What the flying flipping floppy fuck muse!
Right click
does reel now! ARGH!
Ok! So this is the mechanic. When you
hook onto a ship. The distance that you have shot him in is the length of the rope.
What holding right click does is shorten that distance. Essentially reeling them. Its not much strong, but it helps when a side gun that is a harpoon is latched. Because trying to pull him by going forward or back (from the side) wont help until the rope length is at its limit. Holding right click while on the latched harpoon makes that limit shorter (Again, reeling them).
Here is potential builds with the new harpoon.Goldfish minotaur(greased)+Right harpoon(lesmok) and maybe left artemis(burst). (Moonshine + sort of close range)
Add lesmok to that harpoon. Try to work spinning an enemy ship around enough to work with the harpoon. Once youve spun him, latch to his ass and pull a little.
When it latches off keep him from turning with your minotaur. Repeat with the harpoon. Add in artemis. The harpoon engineer does not need to reel, he can jump onto side engines.
I would say this could potentialy lock a ship down without proper disabling forever. But i havent really tried it. Sounds fun though. But know that im not using the harpoon as a utility here then.
Junker(Kyrosin+close) one side dual harpoon (Or just one).
When you strafe by an enemy on the harpoon side, you have 2 shots for your crew to hit the enemies ass.
When 1 harpoon does, make them reel in + kyrosine backwards. What kyrosine will do is lett your junker turn for the weaponized side while pulling the enemy out of arc.
This is more of a utility use of it.
You can do the same on the side guns of a pyramideon, but with moonshine instead. The ships center will be pulling your arc away if you arent using moonshine.
If it means getting rid of that bloody harpoon achievement that blocks the way of me getting other achieves then msg me if you want help
I did get a harpoon kill with the squid one cus i pulled a spire into terrain. But that felt lucky. Il add you and contact you when im up for it and your online.