Author Topic: Marine Ninja's list of ideas  (Read 6772 times)

Offline MarineNinja

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Marine Ninja's list of ideas
« on: March 09, 2015, 05:29:24 pm »
I looked around and saw some of my thoughts already listed, so I'll avoid writing those out. If I error and repeat, please forgive. TL;DR is at the top for convenience.

1. Swords, guns and rifles
2. Swords, guns and rifles that kill your enemy
3. Boarding a ship, killing the crew, breaking their guns, taking the helm and crashing it into the dirt
4. New class, the Marine, used to board ships
5. Co-op Campaign
6. Factions and Nationalities
7. New Ship type: Single Seater Biplane, Two Seater Biplane
8. New Map, with some wildlife

1. I saw someone suggested swords. Yes to swords. And pistols. And flintlock rifles.

2. I don't see why those can't be used to fight with as well. Obviously, they're going to be very underwhelming against a whole ship, but the feeling you have, being able to use a personal item, would be worth it. I'd find myself using it just before an enemy ship goes down, or just before mine does.

3. No, they won't do it. But I'm required to mention it.
Ship to ship boarding. C'mon, my name is Marine Ninja. Hand to hand combat is in my blood. This would really open up some interesting dynamics. This unhinges the dynamic of no one dying until their ship dies. To help keep some of that balance, we continue to keep players safe from ship mounted weaponry, and vulnerable only to very very short ranged pistols, rifles and bladed weapons OR implement the following: players do not die from ship mounted weapons while mounted on a post (weapon, helm), turn on friendly fire to prevent those who are boarding from being invincible and introduce a 4th class; the Marine, who specializes in ship boarding and hand to hand combat. Class items include all weapons mentioned before, as well as dynamite to sabotage, grappling hooks to ensure safe ship boarding (toss a line across to pull yourself aboard the ship, toss back to escape to yours), a torch to try and set things ablaze and perhaps "martial skill" to improve character stats, or to enable combat moves like a chokehold.

4. I know, I'm sorry. But my ancestors demand it.
4th Class; The Marine. If ship to ship boarding isn't fully implemented, we could still have one character type who is allowed to jump from ship to ship/shimmy along harpoon lines to subdue the enemy crew with chokeholds and stab wounds to temporarily disable them (I'd also like to throw characters overboard, please), dynamite to throw a party (sabotage party) and torches to start a cookout (of epic proportion).

5. Campaign Mode: The single player, when it first came out, was hard. If it weren't single player, but a multiplayer survival/campaign mode, I'd be back at that in a heartbeat. This is the biggest reason why I love borderlands and mario wii (don't you judge me).

6. Nationalities and Factions. Captains should be able to pick a faction that they and their crew are part of, giving a bit of flavor to the ships. Players like Marine Ninja, who desire to have the moon itself, would enjoy the flavor of selecting various nationalities for character models. I like my character talking in Japanese, with the subtitles at the bottom, like all my movies. Can I have some French, Russian or Spanish now too?

7. I want to fly a single seater biplane (and then later a two seater) and strafe enemy boats all day long. ALL. DAY. LONG. Captains who select the single seater would command 4 planes (three pilots plus self in single seater planes) and 2 planes if the two seater was selected. Pilots can be daredevils and step out of the pilot/gunner seat and stand atop the wings, which would be required for some repairs. The Captain is able to select the weapon loadouts for his 2 or 4 craft, meaning there's still plenty of strategy available.

8. Look, I'm getting greedy and I know I said I wouldn't list things I had already seen listed... But can we have a new map brainstorming session? To start it off, I'd like to suggest that this map have some form of wildlife. Masses of geese that scatter/die when shot with flak, wind whales, armored dragons or some sort of sky dolphin...

Hey, thanks for reading.

(jk,l) MN (op)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 05:31:55 pm by MarineNinja »

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Marine Ninja's list of ideas
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 06:49:48 pm »
1-4 There's just no chance. Unless they're strictly cosmetic, handheld weapons will never happen. Boarding kinda ruins the whole purpose of this game. This isn't an fast paced FPS, and I don't want it to turn into one. Boarding has been talked to death for ages, and long story shot, it's never happening.

5 You're in luck! A co-op mode is in the works. There was a big showcase at PAX East just the weekend. You should be able to find footage somewhere.

6 While the factions aren't as pronounced, they're here. GoI has some fairly mysterious lore that you need to go digging for on you own, as the game gives you very little info about the world you're flying around in. A good place to get started:

7 Yes for new ship, but not in the way you describe it. The 4 person ship is a core aspect of this game and I severely doubt Muse would add a ship that breaks that mechanic

8 Yes, more maps are always good.

Offline MidnightWonko

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Re: Marine Ninja's list of ideas
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 07:05:12 pm »
I'm all about the idea for pistols and swords as decorative items.  Those would be hot sellers on the shop, I'd wager.  I kinda have issue with marine combat, though.  This game concentrates on balloon dogfighting, and does so quite well.  Games that try to focus in too many directions wind up either doing them all poorly or only one of them well, while the rest of them might as well not even exist.  Moreover, I would prefer this game just be about the dogfighting.  It's plenty complicated as it is without tacking on an FPS.

As for the co-op campaign, isn't something like that already in the works?

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Marine Ninja's list of ideas
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 11:14:14 pm »
Weapon cosmetics are a big YES- Khovanksy Special + Brace of pistols + Valentine's = YUSS PLS
Functional... No. 

New class has to do entirely with boarding, so no.

The biplane sounds AWESOME- having a 4 man squad, 1 with a carro, 2 with gats, one with a banshee... Yissssss.  Except no, because this game is about airSHIP combat, not airPLANE.

Maps- Yuss pls.

Skywhales- ALL OF MY YES

Co-Op is in the works, it was demo'd at PAX.

New ship that ISN'T 'Biplane Squadron' is also a big yes.  Maybe a frontline fighter from the Baronies?

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Marine Ninja's list of ideas
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2015, 02:56:42 am »
Co-op mode is a thing already, and not in the too far future!

Boarding and man to man combat: Not going to happen, and that keeps guns unique! :)

Single manned bi-plane: Nope, not in a game which does team play so very well, would be a pointless team game if everyone just jumped on a bi-plane, leave that for AI in co-op.

Maps: Co-op brings new maps with it.

Factions: Click the link provided by Logic above 8)

If boarding and man to man combat is such an important part of your gameplay, I would recommend AirBucconeers, F2P on Steam.

But goto the main site for news on Co-op mode! HYPE TRAIN!

Offline David Dire

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Re: Marine Ninja's list of ideas
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2015, 11:06:04 am »
Co-op mode is a thing already, and not in the too far future!

Boarding and man to man combat: Not going to happen, and that keeps guns unique! :)

Single manned bi-plane: Nope, not in a game which does team play so very well, would be a pointless team game if everyone just jumped on a bi-plane, leave that for AI in co-op.

Maps: Co-op brings new maps with it.

Factions: Click the link provided by Logic above 8)

If boarding and man to man combat is such an important part of your gameplay, I would recommend AirBucconeers, F2P on Steam.

But goto the main site for news on Co-op mode! HYPE TRAIN!

Co-op mode is a thing already, and not in the too far future!

He lies!