Author Topic: General guidelines for new players.  (Read 37890 times)

Offline High King Thorgrim

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General guidelines for new players.
« on: July 11, 2015, 09:09:09 pm »
I play from time to time with new players and figured I would post things that new players often do wrong. See these tips as general guidelines and not rules or laws. I will update this thread as soon as I recall more things. Spelling is bad i know too lazy to fix.

1. Spot the enemy using your spyglass. this makes it easier for captains to coordinate and maneuver. Fighting an unspotted squid sucks. Oh and it makes it easier for crews to shoot.

2. Do not use lochnagar in manticore...yet. The day may come when lochnagar rocket is useful but today is not the day. (yes this happened today or yesterday)

3. Faster ship launches it attack from the slower ship. What i mean by this is for example if a galleon and squid is flying toghether the squid can not just fly into the enemy thinking the galleon will provide fast fire support. Squid should instead launch attacks from the galleon like some kind of mothership and its fighters.

4. Recomend loadouts. it is easy and one of the best things Muse has ever bestowed on the game.

5. Keep an opened mind. Too many have tested their builds in novice matches or low level matches and handed out smackdowns to everyone which leads them to think their build is the best in the world. Often it might not be so.

6. Do not blindly follow more experienced players. While they are often correct some still have a bit too learn (usually the right ammo loadouts).

7. Lead targets. This usually comes with experience but this is aboslutely vital.

8. Burst ammo is not the utlimate 1337 ammo for every gun possible. Yes it gives you more ammot but it actually lowers dps for certain guns.

9.Do not mic spam ever, which includes music spamming and what not even if you see high level music notes people do it. I am quite merciful but a lot of people will never remove you from their blocklist once they have put you there.

10. Do as your captain says. I have been crewing for newer captains and i disagree with a lot of things they tell me but i still do it. Basically even if you do not think it is correct it is their ship and they want you to do it so just do it. Who knows you might even learn something.

I will edit this post if i find any new things to write down.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 09:16:28 pm by High King Thorgrim »

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2015, 11:09:21 pm »
Spotting ships is always the top priority. Quickly switch to spyglass and spam click. Never shoot an unspotted ship if it can be spotted.

Never shoot a damaged gun that isn't on cooldown. If your gun is damaged, even in the middle of shooting, immediately get off and repair. This is the number 1 mistake players make on guns. Similarly, never sit on a gun while it reloads EVEN if it's at full health. Repair, chem, and buff. If you're near other components and the reload is long enough then go to them every reload. For some positions you will periodically leave your gun to chem components even if the reload isn't long enough. As a general rule use engi stamina to run to your gun or broken component, don't over or under-use stamina.

As pilot use plenty of tools and never be afraid to burn kerosene. Use stamina when you first spawn to get a boost, and to turn or go vertical. Save up stamina for the important maneuvers and use it to supplement tools not replace them. The R F throttle keys don't work, I recommend the mouse buttons. Standard pilot loadout is kerosene hydrogen and phoenix claw. Hydro lasts 3 seconds so only turn it on for a fraction of a second and hold up.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 11:28:52 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline High King Thorgrim

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2015, 07:18:16 am »
Oh can't modify so i will just post here.

11. One engine is better than none Do not burn out engines with pilot tools.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2015, 10:16:16 am »
When engineering on a goldfish, the turning engines are often forgotten, keep an eye on your surroundings and split the work load with your fellow engineer by communicating who will repair what in the lobby or at the start of the match.

Double gunners will struggle to keep up with repairs and bring very few benefits to the ship, it is better to have an engineer dedicated to shooting. Though he shouldn't forget to do his repair cycles on reloads!

Damaged guns do less damage, keep it repaired!

Communication and cooperation are the keys to success! If you're unwilling to communicate with your team and co-operate with them, even on a basic level, you can only expect to loose.

Chem spray is very powerful against fire weapons, assuming you don't forget to use it before taking fire.

Guides and hints and tips do exist, don't be afraid to read a bit, it gives you something to do while in Match Maker.

Crew should always check what their pilot intends to bring in the lobby. Pilots should always tell their crew if they are going to change ship! The last thing you want is a gunner loaded out to shoot a mine launcher when you're bringing a heavy carronade!

Pilots should communicate and agree on targets. Try to prioritise the biggest threat or fastest kill, depending on your ship loadouts.

If someone in the lobby is telling you "that's a bad idea" they're not insulting you, they're trying to help.

Being stubborn about being a gunner does not make you look cool, it just leads to being blocked and pissing people off. Its better to make friends and cooperate with the people you're going to play with rather than loose hope of making friends.

Winning is fun, but its not everything, some of the most fun matches come from being in a lobby with friends and being silly. (Munkers only, galleon only minotaurs, harpoons only.) so make friends in this awesome community!

Racism is never acceptable, regardless of what colour you claim to be.

Creeping girls will never get you laid or make you look like a man.

Let your team mates communicate their plans, we all like a chat but sometimes too much talking can make it harder for your team.

Don't be mean to newer players who may be learning, there is a difference between a learner and a fool.

Pilots should consider the difficulty of their weapons when loading out their crew. If you have a crew of newbies who have never shot Hades and Lumberjack before, consider wether you want to get a win or give them a taste of the tough guns.
And on the flip side
Practice mode is great for practicing those hard to shoot guns if you've never shot them before, don't be scared to use the practice mode to learn the guns so you're not un-prepared. After all, practice makes perfect.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 10:21:48 am by Kamoba »

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2015, 12:33:29 pm »

Being stubborn about being a gunner does not make you look cool, it just leads to being blocked and pissing people off. Its better to make friends and cooperate with the people you're going to play with rather than loose hope of making friends.

