This is a follow up and successor to the
#AmmotudeAdjustment - Greased ammunition proposals thread. Proposals come from participants in the
Skype group, and users on the forum
To a vote of 5 - 4, most preferred only changing jitter instead of both jitter and velocity. The argument against the first option is that jitter doesn't affect guns such as Hades and lumberjack. The argument against the second option is that reducing velocity would decrease arm range and therefor could be a buff
An alternative to decreased velocity is available for testing:
decreased velocity without affecting arm range. An additional -10% could be added to the current -20% (-30% total) without changing the -20% arm range. This could, but doesn't need to, decrease range as well as projectile speeds
A similar option is adding
shell drop, the opposite of the shell lift (lesmok is +30% lift). This affects projectiles such as hades, mortar, and flak, but not gat, banshee, or carro. In contrast, jitter mainly affects the latter guns
Another option has been proposed by ZnC:
reduced damage values, specifically +10% clip (from +20%), -25% damage (from -20%), and +80% ROF (from +60%), which he explains in the
previous Greased threadIf you'd like to test these new ideas, here's some options:
Option 1: -30% velocity, +10% arm time (optional +10% shell life to keep current range)
Option 2: -20% shell lift
Option 3: +10% clip, -25% damage, +80% RoF
Notes: Assume Option 1 & 2 include +30% jitter, values subject to change, options can be combined etc.