Author Topic: First match in over 5 months, resulted in an epic comeback.  (Read 10698 times)

Offline Cannabisaurus

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First match in over 5 months, resulted in an epic comeback.
« on: March 11, 2016, 02:12:50 am »

First real video I've ever uploaded of GOI, as I happened to be streaming it for lols and exported the footage.

Be easy on me, as I know full well that I'm not the smartest captain or the most tactically aware individual.

Advice, however, is gladly accepted and actually looked forward to!

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: First match in over 5 months, resulted in an epic comeback.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 07:26:04 pm »
On a whole this is a much better video that what the average Lets Player puts out. The rest of this post is just nitpicks, but picking nits is what I am good at.

1) Burst ammo has the best DPS at close range for the manticore.
2) Have your manticore gunner tell you when the reload is 2/3's complete so you can start the turn early
3) Turning will make your guns shoot off center in the direction of the turn, with a hwacha I stop turning before the gunner shoots to ensure the greatest accuracy. At long range I will even stay "Stable" to let the gunner know the ships turning and momentum will not disrupt the shot. At 7:26 your turning was what caused your gunner to miss so many shots.
4) You will turn faster if you put the ship in neutral throttle. At 11:29 you did a 180 degree turn while at full throttle. This could have been accomplished in half the time if you dropped to neutral.
5) As pilot I would take spanner or pipe wrench since the only time you would be engineering is if everything is broken.
6) Use your map more default "M" key to keep tabs on your ally
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 07:28:07 pm by HamsterIV »

Offline Cannabisaurus

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Re: First match in over 5 months, resulted in an epic comeback.
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2016, 01:52:56 pm »
Thank's for the feedback, really appreciate helpful people :)

Didn't know about burst, makes sense though.

There's a few matches that came directly after the video's, where I figured out that knowing what the gunner's reload is at, is super useful, thanks for the tip regardless.

For turning, yeah, I'm a bit selfish when it comes to letting the gunner set up shots. I blame my past twitch shooter reflexes for always trying to juke around to throw off the enemies aim :P

The throttle thing makes sense, but do I turn even faster if I put it into reverse? I reverse while turning usually when in a circle duel with a metamydion, as I can sort of point a little behind my vector, but is this useful when just turning 180 to kill my velocity?

Spanner is usually my go-to pilot tool, I think the buff wrench was left over from doing an achievement or something.

The map is useful, but whenever I pull it up it breaks my attention. Doing 360s to find allies while in in combat is personally preferable for me, as it also forces me to expand my spatial awareness and remind myself that I'm not locked in place at the helm. When the adrenaline isn't pumping however, I tend to use the map a lot more.

Thanks for reading this, and thanks again for the tips! Every little bit helps make me a marginally more tolerable captain for my friends!

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: First match in over 5 months, resulted in an epic comeback.
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2016, 06:58:20 pm »

The throttle thing makes sense, but do I turn even faster if I put it into reverse? I reverse while turning usually when in a circle duel with a metamydion, as I can sort of point a little behind my vector, but is this useful when just turning 180 to kill my velocity?

No turning works by engine counter torque. When your throttle is in neutral, and are max turned left; the right side engine is going 100% forward and the left side engine is going 100% backwards. Thus you get maximum turn rate. If you have your throttle set in full reverse, and are max turned left; you get 100% backwards thrust on the left and center, but 0% forwards thrust on the right. There are some times good reasons to go into revere throttle when turning, I am just talking about how to get your ship's nose about in the fastest possible manner.