Winning is fun, but its not everything, some of the most fun matches come from being in a lobby with friends and being silly. (Munkers only, galleon only minotaurs, harpoons only.) so make friends in this awesome community!

Racism is never acceptable, regardless of what colour you claim to be.

Creeping girls will never get you laid or make you look like a man.

Don't be mean to newer players who may be learning, there is a difference between a learner and a fool.

I don't mean to intrude your display of etiquette Kamoba but I think it would be great if you made a seperate thread for the words I've quoted above before this thread derails from "Things new players should know to get better" to "Things people should know to be a better person"

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2015, 01:40:39 pm »
Gunners are usually useless. Buffed guns OP

Offline Kamoba

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2015, 02:07:29 pm »

Being stubborn about being a gunner does not make you look cool, it just leads to being blocked and pissing people off. Its better to make friends and cooperate with the people you're going to play with rather than loose hope of making friends.

Winning is fun, but its not everything, some of the most fun matches come from being in a lobby with friends and being silly. (Munkers only, galleon only minotaurs, harpoons only.) so make friends in this awesome community!

Racism is never acceptable, regardless of what colour you claim to be.

Creeping girls will never get you laid or make you look like a man.

Don't be mean to newer players who may be learning, there is a difference between a learner and a fool.

I don't mean to intrude your display of etiquette Kamoba but I think it would be great if you made a seperate thread for the words I've quoted above before this thread derails from "Things new players should know to get better" to "Things people should know to be a better person"

Being someone who plays more Novice matches than pub matches, I thought I'd just target the most common things I see in Novice matches.
Its shocking just how vile the lobbies are in Novice sometimes... And lets face it, this game is so heavily community based that being a better person is being better at this game 8)

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2015, 11:48:24 pm »
If the Hades Lumberjack or Mine you are shooting is within arm range, immediately reload if you have a closer range ammo.

Chem lasts for its 5 second cooldown + 2 mallet hits + 2 seconds. Two mallets then chem.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 11:56:47 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Koali

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2015, 01:06:53 am »
Gunners are usually useless. Buffed guns OP

Ouch... Pies, it feels like you beat gunners over the head with blunt objects on a regular basis.

Scratch that.

Muse beats gunners over the head with blunt objects. It seems they misunderstood our request to buff gunners. Instead, they just made us buff the guns themselves.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 01:08:45 am by Koali »

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2015, 02:18:12 am »
Unless you need more than one ammo type for utility or are planning on fully utilizing the extra arcs from gunner stamina, don't bring a gunner. Spanner mallet buff engineer repairs better, buffs components, and does significantly more damage. Your gunner is likely a liability not an asset.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2015, 02:24:35 am »
Unless you need more than one ammo type for utility or are planning on fully utilizing the extra arcs from gunner stamina, don't bring a gunner. Spanner mallet buff engineer repairs better, buffs components, and does significantly more damage. Your gunner is likely a liability not an asset.

This ^

Also the mentality behind gunners is something I am growing to disdain more and more, thus i like.gunners less on a daily basis.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2015, 08:17:47 pm »
1. Bind map to the button you can actually press easily like left shift or Q

2. Look at the map

3. Seriously




6. Gunner should also help in repairs if possible. You can't imagine how much shit you can do in between reloads, especially if you're using heavy gun.

7. Seriously, the map thing, though.

9. Always stay close to your allies and attack the same target. This "trick" (or, as I would say, common-fuckmothering-sense) will make you at least 100% more effective

10. Now you notice there was no point 8. It was on the map.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2015, 02:26:20 am »
Rebind your keys. I recommend trying shift ctrl for voice chat, mouse buttons for throttle, and map button close like C. Use the map. As captain press B (default) to target ships.

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2015, 11:48:06 am »
'I don't mean to intrude your display of etiquette Kamoba but I think it would be great if you made a seperate thread for the words I've quoted above before this thread derails from "Things new players should know to get better" to "Things people should know to be a better person"'

I have to disagree Keb. This is a core part of the social challenge in the game. There are plenty of reasonable gunners, pilots and engineers who win less often than they could because they don't attract good crew members and team mates to play with. Winning more frequently is pretty much the definition of being better at a game. If you want to win in a game in which communication and co-operation are central then tips that amount to 'be less of an asshole' are excellent advice.

Even if you were a sociopathic lunatic who hated every person ever for absurd bigoted reasons you will still do better in GoI if you treat other players with respect.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 11:50:33 am by nanoduckling »

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: General guidelines for new players.
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2015, 01:19:09 pm »
'I don't mean to intrude your display of etiquette Kamoba but I think it would be great if you made a seperate thread for the words I've quoted above before this thread derails from "Things new players should know to get better" to "Things people should know to be a better person"'

I have to disagree Keb. This is a core part of the social challenge in the game. There are plenty of reasonable gunners, pilots and engineers who win less often than they could because they don't attract good crew members and team mates to play with. Winning more frequently is pretty much the definition of being better at a game. If you want to win in a game in which communication and co-operation are central then tips that amount to 'be less of an asshole' are excellent advice.

Even if you were a sociopathic lunatic who hated every person ever for absurd bigoted reasons you will still do better in GoI if you treat other players with respect.

I think you misunderstood my point here. Assuming everyone shares similiar views with Kamoba, this thread may eventually turn into a cluster of gameplay tips and social etiquette. I do think it has a place considering the name of the thread implies "general" guidelines and I definitely support it. My intention isnt to trivialize the social contract's importance, rather I'd like to filter the two categories into seperate threads so that the readers can get a more efficient flow of information. I can't memorize every gameplay tip if there's a "be nice" between every line.