Author Topic: The recruiment of Monkeneers!  (Read 22759 times)


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The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« on: May 25, 2015, 08:14:28 pm »

We are a brand new clan Sea Monkeys who at the moment is dedicated in trying to help out the newest members by giving them a common place of knowledge. None of the current members are very experienced in the game as of now, and we hope that because of this it will be easier to get to know new members, as we are all in the same skill level.

In general, we are here to be an easy transition into the game to give what knowledge we have to any one who needs it. Our main concern is that you are active in the games community and that you are overall an amiable person.

We hope that you join us, both new players to better learn the game and old players to help better teach those of us who are still new to this community

Your Captain,

of the Sea Monkeys


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We need you!
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 09:09:14 pm »
Hello Fellow Pilots and Crew members,

I wish to make it clear that though we are a young clan we have already learned much about this game. As both the main captain of our ships and also the leader of the clan I am currently the brain behind our clan. I wish that we have more senior members of the community join with us or at least contact me to help with the many problems we may encounter. Though I do wish to have a small family at the time being to keep everything simple and friendly I do hope and wish that this family will grow and continue to expand much further.

In the end my goal is simple, create a community where the old can teach and the new can learn.

Thank You,

Your Captain

Beastlymonkey of Sea Monkeys


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Wordly Affairs
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2015, 04:13:02 am »
Hello Fellow Pilots and Crew Members,

I have run into a sort of problem. Though the clan is still small I have realized both the mistake and hopefully the solution to opening our clan to both America and European users.

Time is a tricky business, and I would hate turning down people just because they operate on a different time zone than I. So my solution ,which is entirely community based, is to find more UK English speaking players. Now I obviously can not coerce anyone to joining our clan nor do I want to. What I want to do is find more players willing to join us for the learning and teaching experience, so far we are all newish members who have at max about 20 hours of game play. Which in essence is a decent amount, enough to know the ships, the guns, and how everything works.

So in the end, I'm not to picky, if you have a grasp on the English language and are able to communicate and find friends within the clan then I am more than happy to have you aboard my ship. If you are a great leader or a great follower then wonderful. If you can not lead or have a hard time following we will teach you.

P.S. I'd truly love it if someone were to reply to this thread than myself, give me some insight on what I am doing right and what I am doing wrong. Without questions how can I answer problems.

Thank You,

Your Captain

Beastlymonkey of Sea Monkeys

« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 04:15:04 am by BEASTLYMONKEY »

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2015, 04:20:09 am »
I run a pretty major clan. You seem to be doing everything right. Best way to get members is to make some friends. Most clans are that, anyway. Play a few matches with people you don't know, and get to know them. Ask if they wanna join your clan if you guys get along. From your detailed posts, you seem nice and dedicated, and I hope you guys do well in the future. It's always nice to see new clans spring up, especially when they're filled with good people

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2015, 05:24:31 am »
Hello and welcome to GoI. Good luck assembling your clan.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2015, 05:51:42 am »
Hey Monkey!
I think you're doing good so far!
I used to run guilds myself, as far back as when Ultima Online released guild systems, in that time I ran multiple guilds clans and got involved in communities, from tight knit guilds of a few spies and assassins, up to large raid guilds on World of Warcraft, and other guilds in lord of the rings, and from this plus my goio experience I will offer you a few things I find important to keep in mind! :)

Don't take on all the responsibility by yourself! This will only burn you out, work on finding out who in your clan can be officers, get one (very nice and social person) to work on recruitment, in a small community like guns, its good to make sure the recruiter does not stick to only playing with clan mates and never  anyone else, they need to be meeting the players in pub matches and making friends. Dedicate another guy to trainer/teacher someone who knows the game well enough to answer questions, and is willing to spend their time showing, explaining and demonstrating the things they are asked about, they need not be a genius on the game, just know the basics. :)
Dedicate another to events and event arrangement's, the event organiser should be someone with a lot of respect from other clan members, and has good organisational skills or at least someone who has everyone on steam so they can PM every member times of events, and they should have good initiative to not just think of things, but to make those things happen.

Trying to take that all on by yourself is a big task, obviously depending on the size of your clan, and what directions you want to take will influence which roles I suggested you'd use. If you're after a clan with just friends and casual play, you'll not need an event organiser, and trainers will not really be needed.
If you're aiming to go competitive, then you'll want a system that works for you, and I usually find delegating the hardest and most time consuming tasks the.most important...

Good luck monkey!


