Author Topic: Cronus League Week 6!  (Read 15278 times)

Offline Thomas

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Cronus League Week 6!
« on: February 07, 2016, 01:06:33 pm »
Week 6 is upon us! Getting close to the end of the League. Teams and current point standings are up and can be found here in the Week 6 tab at the bottom:

Once again, if there are any issues, please let me know as soon as possible.

We did have one team drop out in the past week, putting us in an awkward position. We can either drop 3 other teams to round things out, or we can bring in a replacement team. We have decided of course to bring in a new team if possible. This team will start with the late join penalty (starting at 858 points instead of 1000). If any group of 4 would like to sign up, please do so as soon as possible. Normal restrictions apply. Team members can't have played for another team in the past 3 weeks, and clans cannot have more than 10 members in the League, regardless of team. A clan is not just your clan tag.

For this sign up, please list your team members. This is first come first in.

Wishing everyone the best of luck this upcoming week!

Offline Ayetach

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2016, 10:02:17 am »
Hello Thomas!

My crew and I would like to update Team Bumble's logo to this:

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2016, 03:06:42 pm »
@Ayetach, I'm glad you could put that crystal theme to a good use :D

Offline The Cunning Linquist

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2016, 03:43:29 pm »
Would we be open to relaxing the 10-man rule if it means filling the league back to 20 teams?  I don't have a team ready and waiting or anything, but I feel as though filling the league is important.  More important than diversity, if it comes right down to it.  I like the rule, personally, but I'm more than willing to give it up if needed.

And yes, I recognize my vested interest since this spot determines our partner for the week  ;D

- Cunning

Offline Thomas

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2016, 08:23:14 pm »
We turned down a team in week 5 because that would have put a clan over the 10 person limit, and we had to remove a team in week 1 for the same reason. I don't think it would be fair to those teams to relax the rule at this point. There was talk of a team that wouldn't put a clan over the 10 person limit in week 5, but that was brought to our attention right as the matches were scheduled to start.

At this point, we will only take in new teams that fit all the rules. Teams that would be partnered with this TBD team will not lose any points.

In other news, the Maps and matches are ready! Check them out in the link above!

Offline Guagadu

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2016, 09:10:23 pm »
Grim Reapers don't show up in round 2 or 3. Unglorious Rastorz show up in their position.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2016, 10:10:55 pm »
Hm. That was an odd mistake. Fixed it though.

Offline The Cunning Linquist

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2016, 12:46:21 am »
Would we rather drop 3 teams than allow 1 clan to have a 3rd team in the league? 

And we're not talking about a sub here, we're talking about the remainder of the tournament.  We're only half way through!  That's 5 more weeks where someone doesn't get to play.  And remember - it's not like it's just 1 team that isn't getting to play.  There will be 6 other teams every week who only play twice instead of 3 times like everyone else.  It seems unfair that some teams may only play 8-10 games over the remainder of the season where as others may play the full 15.  That's a pretty big difference in terms of opportunities to gain points.  Filling the spot seems much more important than the diversity initiative to me.

I understand your concerns about being fair to the teams that were eliminated and I think that is valid.  Maybe a suitable compromise would be to allow those teams to sign up with the priority that they would have had based on when they originally signed up/volunteered to sub?  So if the team that volunteered during week 5 signed up, but then the team that was eliminated before week 1 because of the 10-man rule (was it Helfyre's team? I'll call them that) signed up, then "Helfyre" would get it.  If you want, you could also add that if a third, independent team signed up then they would get priority over "Helfyre" because they don't break the rule.

I guess I'm just trying to say that this isn't a trivial matter and I think it's worth discussing to find a compromise.  I feel that strictly enforcing the 10-man rule over filling the league does more damage than good.  I'd love to hear input from other captains and community leaders on this.

Thanks for hearing me out,


Offline Thomas

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2016, 08:57:39 am »
At this point, we don't plan on dropping any teams. It's something we can do, but it's very unlikely to happen unless enough teams want it. If we don't get a new team, then we'll just keep that TBD slot open. It will lose points each week it is not filled and get paired with a new team each time.

If no team meeting the current ruleset signs up by Friday afternoon, we can probably lower the bar and reach out to previous teams that weren't able to participate.

Offline The Mann

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2016, 10:34:49 am »
 In the unlikely event that teams need to be dropped.

