Author Topic: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel  (Read 31052 times)

Offline Indreams

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Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:12:08 pm »
Let's talk Banshee Light Rocket Carousel.

I love this gun. I've even had it show up in my dreams once (where I was a crew on a mobula. I detached the banshee so I can shoot backward at a horde of chasing Pyramidions). But you know where it doesn't show up? In my ship load outs...

Its just that, when I try to use it for something, there's a gun better at that "something" than the banshee. For example, if I wanted explosive dama wge for when armor goes red, Flak, Mortar, and Artemis works far better. If I wanted ranged fire, I'm putting a Hades on my ship. If I wanted a snipe, Mercury or Artemis or even heavy gatling...

How can I make Banshee work on my ship?

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 07:56:47 pm »
Work with what the banshee delivers. It adds alot of fire, and it does explosive.

You could pretty much combine it WITH hades, and you will automaticly cause chaos to everyship if they arent ready (Or in pub game).
You could use it as your fire maker, which in turn also is a killer weapon.

So lets say on a squid, if you usually use, gattling flamer, you could make it gattling banshee. Use the banshee for the effect of fire, but it will kill whenever it fires an unarmored ship.

Usually on my spire, i tend to have 2 light flaks or something else depending on build. When i switch it to banshees, we dont kill as fast but its much safer for me as a pilot to jump on it fire a bunch of shots and go back. Same goes for the gunner, and the effect allows for firing when the armor is up or down.

Offline Carn

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 08:04:16 pm »
I was on a highly successful spire build that had a banshee and heavy flak below. In the time it took for the flak to reload I was able to go and empty a full clip of the banshee.

Offline Lieutenant Noir

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2015, 01:45:53 am »
Good arcs
Fast turn speed
Multi-range capabilities
No projectile Arc so easy to shoot (I think it's because it's particle)
No arming time (so they can't get close to make it's shots ineffective)

Tiny explosive damage (Takes too long to kill them)
Inferior fire stacking to flamer (Why not use a flamer dummy)

In terms of Hull break

Its a matter of preference really, on my meta junker I found that the enemy would easily run away from mortar shots (since the projectile speed is so slow) on the gat mortar combo and it frustrated me to no end. Then I tried light flak but they would just stick close to avoid it's arming time. Then I tried Artemis, and they flew up to avoid it's arcs -_-. I then tried the Banshee and well... it wasn't great but I eventually killed them. The fire damage added pressure on their armor repairs and it gave me enough time to get the front Artemis in arc. The Mortar could have probably finished him off had my crew mate led his mortar shots a bit more but I said the same thing on the gat mortar squid and the banshee took the mortar's place.
Honestly though I just wanted shots to hit and be effective. It's easy to shoot, hard to escape from, and after the first armor break, you don't need to wait for armor break.

In terms of ranged flames

The Banshee has no arming time and so you can use it in close range and long range. It has good arcs so the enemy is going to have a hard time escaping from it, and you can chase with it as well (since it has decent side arcs). It has no arming time, so provided you have close range weaponry...... Ok, so I'm basically comparing it to the Hades and repeating myself.....umm

Ok, I have an example. I have a full disable Junker.
It has double Artemis on port, front banshee, and double carro starboard. It has disable on both sides but both sides have guns with weird arcs and different ranges. The banshee has good arcs so you can angle yourself to avoid enemy arcs while all three guns are still shooting and it has multi range capabilities. Once the Artemis breaks components at range, those take time to rebuild and in that time chem sprays won't be applied.... Banshee applies fire to neglected components at range. The carronades will break everything except the hull health but the banshee has explosive.... Banshee breaks hull health and applies fire to make sure components don't stay up for very long.
It's not that effective but the banshee has a place on this ship and I don't think another gun can replace it.

If you need to apply fire at long and short range then banshee it up but make sure you have something to break the hull or components as well. You want something to break chem spray rotations.
I would say try use it on a Hwatcha or Blender fish, both disable and work well with fire. Also if you need to hit below when an enemy tries to avoid your heavy carro arcs, a banshee can be just the range and pressure that you need while you get the heavy carro in arc.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 02:02:45 am by Lieutenant Noir »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 02:47:38 am »
Give it explosive damage comparable to the old LF. Not in each shot but the entire clip. Old LF had 4-5 shots. Not as powerful as mortar but was perfect for quick hitting and accuracy, even with the spread. What mortar would do in 1 clip, LF would do in 2 but many pilots swore by LF because it was just more versatile and better with break timing.

So take that overall damage and spread it out over the 8+ shots on the Shee. So it would take about 1.5-2 clips to do what a mortar would. Done. Shee would be in loadouts again. LF would be forever forgotten as the great weapon that Muse ruined.

Then Muse adds an arming timer and ruins it...again. would be nice if Muse buffed something to fit in the cqc but quick hitting area like the LF used to be. But I'm so afraid of them adding more arming timers that I just think we'd be better off nuke and paving. Make new guns, forget these exist.

Sad that I can see them justifying arming timers on Shees too. They'd probably give it a huge fire burst when it impacts. Big AOE fire spread dealie, then give it an arming timer to balance. You'd go "zomg awesomesauce!" then you'd see the arming timer and cry quietly in a corner.

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2015, 03:41:50 am »
 It's a good all-around weapon, nice arcs, diverse range, easy to hit. And since the (completely uncalled for) pyra hull nerf it can also wreck ships.

Hard numbers (thank you llamatron), a buffed greased banshee can unload in 3.1 seconds, doing 675 hull damage, which (assuming good timing and accuracy) is enough to:
- kill pyra hull.
- kill junker hull with 2 rockets to spare.
- leave mobula at 25 hull health
- leave a galleon half dead.

Also one clip of banshee kills about 1/3 of a balloon just from direct damage, might be useful coupled with a light carronade.

