Hi Luharis,
I'm normally not one to post responses often but your concerns piqued my interest. Let me break this down so we can understand each other more clearly:
An open letter to the Developers,
Dear Muse Games.
Your game is dying. Like legit. How are you still denying this? Players
online are at a several year low point. That's concerning. Despite existing to 4 years,
we've dropped to square one. Now pray tell, how do you manage to ignore this?
We don't. We're perfectly aware of the player trends and demographics, and we have measures to help alleviate that challenge as much as possible. Be mindful that this is coming on to a 4 year old online game made by indy developers. That's a pretty incredible milestone and we're really proud and grateful for that since it was you guys who helped us realize this ambition.
I have a theory. Devs follow the following method. Whenever the community wants
one thing, it actually means the want something else. Community asks for more maps?
Ha, they must mean they want us to nerf the Pyra. The community wants new guns? L-O-L.
that obviously that means re-scale maps. The community wants us to fix bugs? ROFL, that
for sure means add a rocket league game-mode. The community wants us to fix a broken
game mode [VIP]? lmao, duh that means we ignore them while we devote all out time
working on a dlc that costs more than the base game. Honestly devs. There is a
serious disconnect here.
Lets see.. we do have more maps, the Pyra was re-adjusted (we do push some extensive changes to find out what works and what doesn't before really fine tuning it) so that has been addressed, guns are tricky since they require a lot of asset work, balance into the gameplay, and changes that factor and warrant a healthy amount of testing. But... when we do add more guns we do adjust them as extensively as our ships' changes. Perhaps I missed something here and you are welcome to reiterate if I have (apologies in advance!)
Both VIP & Skyball got a lot of love and attention in the form of testing especially in the last month and a half (which I host every weekend mind you) and is freely accessible to any player willing and able to make it. Those players who do come have done great work helping us look at how it works in practice. Is this perfect? Not at all, we can always use more players to participate and give us a hand in making and breaking the game as we develop it. It really does make a difference no matter how the surface of it looks.
Don't let the DLC deceive you. Alliance is more or less its own game in terms of content and size (perhaps more so than even the skirmish game we currently have) but we are calling it a DLC because it can integrate into our standard skirmish model and allows players to hop back and forth. This to us seems much better than jumping between apps so yes it is pricier but the base game has been around for a while too so its fair to say the price for that is bound to go down over time. Also DLC doesn't necessarily mean its cheaper by default it just means there's more content to download (which as aforementioned is explained.)
This community is dying. And alliance once its all patched
and ready to go may be the best game ever made. That. Wont. Mean. Shit. If people
y'know the ones in the community, stop playing the game. Then, whose going to play
the dlc? Aliens? Cyber-powered Monkeys? A pet named steve? Maybe instead of
declaring you know what's best because you are devs, it may be time to turn to the
community. We want new maps. So maybe, give us the tools to make maps, let us
run wild with it, and then we can vote on those in steam, and let you, the devs
implement the ones you fancy. I mean, hell we could do this with guns, with ships.
And I know what you're thinking. what about balancing all of that.
I don't know about Cyber-powered Monkeys, although it does sound cool. That said, its possible you're right, but its also possible there are a lot of people
waiting to play Alliance when its complete rather than PvP. A lot of people are very different and naturally their tastes reflect that. We have had really large numbers of players on checking out Alliance when we had the Open Alpha and I'm willing to bet the same will be the case for the Open Beta (who knows). This shows us that the variety does exist and tapping into that surely doesn't hurt especially with the theme of gameplay we are designing.
On the matter of providing you development tools, yes that would be extraordinarily awesome. I personally love to see what people come up with (just based on what incredible stuff I've seen so far from our current Steam Workshop), the real challenge here is how small our team is and how large of a task (or tasks) we have to tackle to make sure we maintain the quality to our work in art design and game design. Would we love to offer tools? Absolutely. Are they easy to make? Not really. That is one of the big challenges we face, if we had the man power and resources to dedicate to that sure, it would be possible. That's not to say it won't happen though we do have some plans in the future but things naturally take time with what resources and manpower we have.
If only we had some sort of balance or dev tool. We could call it, a Dev-App. Wait... we already
have one of those. How useful! This is a community and teamwork fueled game,
so please devs, let the community take a larger stake in it.
Yes you're right, me, Matt & Josie work very hard and sacrifice our weekend times to make sure new changes are tested every single week for the testing hours. All you have to do is hop in and help out, we welcome it!

Either way for you to write this does show how much passion you have for the game and believe me when I say that on behalf of Muse that does mean a lot to us. Things do take time and yes it probably would drive everyone nuts from time to time. But we are doing everything we can to move mountains for you guys and its tough work.
Anyways if you want to help out in other ways let me know! We have plenty of things for even the regular players to check out, and you can always reach out to us when you want to have dialogue directly (that is by far the easiest way for us to exchange information and ideas).
Clear skies,