Back when I was lending Logic an occasional hand with the SCS I put together a python script that pulled data from challonge on the SCS. I did a quick modification to it to get you the names for every team that has taken part:
SCS: 1 Teams ['Mad Hatters', 'Glowwater Thralls', '404 Clan Not Found', 'TAW', 'Rhino Ryders']
SCS: 2 Teams ['Mad Hatters', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'Sacrilege']
SCS: 3 Teams ['404', 'Ryders', 'Glowwater Thralls']
SCS: 4 Teams ['404', 'Mad Hatters', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'R4ge', 'Mortum In Caelum', 'SIR']
SCS: 5 Teams ['Sacrilege', 'Wolfpack', 'Rydr', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'Raining Tacos', '404', 'SIR']
SCS: 6 Teams ['404', 'Too Inspired to be Tired', 'Thrall/Ryder']
SCS: 7 Teams ['404', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'Rydr', 'Sky-Bible Adventure Club', 'The Flying Dutchmen', 'Butterfly Bandits', 'Sacrilege', 'Clamour']
SCS: 8 Teams ['Cake', 'Rydr', 'Sky Invading Rhinos', 'The Flying Dutchmen', 'Sky-Bible Adventure Club', 'The Flaming Marshmallows', '404']
SCS: 9 Teams ['Sacrilege', '404', 'Cake', 'Grim Reapers', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'Ryders', 'Sky-Bible Adventure Club']
SCS: 10 Teams ['404', 'Sky-Bible Adventure Club', 'Black Cloaks', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'Per Aspera Ad Astra', 'Sacrilege', 'Ryders']
SCS: 11 Teams ['Ryders', 'Sacrilege', 'Grim Reapers', 'OverWater Thralls Watch']
SCS: 12 Teams ['Ryders', 'Grim Reapers', 'Per Aspera Ad Astra', 'Praetorians', 'Glowwater Thralls']
SCS: 13 Teams ['Sacrilege', 'Crimson Sky Rhinos', 'Ryder', 'Grim Reapers']
SCS: 14 Teams ['404', 'Crimson Sky Menace', 'Cake', 'Sacrilege', 'Grim Reapers', 'The Bards', 'Team Sheam', 'Ryders', 'Glowwater Thralls', 'The Praetorians']
SCS: 15 Teams ['Cake', "Shinigami's Song", 'Glowwater Thralls', 'Ryders', '404', 'Sacrilege', 'Holy Roman Army']
SCS: 16 Teams ['404', 'The Praetorians', 'Wind Ryders', 'Thrallalas', 'Holy', 'Storm Ryders']
SCS: 17 Teams ['Wind Ryders', 'A Rag Tag Bunch of Misfits', 'Cake', 'Storm Ryders', 'Mad Hatters', 'Praetorians']
SCS: 18 Teams ['Ryders', 'Mad Hatters', 'A Rag Tag Bunch of Misfits', 'GentWatch', 'Caked Crusaders', 'Praetorians', 'Glowwater Thralls']
SCS: 19 Teams ['Cake', 'Ryders', 'The Tea Timers', 'Mad Hatters', 'Praetorians', '404', 'Glowwater Thralls']
SCS: 20 Teams ['Rydr', 'Mad Hatters', 'The Tea-Timers', 'Praetorians', 'Centurions']
SCS: 21 Teams ['Spooky Potato Quest Rejects', 'Menacing Sky Kittens', 'Ryder', '404', 'Cake', 'Centurions', "Flibustiers d'Icarus"]
SCS: 22 Teams ['Centurions', 'Storm Ryders', 'The Tea-Timers', 'Praetorians', 'Wings of Kittens']
SCS: 23 Teams ['kClan', 'Praetorians', 'Starbard', 'Cake', 'Centurions', "Les Flibustiers d'Icarus", 'Ryders']
SCS: 24 Teams ['Storm Ryders', 'Neverjetne tune resnice', 'Starbard', 'Overwatch Sky Miners', 'blenderfish and metamidion', 'Centurions', 'Hydra']
SCS: 25 Teams ['Overwatch Sky Miners', 'Ryders', 'Strat-o-feare', 'Hydra', 'Beelicious Beeyonnaise', 'Cake', 'Praetorians', 'Centurions']
SCS: 26 Teams ['Ryders', "Jube Jube-Chan's Little Legionaries", 'Starbard', 'Strat-o-feare', 'Genturions', 'Hydra']
SCS: 27 Teams ['BardLOLs', 'Centurions', 'Ryders', 'Star Bubbles', "Les Flibustiers d'Icarus", 'Praetorians', 'Cake']
SCS: 28 Teams ['The Party Hats of Doom', 'WoD', "Les Flibustiers d'Icarus", 'Pandanielmonium', 'Wind Ryders', 'ToverTwatch', 'Centurions', '[Insert name here]']
