Fair Disclaimer: "
Someone Else" came up with the solution, but I am stealing credit for making the forum post.

We put our best drunken lobbies together to theory craft this one, and, fifteen chain-smoking monkeys shackled to their typewriters later, here seems to be some consensus:
1. VIP Matches can cause insufferably long, annoying games;
2. VIP Matches are broken;
3. VIP Matches can be salvaged to be enjoyable.
Currently, a team can kamikaze bomb the VIP ships with impunity. Killing escorts has no consequence, as they can respawn anywhere on the map quite quickly, making for some absurd tactics. For those of you who are bad at this game-mode, in its present form, I will explain to you how to win using the
Land of the Rising Sun stratagem:
- Keep your VIP out of the fight;
- Send in escorts on attack missions to 'weaken' target VIP & escorts, but not killing;
- Purposefully destroy your ships to get fresh, 100% shiny new ships at no cost to your team;
- Swarm targets with VIP once enemy fleet has been sufficiently pulverized from kamikaze attacks.
This is boring and gamey, and VIP Matches are dull and drawn-out as a result. Classic Death Matches are still the best in the game (as they should be), but both King of the Hill and Crazy King involve some manner of
points for killing enemy ships (even though they are timer-based). VIP Matches have no timers, only kills on VIP targets count, and games can last insufferably long -- especially since lobbies are presently
top-heavy with VIP Match modes.
How, Cavalcante, can we fix this horrible situation to restore fun to our aeronautical exploits?
Think of it like Steampunk Quidditch (because all the hip young kids love their Harry Potter, see?):
- Killing an Escort grants 1 point.
- Killing a VIP grants 5 points.
- A VIP killing another VIP grants 10 points.
Or somesuch combination of the above toward a total of X amount of points. I don't think anyone really cares about the exact math, but whatever calculation makes for fun games. You would therefore be able to keep the clock-less aspect of VIP, VIP targets would remain the main target, matches would not last 45 minutes to one-hour or more (seriously, this is
de rigeur), and killing enemy escorts would be useful --- because, at present, I am burning them only to leave them alone so they don't instantly spawn a brand new 100% ship right on top of my horribad Galleon ally in 15 seconds.
What do you think, aeroship enthusiasts? Do you guys care sufficiently about changing this or am I part of a small minority who thinks that VIP Matches, as they presently stand, are broken and tedious? The above solution seems simple enough to implement.
Comment. Debate. Fire-bomb me with disapproval, and throw me in a shame cage if you disagree.