Jub Jub, the thing about this league that I think makes it different from say, the Hephaestus or Sky League, is that it is a lot more new player friendly as far as I can tell. Unlike Hephaestus and Sky League which were all organized within the forums, this league has a website apart from the forums that seems pretty well organized. I think the forums are sort of intimidating for newer players but with this new site players will be able to see all the groups and such. Sky League was just not really a good tournament for newer players because at the beginning it was double elimination and then single elimination so newer teams basically played once, lost, and couldn't play again. Hephaestus was a little bit better, but often teams like TAW didn't really have a team on their level so they ended up just getting continuously 5-0'd. I'm hoping that teams who have not signed up for tournaments before will join this league and get paired up against equal teams that they won't get consistently destroyed by. Also, 404 has a new team that was in last weeks SCS, MM usually resurrects their old members to play in big events, and although cake has not been active I think they might be able to field the members. Besides that there are a lot of exciting new teams and clans that seem to be emerging from out of nowhere. When it comes to the combination teams I think they can just be seeded at the lower end depending on experience and honestly I know from experience that when you play with another clan long enough it's easy to start gelling pretty well with them.
All in all I'm confident with this new league if not only for it having its own website that's more friendly for people who aren't used to the forums. If we could somehow get this linked in the game events itself that would be a great advancement towards this leagues success. I'd really like MUSE to work out the leaderboards and maybe even implement a nice competitive section to interact with in the game but they are very busy at the moment with Co-op and the next patch. Newer players really need to be able to easily see the competitive side of GOIO because I'm sure many would be interested but in reality fairly little even know about GOIO's competitive scene. Hopefully this league will serve as a step towards GOIO having a much bigger competitive scene.