While your heart is in the right place I don't think you appreciate the frustration many of us experience playing with novices Waltz, nor the constraints some of us operate under.
The standard *are* higher in GoI, and the community generally lives up to them, that is kinda the point of this thread. The community is generally better than most online games with loads of people willing to help. But there is no fix for the human race being full of arrogant jackasses who wont listen.
Sometimes I need to practice with my clan and I want to try out new builds. I can do that in skirmishes, but I need to know first if those builds will work at all, and I either need my clan or other capable people there to help me refine the build. I need the basics worked out before I go using the valuable hour or so I might get every once in a while in an organized skirmish for builds that pass this initial hurdle. Most of them don't work well so I'm already de facto nerfing myself. If I'm doing this with an established group then I need some control over what the support ship is and I need it to be flown reasonably.
I'm not available to train novices when I'm doing this because I'm already training people, myself, my crew, perhaps even my ally, all be it with a collaborative and research focus rather than a 'schools in session' focus.
Next we come to the problem that most novices simply wont listen. I have a reputation for being the guy who instructs our enemies on what they need to do to beat us. No really, if the levels are very different and I've committed to flying with my ally I frequently tell the enemy pilots exactly what the hard counter is to the build we are bringing is. Even when I type precise instructions in chat with detailed strategies and explanations for how to fight us most novices still don't listen. If they wont listen to me when I am telling them exactly how to beat us, I sure as heck am not swapping with them so they can not listen to me as their ally.
There are plenty of vets you'll see in matches that were unbalanced typing 'rematch for scramble' to have the teams more balanced for the next game. Again they are often ignored. And lets be clear, those players doing that are doing community service, 80% of the time your ally will be someone who doesn't listen and at best ensures the game is a straight up fight between you and the other more experienced ship, at worst is a flakfish who goes on a nice sight-seeing trip to the bottom right corner of the map while you get double teamed. You asked if folk enjoy the quick annihilation games? In those games I bring something experimental or silly so I generally enjoy them more than the games where my ally becomes fascinated with a really interesting building in Paritan while I get my ass kicked.
Is the clan stacking really that bad these days Fynx? I mean I know a couple of clans who are fond of it, especially in 3v3, but maybe those players need the practice. They frequently lose if the other team has two decent pilots and crew willing to listen from what I've seen. I actually recommend sticking about in those matches - where matchmaker is desperately searching for the best players it can find you frequently find the best new players in there.