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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2015, 07:17:34 am »

Well, I'm going to say I am quite surprised in a very giddy manner. Had this post up for a few days now and I have been the only one who has said something on it. Ask for suggestions and well, I got them.

First off, thank you all for both answering the questions I had and I guess well greeting me to the game in general. I'll definitely try to keep from going insane by finding a guild officer. I think I'm gonna try to spend this week finding friends in each of the game I partake in and see if they are willing to join in the clan.

I think the biggest problem I am going to run into is that I will be heading off for vacation in a few days that may take me out of action fr a couple of weeks. So it may seem that I am being hypocritical  especially if I forget to say anything before.

Again Thank You All,

Your Captain

Beastlymonkey of Sea Monkeys

« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 07:20:34 am by BEASTLYMONKEY »

Offline Tinker Belle

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2015, 11:31:01 am »
Sing me up

Was a lot of fun flying with you guys and I am always for "teaching > bashing" especially as many swabbies already are at each others throats  :(

I'll contact you in game.


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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2015, 07:24:58 pm »

Glad you decided to join and welcome of course to our clan. We are getting lots of new recruits recently so our clan is growing quite rapidly. I hope to get to play with each one of you in game and potentially talk more about your member ship and such.

As the clan grows more and more plans have begun to sprout. The question of competitive play has began to surface and I can honestly say that I have no idea how to even begin to advance toward that goal. Do I want to see casual play? Of course! Do I want to see competitive play? Why not!? At the moment we are still too small and young to be having such ambitious goals. However I would love to see both of these play styles to part in our clan, for now though we will just continue to focus on casual game play and teaching the basics to any new crew member.

Again, I hope to see you all in game and as it stands now we currently have about 6 American players and 4 European players. I may actually be wrong about this as I am dreadful with numbers. In any case the split is fairly even so we got players on at all times of the day. I typically don't sleep so I may be able to join everyone some time or another

Thank You All,

Your Captain

Beastlymonkey of Sea Monkeys

Offline Tinker Belle

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2015, 04:36:22 am »
Beastly is still on vacation and I'm pretty lonely.  :'(

JOIN...when he is back, but if you are interested or you just look for someone weird to fly with:

Feel free to contact me / add me as friend.

While Beastly is from..whereever dragons live, my timezone is civilized european.

Your lonely and sad...saaaad.....SAAAAD!!!!!! *roar*

Offline Kamoba

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2015, 05:52:49 am »
You're free to poke me if ever I'm online, been a while since we played together, at least four days now!

Offline The Mann

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2015, 11:43:39 am »
You're free to poke me if ever I'm online, been a while since we played together, at least four days now!

I miss you already. only been 8 hours  :P

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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2015, 09:54:54 am »
not sky monkeys...

I can arrange the sea part.


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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2015, 12:35:47 pm »
Hello Fellow Crew,

I am back! My vacation was much longer then I expected and it seems that many of my previous clans men have also left the game ( hopefully not for good). In any case I do plan on trying to be online every other day to oversee things and play games with everyone. What I did not to before I left was promote any one, so this time if I find anyone who I enjoy as a person they will be promoted. In all honesty I am looking to the EU side of things as I can oversee the US side, and that person will be able to look out for the EU.

On the issue of inactivity however. I made the rule that after a single month of no game play I'd be forced to kick you from our clan, of course you are able to rejoin at any given time. I feel it's almost unfair as I was gone for twenty days or so and it seems that many lost the inclination to play. In any case I will still follow with my removing of the inactive, I hope to see that you return to my clan when you return back to the world of Guns of Icarus.

As always I am looking for new friendly faces and I hope to see you all in game, I have a crew to rebuild. Good luck and have fun.

Sincerely Yours,

The Captain

Beastlymonkey of Sea Monkeys
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 12:52:45 pm by BEASTLYMONKEY »


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Re: The recruiment of Monkeneers!
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2015, 07:40:57 pm »
Dear Fellow Crew members,

I went through and removed all inactive players. I'm sorry if this is you but you can feel free to rejoin, just know that I will remove all players who have exceeded a month of inactivity.

I promoted Tinkerbelle to officer to further hold onto the reigns of our clan, and also to insure that we would have someone on most of the time. I have increased in my activity as well, and am no longer on every day, but I will try to make it a point to be on at least once a week. I will also make it a goal to check up on these here forums for further news and updates.

In the mean time I hope my fallen comrades will rejoin us, and I hope to see new faces as well.

Thank You,

Your Captain

Beastlymonkey of Sea Monkeys