Author Topic: Dev App Testing change-log: 17 Feb, 2017  (Read 6606 times)

Offline Ayetach

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Dev App Testing change-log: 17 Feb, 2017
« on: February 17, 2017, 01:31:43 pm »
Wild Week
- Reload time from 16s to 8s
- Rope duration from 8s to 4s
- Projectile speed from 120 to 335
- Reduce projectile life to 2.388s so the 800m range is retained.
- Flechette damage from 80 to 220
- Piercing from 90 to 130

Overall: Massive boost to consistency and damage output to compare better with other light guns.

Heavy Carronade
- 30° upward arc from 20°
- 35° side arcs from 25°

Includes Heavy Clip to 90% jitter reduction instead of damage/range/jitter changes.

- 3-ship lobby of Voyager's Cove will escalate faster.

- Refineries have an overall health buff across the board.  Just for clarification, they also scale up in health by different percentages per additional player ship in the match.  E.g. the last refinery gets a larger health buff than the first.
- Final refinery base health is more than all other refineries.  Should be easier to make a final stand there.
- Convoy damage per player ship buff is reduced.
- Overall improvements to convoy navigation.  Better pathing as well as not bumping into each other as frequently.
- Tweaked progression escalation locations so that boss doesn't spawn too early.
- There are spawns right before each refinery to allow easier defense.

New in-world icons:
- Convoys have red target icon when you are not carrying the barge.
- Barges have no icon when they are carried by the enemy.
- Barge will get an in-world icon if they are left unattended.
- Current refinery always has a base icon.
- When you have the barge, distance to the current refinery is displayed.
- And when you don't have the barge, distance to convoys is displayed.

- Current enemy base always has in-world target icon

- There's been a new Infiltration map, a reworking of Oblivion.

- Both maps are now fixed at 5 waves.
- Some tweaks to objective positioning.

- Corsair side light gun arcs pulled in a bit.
- Max turn rate slowed down to 10m/s.

Note: You may see cosmetic changes on the Stormbreaker, it is getting revisions to accommodate a heavy gun.  The version that is playable has the same gun positions.  However, keep in mind that the ship will be changing soon.  Try not to bring it for Retrieve testing since it's OP in it's current form, which will be changing soon.

Map: Ashen
- Changed to 3v3
- Reduced number of post initial spawns
- Made the width of the map a tiny bit skinnier
- Lowered flight ceiling significantly

Map: Misty
- Lowered flight ceiling significantly
- More clouds are in