Author Topic: Dev App testing: Spire & Alliance!  (Read 6185 times)

Offline Ayetach

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Dev App testing: Spire & Alliance!
« on: January 20, 2017, 02:56:06 pm »
Greetings Folks!

We got some new testing content this week, first off Spire changes! We'll give the ship a spin with the updated changes from our feedback from the community in skirmish (changes found below):

- Armor: 900 HP (was 400, is now most armored ship with 100 HP more than Galleon)
- Hull: 1500 HP (was 950, is now most hardy ship with 100 HP more than Galleon)
- Acceleration: 4.50 m/s² (same)
- Max Turn Speed: 12.08 deg/s (same)
- Top speed: 24 m/s (was 28 m/s, is now the slowest ship)
- Forward acceleration: 4.5 m/s² (same)
- Vertical acceleration: 6 m/s² (was 3.75 m/s², is now the most vertical ship)
- Top vertical speed: 17 m/s (same)
- Slot 1 Gun (Heavy Gun) angled 0° from center (same)
- Slot 2 Gun (Top Left) angled 10° to port (was 0° offset from center)
- Slot 3 Gun (Bottom Left) angled 60° to port (was 40° to port)
- Slot 4 Gun (Top Right) angled 10° to starboard (was 40° to starboard)

In Alliance, following our PvP testing match, we'll be doing some critical Retrieve game mode maps for Alliance to ensure we have the right balance, some of the changes are listed below:

- Slower and tankier convoys. Should be able to use ships like Junker to catch up.
- All refineries pushed further into the map to create more of a chase sequence.
- Thornholt only has 3 refineries now.

Let us know what you think is good, bad and ugly so we can change it to fit a fun and challenging format!

Since we are anticipating technical issues with our email blast let us know if you don't have your Dev App and Alliance keys and we'll get you sorted for tomorrow right away. Thanks!
« Last Edit: January 20, 2017, 03:16:01 pm by Ayetach »