Team Crazy Bards volunteer as tribute to be dropped due to difficulties in finding covers every week to assist myself, Rex and Elazul.

Plus, we're at the bottom of the leaderboard so we will not have an effect on the current event if needed to be dropped. the team with TBD can have a teammate while the teams above crazy Bards can be shifted to accommodate the missing team as well as Crazy Bards who were going to be with team sundstrom.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2016, 07:07:28 pm »
The problem with dropping teams is that we'd have to drop 3 teams to allow everyone to have the same opportunity for matches. If we just drop the one team to even things up, then teams will still have a different number of matches.

We really don't want to drop teams.

Offline Nat Nyls

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2016, 04:46:29 pm »
There was an incident in one of today's matches where a team almost didn't show up. During the 3 minute timer countdown, they wanted to replace them with a full team. As stated in the rules:

16. If a team is a no-show, the match will count as a loss for their pair. All points lost will come from the team that did not show (20%). The winning pair will receive points as if they had won 10% from each team.

When I didn't allow them to bring in a sub team, certain people in the lobby decided the best response was to yell "bullshit!" at me over and over again.
This isn't a chill thing to do. If a referee, caster or organiser is met with abuse over doing their damn job again, your team will risk being kicked out of the league or being penalised severely. This is everyone's first and last warning on this.

Remember, we're all people here doing this for everyone's enjoyment. And we will not tolerate you all screaming at us.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2016, 04:56:43 pm by Nat Nyls »

Offline The Mann

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2016, 05:48:56 pm »
I am sorry that teams have acted so violently towards you Nat. This should not be happening to anyone - regardless of tournament and other factors.

Despite that, this is not the reason for writing this message.

Due to multiple factors, Team Crazy Bards will be forfeiting from the rest of the tournament. Due to factors such as the lack of updates, the long waiting times without updates and the lack of information displayed on the forums and Google Doc; Team Crazy Bard no longer wishes to participate in the event. Their decision is final and we apologise for any inconvenience.

The wait between games today was extremely long and no captains received updates. According to other teams, captains were expected to visit the forums to find information regarding forfeited events and such. Teams such as Crazy Bards had no knowledge that the games were forfeited and thus we decided to leave before the final game to play Planet-Side 2.

The Google Doc only showed Red Squares and teams to be decided. There was no mention of teams not playing due to forfeits. None of us on Team Crazy Bard knew what was going on.

Upon receiving the knowledge that our final game was starting (Even though we received no knowledge of round 2 games.) I returned to continue the match. We were then told by other teams that our scores no longer stand despite our victory due to the lack of team.

I enjoyed the tournament at the beginning but team Crazy Bards have multiple issues which must be faced every week. First of all, we all have terrible connection issues. Secondly, each week we require at least 2 subs and this cannot continue as we will eventually run out and be forced to play with just 2 people. This will result in no points being gained – similar to the events I have been told about today. Third of all, the tournaments start at 7pm GMT for us which can be a burden due to how late the tournaments can end up being due to long waiting times.

All in all, our team is no longer suitable for the tournament and thus we will not be participating anymore.

Offline Thomas

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Re: Cronus League Week 6!
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2016, 06:46:05 pm »
I'm sorry to have you go. Fun fact, you are getting points for the last round. Normally this match should not have taken place, since your team wasn't present. However, you did show up with a single crew member and the opposing team was pushing for giving you an opportunity to participate. Although I made the call to not have the match, it proceeded anyway, and we will let the result stand.

It is up to the teams to check the forums, document, or even watch the stream to stay up to date of the tournament news. I cannot stress enough that I am not your mother. I will not baby you or any other team. This information is available and updated regularly. If you choose not to stay up to date, I will not  and cannot help you.

Today took a lot longer than usual, and I understand it felt even longer to your team who played in round 1 and again in round 3, since you didn't have an opponent to go against in round 2. Our caster had a lot of technical difficulties that set back that half of the league around 30 minutes. Combine this with a lot of matches taking just about the max amount of allotted time, and you have a long day, despite being down a team.

This is also the second time a team at the bottom of the scoreboard has quit the League for reasons completely unrelated to their score. The simplest solution may be to remove whichever other 2 teams are at the bottom of the scoreboard for this week and continue the tournament without worrying about substitute teams. Or we can try to get two substitute teams instead of one.