Author Topic: AI spots  (Read 29482 times)

Offline Newbluud

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Re: AI spots
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2015, 04:01:13 pm »
These are situations where a gat on the side of a spire is turned away from the rest of the 'fecta just to shoot at me from the side during set up for the ambush,

that is not an issue. you get a little peppering of gat. But if you actually got what I'm drilling into you. It doesn't even MATTER. You are within effective range, the gat won't do bugger all and the pilot can't do much about you because you've already made it past the defences.

You're commited into the ambush.

The point you're making and is completely ignorable as a legitimate as a complaint. You're just being too thick headed understand that you're making such a big deal over nothing.

If thats your best example then that confirms the weak sauce you're spouting and you're just another person making the same complaint that I hear over and over with a  clear lack of vision for the bigger picture. A picture where being slightly hit during an ambush isn't the end of the world. Where during your positioning period, you're spotted as opposed to everything going aaaaaaall according to plan.

And I'm drilling back that this is not my point. Several gat bullets don't ruin me, the addition few seconds for the enemy to reassess their current situation is. It means that they will not be baited by my ally and it also means they will begin to reposition where they have a better cover of the battlefield. It's especially annoying when I am moving cover to cover with clouds to keep that on the DL. I have lost my flank because they know which direction I am heading when they otherwise shouldn't have. It gives them definite information that they would not have without it.

It is by no means game breaking. It's just a minor annoyance in pub matches during low-population times. The reason this has dragged on is because you have made so many false assumptions about what I am doing and have been desperate to "gotcha" me for your own ego, or whatever it is you hope to gain from it. I mean, you're very quick to insult my intelligence despite me doing no such thing in return. Thankfully, you've limited your assessments of me down to "not seeing the bigger picture", whatever vagueness you mean by that, as opposed to "this guy things his pyramidion can charge a brawl galleon's broadside hyuck hyuck what a scrub xDDDD".

I don't expect things to go all according to plan, and I can take hiccups. I just wish that it was human error on my part or foresight on the enemy's part that causes the need to adapt, not some bullshit orange goon having x-ray vision.

But whatever, I'll take on board that perhaps I shouldn't trust clouds as much as I do, despite them not failing me apart from in situations where the AI has outed me to the human opposition. It may be good practice for me to be not so risky when positioning, as I do get very very close before committing. I don't know whether it's a squid thing or not, but the option of escape is always there with the right tools and stamina usage.

However, add to your tally or "internet arguments won" because this is just going to get personal. It was as soon as it became less about the AI's functionality and more about you declaring that I'm just too bad to get it.