Author Topic: A "ranked" event..  (Read 10145 times)

Offline Caprontos

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A "ranked" event..
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:22:26 pm »
The idea if for another event like bounty hunter.. Time limit and stuff could be longer or shorter depending on what seems better..

The general idea is... During the event everyone gets a second MMR.. This MMR starts at 0, when the event starts and resets when the event ends.. for the next time.. It is visible and acts just like normal MMR though during the event..

Then whoever at the end of the event has the highest MMR, would win.. Perhaps some "brackets" to make it a little more fair to lower level people to still have the ability to win.. (Levels don't mean anything sure but.. They do a little?)..

The second MMR can be named something else for the purpose of the event of course..

Do you think this can work? Maybe with some changes/limits? Feel free to suggest..

The side benefit of this event is, we can see how MMR actually works with out showing us our actual MMR..

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: A "ranked" event..
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 06:34:10 pm »
What's going to stop people from lobby farming wins by private forming? People do have more than one account.

Offline Riggatto

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Re: A "ranked" event..
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 12:45:50 am »
What's going to stop people from lobby farming wins by private forming? People do have more than one account.
Basic ethics? I guess that isn't a thing that exists anymore

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: A "ranked" event..
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2015, 09:08:16 am »
Nice idea, and folks wont be able to farm wins very effectively if you use something like MMR because those kinds of ratings only change substantially in response to unexpected outcomes. If you were to set up a burn account, repeatedly smash it in a custom lobby your MMR would go up a bit, but you would suffer serious diminishing returns because the burn accounts MMR would drop to the point where new matches against it (which weren't losses) wouldn't change your rating much.

The problem is that long term the visible MMR of this new system would end up matching your actual MMR, which Muse have tried to keep secret. That plus the underdog system is enough information for me to reverse engineer how the matchmaker works which Muse have said they don't want happening (technically I could do it now with the underdog system by keeping a hand tally of results in game, but in practical terms this is a lot of effort).

One way to avoid this would be to have the tournament be short, since then the tournament MMR is less informative, but then the tournament MMR is less informative.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: A "ranked" event..
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2015, 07:34:11 pm »
Nice idea, and folks wont be able to farm wins very effectively if you use something like MMR because those kinds of ratings only change substantially in response to unexpected outcomes. If you were to set up a burn account, repeatedly smash it in a custom lobby your MMR would go up a bit, but you would suffer serious diminishing returns because the burn accounts MMR would drop to the point where new matches against it (which weren't losses) wouldn't change your rating much.

The problem is that long term the visible MMR of this new system would end up matching your actual MMR, which Muse have tried to keep secret. That plus the underdog system is enough information for me to reverse engineer how the matchmaker works which Muse have said they don't want happening (technically I could do it now with the underdog system by keeping a hand tally of results in game, but in practical terms this is a lot of effort).

One way to avoid this would be to have the tournament be short, since then the tournament MMR is less informative, but then the tournament MMR is less informative.

Well mostly it was just another idea I had for more bounty hunter like events.. Basically in game events that just happen regularly..

So there would have to be a time limit, so it ends in a reasonable space of time.. and even if it did match our real MMR, within a month (or whatever was the events length).. We wouldn't know so its not really important to much.. But would let you see what MMR does at some level which could be nice.. While adding another side objective you could chose to pursue..

As for cheating.. Is only so much people can do about it. Depending how MMR works it may not be an issue (as the above post says).. I'd like to assume it wouldn't be a big issue with our current community.. If it seemed like someone was actually cheating.. It could probably be looked into and dealt with..

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: A "ranked" event..
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2015, 09:33:18 am »
What's going to stop people from lobby farming wins by private forming? People do have more than one account.
Basic ethics? I guess that isn't a thing that exists anymore

and no... if you want ranked.. it has to be more integrated with the game meta. underdog is a good first step towards this.

If only it worked as intended. If underdog worked correctly, win/loss ratio ranking would actually work. On paper at least.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 09:35:42 am by Maximillian Jazzhand »