Damn, I leave five minutes to fly a munker and look at this mess
First, thank you very much for the replies :-) Most of the people here has been around for a while so i thought that maybe the point of view of a newbie as myself could be useful. If you make a comparison between the first month and fourth month you will notice as I did how many things changed in my priorities and perception of the game.
for all of the discussion regarding "the silent crew", I actually enjoy it a lot and I thought it was clear. When everybody knows what to do and all you need are brief, precise exchanges of information, it is a beauty to behold. The same goes for chatty ships where you end up talking about European Politics using a spire's loadout as an example.
All in all, my aim regarding tournament and competitive must be seen in light of all the other comments i made here and there. What i want is to see people having fun and striving for perfection, taking advantage of the fluid background of a game that, regardless of inevitable limits and flaws, is a labor of love and a great way for spending online hours.