KNTG Polygon"It's not a bug - it's a feature!"Hello;
We are a small, closed clan, having it's roots in
Warsaw University of Technology,
to be more specific -
Scientific Society of Game Developers Polygon(roughly the only translation for the full name that comes to my mind).
Our main targets are having
fuckload of fun and sheer slaughter.
As already mentioned, we are closed group of students and game developers - we all know each other,
and fight together; all of those guys were trained in basics and more complicated aspects of the game
by myself - one player at once.
This also means that we do
NOT recruit people from outside.
What to expect from a player with [KNTG] clan tag:- My cogs know basic drill - they still need to train to be efficient,
but they're learning
- My cogs know what tool combination should they use, understand and accept the idea
of tool, ammo and gun efficiency,
- My cogs are being taught how to use meta builds effectively (gat-mortar most likely)
- My cogs understand (mostly) that they MUST communicate with the rest of the crew
and ask captain for orders, hints, whatever,
- My cogs should NOT be underestimated - despite having low levels they are good enough
to fight your ships of so called pathetic "good players"
- They might not be the most polite, but they understand the idea of co-op...
- ...And contrary to most russians I've met in game - they are taught to not use other language than
english in international company
- You can be absolutely certain he will be an intelligent, and good asset.
- And don't be surprised if gunner lvl 12 and less fucks you up with heavy flak shot from 1.5 km.
Members:Leader and Grand Teacher:
vel WintermuteOfficers: Gaello, Hordex (Lesser Teacher)
Regular members:meffcio
Noob membersJano.
Our allies, and partners in combat:- Super Satanic Squirrels (most notable: Mr.Disaster, alko., Black Sabbath)
And remember:
Most of my clan may play rarely, very rarely, and have low levels; but they are far
more dangerous than regular players their level/matches played.
And when we fly as one crew, you should be really.
Fucking.Cautious.Heed this warning.
And Clear Skies.