Offline Extirminator

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Offline SapphireSage

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2015, 09:12:03 am »
Personally, I'm a rather big fan of the carousel and there are a few builds where the carousel is a fairly effective tool such as:

Kill/disable squid:
Gat front/ carousel side/ carro rear.
This allows for kill focused front/right and balloon disables with rear.

Brawling type mobula:
You can use either gats below/ carousel top and right wing OR gats on hull below and right wing with balloon mortar and carousel top.
The placement of these weapons means that the gunner will primarily be using the right wing gun while the top carousel can be used by the pilot if the enemy cannot maneuver out of the way while their hull breaks.

Brawling Spire:
Dual gats top with Hwacha/carousel below
Greased carousel firing time syncs nicely with Hwacha reloads allowing the gunner to effectively use both guns below at near full efficiency while the two engis are up top focusing the gatlings. Alternatively you can swap the right gat with the left carousel and have an engi downstairs while pilot uses the carousel though its a bit less efficient.

"Meta" Junker:
Gat mortar right side/ Either triple carousel OR Hades double carousel left side
Triple banshee is easier and can decently take balloons down allowing for somewhat of balloon control at long range with light guns. Alternatively, Hades double carousel can threaten a lot of fires while putting a hammering on balloon and hulls; however, its really difficult to be able to put and keep all 3 in arcs considering there is only a 5 degree overlap.

Side banshees have also been very useful for the gat/carro pyra for quicker kills via the hull engi.
There's also a somewhat silly Pyra by using incendiary gat/ double greased banshee pyra. You would be surprised at how easy it would be to 8 stack an unprepared weapon with that. Of course it's very vulnerable to chem sprayed ships so its better to bring a gunner with incendiary and greased for that occasion.

The main thing to take advantage of is its fast turn rate/ high arcs/ and quick fire rate. The fact that it can do somewhat decent at balloons and start a few fires is more a bonus on top of those advantages.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2015, 11:07:01 am »
Banshee seems to work fine as the side gun of a Squid, Pyramidion and Blenderfish. Its arcs and high projectile speed make it superior to other explosive guns in these loadouts, in my opinion.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 11:26:58 am by Dementio »

Offline Indreams

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2015, 11:32:55 am »
Hmm,.. Since Flamethrower got nerfed, I think I'll try side banshee on a goldfish. Should cause similar havoc.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2015, 12:46:24 pm »
Hmm,.. Since Flamethrower got nerfed, I think I'll try side banshee on a goldfish. Should cause similar havoc.

It will cause much less havoc than the new flame but has the advantage of a very short empty time (greased) and much higher hull dps as well as increased range. I wouldn't recommend as the main side on hwatcha fish only blender and possibly lumber. Btw banshee is a raycast gun.

I've seen it used to great effect as the pilot gun on spire for mid and close range. A classic brawl spire loadout is gat banshee top. Banshee can be used at longer range then greased gat while pilot hops on banshee.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2015, 05:21:28 pm »
Yeah I got a friend of mine to switch his fish to side Shee from flame and he's liked it a bit more. He misses the old flame sure but having more kill power helps.

Offline Lieutenant Noir

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2015, 06:32:44 pm »
You can still use it as a main side gun on the hwatcha but it depends on your playstyle.
If I see an ally playing ranged, I play ranged by landing a Heavy clip hwatcha volley and then spraying a few banshees to pick up any excess red crosses and start any fires on freshly rebuilt hull.
I do this so I don't get in front of his arcs and in case any other enemy ship tries to sneak up on him, I'll counter them.

Also at close range I usually have something to strip armor on the other side like a greased Carronade or Gatling (I prefer carronade since new players don't know how to hit hull Q_Q). The banshee doesn't add as much fire as a flamer and so not very useful in armor break/ disable but is useful for hull break. At close range, once I see armor break on carronade shots, I switch over to the banshee. The non-chemed armor will set on fire to ensure it stays down, while hull break on both guns work their magic.

I don't know, some people like to have just flamer and gatling so you have double armor strip and kill with Hwatcha. Probably just my weird passive aggresive playstyle and having to have a Difecta with everything....
Play with what works and experiment with everything, your playstyle will tell you what feels right. I'm sure a banshee will impress you just when you least expect it.

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2015, 03:38:08 am »
Double shee gat Pyra trifector  ;). Like the hades double art trifector but for closer range and you can also use it on the side of Carronade flamer Pyras. The arc and quick rof make it perfect.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2015, 03:59:27 am »
Still can't get a ranged heavy clip hwacha to do a lick of good now since the change. I use burst. Just wait longer before firing. Does a lot more than heavy does. But yeah, old routine was heavy clip ranged then switch to burst close.

Grey that works as long as the Pyra doesn't fold up before it gets the trifecta. Zomg I got another gat kill the other day on a Pyra. Used to be rare or it would happen when under fire from 2 ships. Lots of damage and all. Now...picking away, getting ready to turn for mortar arc...nope, gat kill. Moving on. Granted it was weak at the time but we unloaded a few clips in it while it was taring to prevent my attack angle.

It wouldn't be so bad if the poor thing could turn like it used to back in classic days. Then weak hull + adequate turning would be a good combo in an experienced pilot's hands. Actually give me a good fight like Brick used to. Even with stamina they are like galleons but without the broadside to watch for. See that is where a good galleon pilot can get a squid. Just use the squid's speed against it. Eventually it will have to slip through a gun arc. I'll often save some evasion to do just that to mitigate the potential dmg. Better to get hit by a few rockets than a whole clip. Vet gunners are rough because they watch for it and even a couple of rockets could cripple with their placement. But its just a risk that sometimes has to be taken if a galleon pilot tries to tango with a squid.