While I do believe that the CAs should be a little more careful with their words, I also think the community should too. Jazzhands spits abuse on most of the responses I have seen from him. Since it is the CAs job to police these forums and prevent that kind of abuse, I can understand them turning against him. Both sides could make their points equally well without getting abusive, but the CAs are not going nearly as far as Jazz.
On to the obligation part. Is it required to teach new players? No, but if you want to help keep the community running common sense says you should. There are only so many CAs that can teach new players in the novice element. Everyone doesn't have to, but it would be nice if a few more players could pick up a bit of the slack. It is not required, you can't be banned for simply refusing to teach new players, but there is no reason not to every now and then.
Even I teach. Denying the fact that most vets teach (got the achieve and everything) seeing as its part of the culture is BESIDES THE POINT.
I just got back from teaching my AI babies mine shooting and my current prodigy Lumber, hades and heavy carronade and component sniping. I teach those worth my time.
NO ONE HAS ANY OBLIGATION TO HOLD ANYONE'S HAND. In the end it is the player themselves that decides and ascertains whether they improve or not.
If I teach and nothing goes in. I'm not teaching that person. End of. There's no benefit for me to teach them nor any need for me to put in that extra mile to drill in something thats not going in. If a player wants to improve, they will (and I will nurture that). If not, get off my ship, get off my team, I don't give a crap about your excuses I am not losing an easy game because you want to be an idiot.
This game has a wealth of info, albeit out of the beaten path, but its not like search engines don't exist or something. It's there to be found to those that want to find it.
If anything I have more respect for capable noobs than any of you, as I am not going in with the expectation that they should be coddled like goddamn toddlers with every step of the way.
A good new player learns by his own initiative and my AIs show this, hence they are under my wing and I can afford patience as I see OBVIOUS growth and ACTUAL passion for playing this game.
A scrub is gonna be a scrub. No vet is gonna stop it from being a scrub. The scrub has to do it himself, and no vet has no obligation to help them (FACT), but many will readily do so.
So piss off with your bollocks allegations. I do things my way, I don't give a crap if you suppose your conjecture of me is immoral. I teach who I want to teach, I admonish who I want to admonish. And I do it with my reasons and justifications, not yours.