the ref to re-watch the engagements to decide. Make it simple. If there is not a tie then overtime is not needed. Overtime is over after 3 minutes regardless if a team scores OR the moment a team scores which breaks the tie but not any longer than the 3 minutes.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: SCS Notice
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2017, 10:07:44 am »
Kitkat, please follow the discussion on discord. It has evolved way beyond this post.

At this point im literally beating a dead horse but everyone (majority) want overtime. It is not going away.

Overtime was introduced to stop matches that are in the middle of combat from ending. This is an event based criteria. But someone made it end after 3 mins or when combat ends. Making it more or less a time based criteria. Thus the desires of the community were only half way met.

Nothing is complicated about the overtime rules. It has been fixed.

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: SCS Notice
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2017, 01:12:03 pm »
Kitkat, please follow the discussion on discord. It has evolved way beyond this post.

You posted the discussion here so myself and Captian Scrobeard responded here. I was agreeing with Scrobeards simplicity of overtime. From what I watched last week it seemed very complicated and time consuming. 

Best of luck with it.

Offline Huskarr

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Re: SCS Notice
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2017, 02:48:38 pm »
Overtime is a very simple concept. It's single purpose is to let an engagement end in it's natural way. Either via disengaging or via deaths. That is its raison d'etre. What happened last week was a misstake due to inexperience.