Author Topic: Make crazy king good again  (Read 11465 times)

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Make crazy king good again
« on: June 20, 2016, 03:01:52 am »
Oh dear god... its so impossible.

In old crazy king two High tier players can win a crazy king while carrying a useless ally vs 3 middle tiers with alot of hard work coordination and tactics (remember when crazy king could have that?).

In new crazy king. You have 1 dumb pilot with 2 high tier vs 3 mid tier and you have an instant loss. You will lose every single fight for the point. You can scout and flank and race as much as you want. But that 2 vs 3=3 takes priority for capture will ALWAYS result in a loss.

Thats not a fun change. It was never a fun change and I never EVER liked it. And the vets that whined about the long play times of old crazy king were completely dim to the fact that you went from a mode that took awhile to a mode but was meritable with skill to a mode that a loss is guaranteed, simple because you have players that can follow a shiny light and read obnoxious prompts upon point changes.

Ok fine matches took awhile from all the capturing and single ship blocking. BUT THATS BECAUSE TACTICS WERE BEING USED. YOU EARNED THE POINTS YOU GET. If you had a blocker. You FIND the blocker and kill it.

I will repeat what I said about the new capture mechanic. Yes its great for king of the hill to such a point that I swear muse simply felt so proud of how it improved king of the hill they thought it'd be a great solution for crazy king too.

You know a better solution and an actual means to separate cp modes to actually make them independant modes? Instead of a score limit to reach. Have crazy king only have x amount of points activate. If a player reaches a winning point limit. Match ends early. If they don't and the match runs through all the point transfers without reaching the limit. Highest score wins.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Make crazy king good again
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2016, 03:11:45 am »
For me old Crazy King was a no-no zone. What happened was that if lobby managed to pass through the vote to Crazy King at least 2 ships would immediately go away (including me). Crazy King was never fun, it was way too long.

Set the fixed timer on Crazy King (or on any match) to 30 minutes and I'll be fine with old rules. For now I think new CK is more humane and less pain in the ass.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Make crazy king good again
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2016, 03:35:05 am »
For me old Crazy King was a no-no zone. What happened was that if lobby managed to pass through the vote to Crazy King at least 2 ships would immediately go away (including me). Crazy King was never fun, it was way too long.

Set the fixed timer on Crazy King (or on any match) to 30 minutes and I'll be fine with old rules. For now I think new CK is more humane and less pain in the ass.

I swear no one reads in this forum.

I just gave a similar solution where point cycles are limited. A definite 30 min match is retarded since alot of it involves positioning that requires several minutes of crossing a map.

A crazy king in raid is gonna be shorter than a crazy king in flayed. Obviously. The maps have varying sizes. To simply stamp on a a arbitrary 30 minutes for all the maps is exactly why problems borne from such short-sightedness occurs.

If you don't have the time to play a time consuming mode. Don't play it. I mean yes, you can mess around with timers and capture rates. But the core of it is, you're gonna be on this match for awhile by the nature of what you are required to do. Fight for a point where a single smart ship can obstruct you until you kill it (and it can't bloody move when its blocking so I never saw the complaint as legit).

If you can't stay to play for more than 30 minutes either stomp the enemy so you can win in less than 30 minutes or not play at all since its expected to actually be a prolonged fight. But at least with this change that long fight won't be forever. There will be a definite end.

Iunno, I'm sure Raid can last about 30 minutes with 6 limited points active. But don't expect flayed to be just as prompt.

As for your obsession with timers. Yes I did suggest that to be an option for custom lobbies to do. But don't force it down people's throats. Some people actually enjoy a nice long intense battle of attrition. Just because you don't doesn't mean everyone doesn't, your disgusting wording in these recent posts imply so strongly that you think its such a majority consensus.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 03:39:11 am by Third Strike »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Make crazy king good again
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2016, 09:00:22 am »
I actually like the idea of having the system run through all the points then ending.

I also never got to see the old ck but it always bothered me that the enemy could cap a point when our team had ships there that could block it.

I think a better system would be this:

Instead of outright blocking the point capture if an enemy ship is present, instead, the point is captured to 99% if there are more friendly ships than enemy ships. Destroy the blocking ship and it is instantly captured.

Also, again, I like the rotate idea then end match.

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: Make crazy king good again
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2016, 10:19:58 am »
Instead of outright blocking the point capture if an enemy ship is present, instead, the point is captured to 99% if there are more friendly ships than enemy ships. Destroy the blocking ship and it is instantly captured.

I actually like that. The only problem is that it takes way longer than the time that 1% would go through to get back on the point if you had even gotten out of range by accident. Has to be 90% or so.

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Make crazy king good again
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2016, 01:14:34 pm »
Yea  good point 

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Make crazy king good again
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2016, 06:19:34 pm »
I actually like the idea of having the system run through all the points then ending.

I also never got to see the old ck but it always bothered me that the enemy could cap a point when our team had ships there that could block it.

I think a better system would be this:

Instead of outright blocking the point capture if an enemy ship is present, instead, the point is captured to 99% if there are more friendly ships than enemy ships. Destroy the blocking ship and it is instantly captured.

Also, again, I like the rotate idea then end match.

by george I think you're onto something.