Author Topic: Tips for playing after novice  (Read 10839 times)


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Tips for playing after novice
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:48:31 pm »
Me and my Group of friends were going pretty good in novice until our engineer reached level 8, we've gotten destroyed every game out of novice since. We typically run a Goldfish with the A loadout (i believe that's the right one) I was wondering if there's anything we could do differently or tips you have for how to deal with being out of novice. Any help is appreciated.

Offline The Mann

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2016, 01:17:32 pm »
The best way to survive in a standard match is to communicate, once you're in a standard match, you will most likely come across somewhat experienced players who have developed strategies. Communication is an essential component to an effective team. Ensuring you can talk, understand your role and call out parts and targets, you will greatly increase the chances of killing or gaining points depending on game mode.

Apart from communication, another essential component required would be loadouts. Sometimes you will come across the odd Moonshine drinker or Rangefinder disciple. It would be best to avoid bringing captain tools and other tools with minimal effectiveness. Most captains offer Recommended Loadouts which work best for their ships or strategies. Accepting them will assist your role and create a better relationship with the captain.
"A happy captain is sometimes a good captain" - Mann 2016

Apart from these standard tips, you should also use the Practice mode. This allows you to explore maps and use different types of ship. This can help you to discover effective loadouts and even nice places on maps to take advantage of.  In standard matches, you will finally get to try out King Of The Hill. This is a game mode in which you hold a point in order to gain points. By exploring the map, you can find quick and effective routes to the centre. On Labrinth, the Spawn at Map Coordinates B2 (i think) allow you to quickly charge at the map from a high-ish altitude without the need to maneuver around buildings.

Practice is a good way to improve in any situation  :D
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 01:19:21 pm by The Mann »

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2016, 01:17:54 pm »

stay within 500 meters of your ally ship.

That alone will help a lot.

accept loadout of captain

if captain doesn't give a loadout then choose a standard kit (spanner, mallet, fire ext) and take the proper ammo for the gun you will use


take pipe wrench and proper ammo if captain doesn't give loadout.

section off the ship. Assign parts for people to repair. I will give the standard ones / ones I use:

Engineer 1 - top left gun and balloon
engineer 2 - hull, turn engines and main engines
gunner - top right gun

engineer 1 - main engine, balloon, turn engines
engineer 2 - hull, right gun, front gun, turn engines
gunner - front gun, left gun, hull

Engineer 1 - balloon, turn engines, top left and top right guns
engineer 2 - front gun, hull
gunner - bottom left and bottom right guns, main engine

engineer 1 - repair gunner's main gun, turn engines, fire other gun when not repairing and hull if ship has to tank damage
engineer 2 - hull, balloon, main engine top left gun
gunner - main gun (usually the front left), any other gun if necessary

engineer 1 - top left gun, balloon, turn engines, main gun
engineer 2 - top right gun, hull, main engine
gunner - main gun and bottom left gun


engineer 1 - top left gun, hull, main engine
engineer 2 - bottom left gun, balloon, turn engines
gunner - main gun

engineer 1 - bottom left gun, hull, left turn engine
engineer 2 - bottom right gun, balloon, right turn engine
gunner - top left, top middle, top right guns, main engine

engineer 1 - balloon, left side engines, hull, rear gun
engineer 2 - right side engines, right gun, buffs
gunner - front gun, hull

« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 01:47:14 pm by Solidusbucket »


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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2016, 02:25:58 pm »
Thanks for the tips guys, I think our main issue was both staying close to and communicating with the other ship, as a single ship unit we tend to communicate repairs etc. pretty well. I usually pilot as no one else really takes to it. Im just a little uninformed of what to take tool wise and what i want others to take. I usually take helium, drop chute, claw, but i dont know what i should be taking

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2016, 03:09:56 pm »
standard loadout for most ships is:

kerosene, claw, hydrogen.

Galleon and Pyramidion - replace kerosene with moonshine
Mobula - replace claw with chute vent

Offline Huskarr

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2016, 04:12:28 pm »
you might wanna forward this to your engineer pals.
It helped me become a passable engineer. And it is a really important thing for your engineers to be as effective as possible.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2016, 05:43:00 pm »
standard loadout for most ships is:

kerosene, claw, hydrogen.

Galleon and Pyramidion - replace kerosene with moonshine
Mobula - replace claw with chute vent

I'd rather say it looks like this:

- Claw
- Kerosene (don't touch moonshine until you learn not to overuse it - moonshine is kero on steroids both in terms of bonuses and harm done to engines)

- 1. Does your enemy has balloon popping guns? (carronades/lumberjack)? Yes: Drogue chute
  2. Does your enemy utilizes aggressive build based on ramming, i.e. metamidion? (pyramidion with gatling and mortar)? Yes: Impact bumpers

  3. Does your enemy have hwachas? Yes: Hydro to evade the barrage, and keeping the distance from your enemy.

Now a little something for me; a rationale for WHY gatling on pyramidion is on the front-right, and mortar front-left:

The explanaition is pretty much simple. Gatling is a gun essential for stripping the armor. You want a player manning the gatling to sit on it CONSTANTLY and firing both always and as soon you are in range.

Mortar is a weapon used in a very specific moment: the moment when enemy's armor is down, permahull exposed, hence allowing you to land possibly lethal blow on your enemy. The thing is, the engineer manning the mortar is also responsible for your balloon; the nature of mortar allows him to drop the gun for few seconds, tap the balloon, and get back to mortar. The armor should be stripped regularly by the person on gatling, and the armor is a very good mean to kill a ship - but not particularly essential. Gatling strips the armor. This makes the enemy vulnerable to rams or attacks of your allies (which should be coordinated).

Why you shouldn't put those guns otherwise, I mean - gatling near balloon and mortar front-right?
Because balloon damage will force the guy on gatling to leave the gun and fix the balloon. That's all, having all the previous paragraph said.

...Also, saying that you are using ship loadout A means NOTHING. List us the guns, most preferrably on more or less descriptive positions, though numbers should suffice. My goldfish loadout A is carrofish for example. If you want explanation about the guns, and why or when they might be wrong, give us something to base upon ^^

Offline Solidusbucket

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2016, 07:55:10 pm »
yes: drogue chute.

mobula is kerosene, drogue chute, hydrogen

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Tips for playing after novice
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2016, 02:36:16 pm »
on that note why hasn't muse linked these vet made tutorial videos to their manuals and stuff?

If these become easily accessible as opposed to via a wiki no scrub is ever aware of.

In fact why is there no links to the wiki?