Well, for weapons I see:
Yesha: Ammo belts. The male Yeshan looks like a soldier-he's wearing armor, and a full helmet with gas-mask. Multiple ammo belts, in that case, fit. The female is less heavily armored, and has less ammo-only two belts. Perhaps they're spent casing used as a sign of status? They could also be live, emergency rounds.
Arashi: They're a raider culture. I wouldn't be surprised if they all carried pistols, just as a sign of tradition, like Dune's Fremen with knives. The pistol in question looks like an old-flintlock, however, which is interesting.
Guild: A guildsman's weapon is his coin-purse, and the guy he just paid to fight you for him.
Chaladon: A ritual-looking dagger at the belt of the woman. Being based on Indian and South Asian cultures, I wouldn't be surprised if they carried cerimonial daggers for a number of reasons. Chaladon isn't pacifistic-they're isolationist. However, giving the appearance of the dagger, I'd assume it's more ceremonial, and likely not considered military, like a Kris, Jamyiad, or Balisong.
Baronies: Ceremonial dress swords. Fit the militaristic look, likely common among officers and noblemen. Not much more to say.
Anglea: Also carrying ammo-belts. The Angleas also look very fancy, and less military, aside from the beginning of a gas-mask suit on their chests. Honestly, I'd wager that ammo is extremely valuable in this world, as it's probably difficult to make.