Thanks everyone for putting up with the mess that was Week 1! Everything went off pretty well despite the problems. Congratulations and thanks are do to all the participants and help! Without the last minute casters and dedication of our ref, this couldn't have happened.
Starting week 2 until week 9, teams will have the same team mate for the whole day (all 3 matches). Hopefully week 1 let you meet some interesting teams and figure how to work with a semi-random partner. Teams are paired in the high-low system, and points will carry on throughout the tournament.
Losing teams will lose 10% of their points. This will be pooled together and split among the winners. The rules have more details.
Currently the points and pairings have been updated. Late joins have been assigned a 5% point loss for each match they would have participated in. The team that was on break took the same penalty. The team that subbed for them kept the points they earned for the matches.
Matches and Maps will be set on Wednesday. If there are any concerns over points, partners, rules, etc; please bring them to me prior to Wednesday. If a team is going to drop out or go on break this weekend, please let me know before Wednesday. If you suspect someone broke a rule or didn't play fairly, please let me know before Wednesday. Contacting me through PM is the best way to get a response without cluttering the thread.
Important Rule Changes:- Ship names MUST match their team name. Teams will be able to change their team name before this Wednesday. This will not be able to be changed after Wednesday. Failure to have your ship name match your team will result in a point penalty. This penalty will increase with each subsequent failure. (5, 10, 20, 40, ... )
-Readying up. Teams must ready up within the 3 minutes. Teams not readied up for whatever reason by this time will start losing their pause time (all teams that are not ready). When this pause time is used up, they will get a point penalty. This point penalty will be determined by how much time they remain unready in the lobby and how often this occurs. (5 points for every 2 minutes, multiplied by the number of the offense).
-Foul Play. If foul play is discovered (forcing your team to lose on purpose) the opposing team may also receive a point penalty along with the team instigating the foul play.
Matches and Points: