Tell them there is a secret code on each ship which enters invincible mode.
You mean Social -> Friends -> Invite ?
Good kek, +1
But we need the player base. I would hate for a rumor to be spread about the GOIO community being venomous towards new players. If we drive off the ps4 players they will spread word to their friends, possibly costing us pc players.
This is partially flawed logic, I think. Large population don't make a game good, but a good game creates a large population. We need a good game. Look how many players have bought GOIO, something around 250,000 if I remember correctly. Current playerbase is like a few thousand.
If the problem of GOIO could be solved the way you think, every sale would leave more people in community than before. But that's not happening. We have a spike and quick drop to pre-sale level. The console release can only make things worse* because of the different nature of controlers and a different mindset of console players, where many games are more solo-focused and, no offence, easier to learn**.
*I'm talking about player experience, of course. I assume that Muse 'doesn't' want to just cash in wherever they can
**try comparing 'any' console shooter to CS:GO #csgomastergame
Tell them munker is OP and see them die in their own mines.