SCS: 29 Teams ['Ryders', 'Overwatch Sky Miners', 'Wings of Daedalus', 'The Eclairs', 'Centurions', 'Starbard', 'Mad Hatters']
SCS: 30 Teams ['Bards & Co.', 'Ryders', 'WoD', 'Cake', 'Praetorians', 'Mad Hatters', 'Centurions', 'Les Flibustiers', 'kOut']
SCS: 31 Teams ['Mad Hatters', 'The Gregg Wallace Experience', 'Ryders', 'Centurions', 'kOut']
SCS: 32 Teams ['Ryders', 'Illyrian Privateers', 'Clamour', 'Bards & Friends']
SCS: 33 Teams ['Mad Hatters', 'Ryders', 'WoD', 'Clamour', 'Centurions']
SCS: 34 Teams ['Mad Hatters', 'Bards & Friends', 'Clamour', 'Centurions', 'Ryders', 'RiTTer', 'Thomas and the Narcissistic Panda', "Flibustiers d'Icarus"]
SCS: 35 Teams ['Centurions', 'Clamour', 'Praetorians', 'The Elder Gods', 'Starbard', 'Mad Hatters', 'WoD', 'Ryders']
SCS: 36 Teams ['Praetorians', 'Kaktuskumpelz Zweitausenddrei', 'Starbard', 'WoD', 'Mad Hatters', "Les Flibustiers d'Icarus"]
SCS: 37 Teams ['The Trading Troops', 'Centurions', 'Mad Hatters', '404', 'Kaktuskumpelz 2013', 'Ptizans Pact']
SCS: 38 Teams ['Ryders', 'Centurions', '404', 'Starbard', 'WoD', 'Hydra', 'Mad Hatters']
SCS: 39 Teams ['Sord', 'Kaktuskumpelz 2013', 'STARBARD', 'Centurions', 'Clan', 'Hydra']
SCS: 40 Teams ['WoD', 'Catskyders', 'Centurions', 'Praetorians', 'STARBARD', 'Storm Ryders', 'TTea']
SCS: 41 Teams ['Starbard', '404', 'TTea', 'Centurions', 'Catskyders', 'Mad Hatters', 'Watch over Daedalus']
SCS: 42 Teams ['Starbard', 'Crimson Sky Menace', 'Storm Ryders', 'Centurions', 'Catskyders', 'Watch Over Daedalus', 'Clan Clan', 'TTea']
SCS: 43 Teams ['TTea', 'Crimson Sky Menace', 'Centurions', 'Watch Over Daedalus', 'Catskyders', 'The Bard Revival Church', 'Clan Clan', 'Praetorians', '404']
SCS: 44 Teams ['Storm Ryders', 'Centurions', 'The Bards', 'Praetorians', 'TTea']
SCS: 45 Teams ['Catskyders', 'Clan Clan']
SCS: 46 Teams ['Sord', 'Storm Ryders', 'Watch Over Daedalus', 'Catskyders']
SCS: 47 Teams ['Sord', 'Team Stockholm', 'WoD', 'Centurions', 'Catskyders']
SCS: 48 Teams ['Sord', 'Catskyders', 'Illion Consolidated Armored Courier Company', 'Top-Hatters']
SCS: 50 Teams ['Hydra', 'Sord', 'Ryders', 'Illion Consolidated Armored Courier Company']
SCS: 51 Teams ['Illion Consolidated Armored Courier Company', 'Cake', 'Storm Ryders', 'Sord']
SCS: 53 Teams ['Storm Ryders', 'Team Infinite', 'Wave Riders']
SCS: 54 Teams ['Clan Clan', 'Cake', 'Why so Serious']
SCS: 56 Teams ['The Sky Slicers', 'Storm Ryders', 'Clan Clan', 'Brotherduck']
SCS: 57 Teams ['CakeWatch', 'Brotherduck', 'Predators & Ryders', 'Clan Clan']
SCS: 58 Teams ['Rave Storm', 'StormWatch', 'TJKoC']
SCS: 59 Teams ['Stormy Predators', 'Sord', 'Baked & Fancy', 'SeriousWatch', 'Brother Bard']
SCS: 60 Teams ['Poor Sponge Choices', 'Guild Clan', 'Bards & Predators', 'Storm Watch', 'Crimson Sky Menace', 'Serious Brothers']
SCS: 61 Teams ['Storm Ryders','Team Predators','Why So Serious']
SCS: 62 Teams ['Team Predators', 'The Bards', 'Crimson Sky Menace', 'Storm Ryders', 'Clan Clan']
SCS: 63 Teams ['Storm Ryders', 'Skyborne', 'Bards', 'Clan Clan', 'Team Predators']
SCS: 64 Teams ['Crimson Sky Ryders', 'Skyborne']
SCS: 65 Teams ['Song Ryders','Team Predators','Skyborn']
SCS: 66 Teams ['Storm Watch', 'Why So Mad', 'Team Predators', 'The Salty Skyborne', 'Conglomeration of Ian']
Some weeks are missing because there was no SCS that week but that might be worth checking. Hope that is useful and if you want access to the script for other purposes (I use it to compute glicko ratings for the teams), just let me know.