1st - People who suck at it and/or just mindlessly absorbed the hate whineing about it and refusing to even try play it properly.
Very distant 2nd - The lost potential of a still un-fixed harpoon gun.
3rd - Moderate squid related balance problems.
1. I do refuse to play it because it sucks. Sorry. I'm not going to punish myself by testing publicly what I tested privately with Muse and was released too early with little feedback considered.
2. Agree completely! Harpoons and Minotaurs affecting the ball would make Skyball so much more interesting.
3. Eh... Squids suck at King of the Hill (generally) and excel at Skyball (generally). I can deal with it because I'll just take a weapon or two that can punish a Squid (Banshee, Gatling, Hwacha, etc.).
Making the balloon slow the carrier would be good--
This would just result in even MORE killing and even MORE defensive spawning and even LONGER matches. Right now we have to play Skyball like Crazy King; that is to say, killing can reward the enemy so it's best to disable and run away. So I think your idea is a bad idea.
-- but its tricky to do with the way the games physics and ship stats are done, the squid simply has the most thrust of any ship and so will get slowed the least by any combination of mass or drag given to the balloon.
The best I can think of is giving the ball a hard coded maximum speed of maybe ~32 and either it simply cannot be pulled faster than that
Eh. You've made the idea above a bit better by elaborating, but I still don't agree for the aforementioned consequences.
--or the rope breaks and drops the ball above that speed.
Do you really expect pilots to watch the throttle so carefully? I'm already raging at accidentally dropping the ball.

Skyball is fundamentally flawed and it isn't the Squid's fault. Skyball, like VIP, shouldn't even be considered (or balanced around) 2 vs. 2. Want to improve Skyball? Here: