Im disappointed too.
Both of you made such complicated robots that i doubt they will ever be fielded in numbers.
Take a page out of this book.

These Slepnir units are designed to be cheaply and easily made on a large scale, yet be combat efective enough to support an army.
Something alot of mecha designers don't think about.
Their base model dosent come with too much baggage or weapons, so modifications are a thing for these units.
They can be modified for any enviroment. The deserts of Arashi, the frozen north of Anglea, the frozen east of Chaladon, you name it, its there.
It can also be modified with more weapons. Didnt think of that hmm?
Strangely...when Carn gets near one of these units...he starts emiting green trails of energy that get absorbed by it. Causing it to change in appearance.

I cant help but feel that its "Calling" to him. Don't ask me how.