Greetings, fellow sky citizens. As you know, SAC has been running a special rules VIP match every Friday. With the addition of the Workshop, we have been trying to come up with a great VIP decal design. Writing VIP in big letters across the balloon would have been ideal, but alas, mirroring images shoots that idea out of the sky.
Evident in this video. So, plan B. Great designs... that don't matter if they are mirrored.
Ok, so right to the point. If you have an idea for a spectacular VIP decal, suggest or post an image here. It does not have to be a great image to start. Even an MS pain doodle will be fine to help get your ideas across. Comment on which decals you like.
I'll post a few of my previous doodle ideas, and then my possible contender so you get the idea.
And here is the design I just finished working on after a bout of inspiration. I am calling it VIP Exotica (reason below).
The font I used is called
Exotica. Over the top? Damn skippy it is. You are the most important ship in the sky, after all.