Author Topic: Killing the community, one game at a time.  (Read 95287 times)

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #45 on: February 10, 2015, 03:44:52 am »
Schwalbe, yes you are right there are many.. Oh so many rude CoD players, but that's the target audience of.the marketing...
I've been into steampunk, fantasy and other such for years and have always been on the look out for a game like guns of Icarus... Yet I only heard about it by its second birthday because when people search for team based games or steampunk games guns is one of the last to pop up...

Search for FPS amongst the wreckage of CoD and Battlefield, somewhere in dead mans land is Guns of Icarus, where people from the aforementioned FPS games drop into our land...

So why don't muse target the returning player and change their marketing?...
Sales, larger audience, general unawareness that their product is not reaching out to the right market? No idea, non-the-less the games marketing does drag in the worst of the worst and we can only hope to grab the good eggs before the rotten ones turn them..

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #46 on: February 10, 2015, 03:45:44 am »
Sorry for double post:


You want to get better? Play with your clan. Play in arranged Skrim matches.
Stop playing pub matches, as they're driving your blood pressure to dangerous levels.
You also want to get better? Stop achievement trolling. buffing engines and ignoring repairs because of your achievement makes you look a fool, insulting the people by not caring about their game also makes you a fool.
Stop trolling lobbies with comments such as "This match is not worth my time noobs" Just keep your mouth shut and leave the lobby without a word, you'll not be missed.
Stop telling new players in match chat they're idiots or noobs or fools in an attempt to humiliate them infront of the other players in the game, you make yourself look a troll.
Stop raging the forums with your superiority issues. You're no better a person than the people you're playing with and you need to get your head around that Ceresbane.

Yes new players are frustrating and yes many of them don't want to learn but if it is effecting you so much, don't play with them!
Me Waffle, DrZan Enochh and others have recently started doing custom lobbies during off peak times as we're growing a group of friends who like to play together...
Stop being such a vile person and maybe one day you'll be invited.

Nor lose to my veteran peers for incompetence that is not my own.

This has yet to be seen

You totaly have my salute Kamoba.

Ceresbane... because I fucking refuse to use that Maximillian name... you NEVER have fun from playing, even if playing with good crews. You're always so fucking bloated. I understand your point of view, but if you don't see how fatal this might be, then sorry, go to hell. It's not like I'm not using sarcasm during my games, but you do so constantly, so fucking infernally angsty. Dude, one day your own bloody blood presure will kill you.
When I'm usually sad when a player stop playing, I'd open a bloody champaign, and party like not myself (I have my life of hermit, pariah, free from most common addictions and I feel good with that), seeing you finally kick the metaphorical bucket of your gaming.
And I'm fully aware that some may say the same about me. I'm taunting other players, aye. But rarely I'm doing it in such a way as you do - CERESBANE  (seriously, I don't understand switching name stuff, it's like having some damn anonimity issues. But it's not my business) - rude and so... classless. You'd answer some shit like "whoa, we'll see at the battlefield, hurr DUURRR, I have some games to win, bla bla". Is it a bird? Is it a junker? No! That's that flying fuck I don't give.

Patience and humbleness are in value for me. Especially in this game.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 04:06:34 am by Schwalbe »

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #47 on: February 10, 2015, 04:22:41 am »
Right, so before this thread gets locked, I would like to chime in on "noobs"

Literally an hour ago I had a player with zero matches played and a player with 30 matches played crewing on my galleon. Neither of them had been on a galleon before and started out in the lobby as dual gunners and terrible loadouts. I asked one to go engi and he did. The other one I gave some ammo and a brief explanation of what those types in on a hwacha. Before long they were both bottom decking like pros. A little bit of instruction goes a long way, especially if you treat them like people instead of pests. Last night, I met two very new players who were super cool and took instructions well   and liked the music I was playing, so I asked if they wanted to join my clan, and they did. We now have two brand new friends that I wouldn't have made, had I taken the "rude, entitled 'vet' " approach.

In short, sure new players can be stupid and rude, but take a minute to explain stuff like a decent human being. I've had my share of uncontrollable noobs and it hasn't soiled me to the idea of helping new players along 

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2015, 04:40:26 am »
Right, so before this thread gets locked, I would like to chime in on "noobs"

Literally an hour ago I had a player with zero matches played and a player with 30 matches played crewing on my galleon. Neither of them had been on a galleon before and started out in the lobby as dual gunners and terrible loadouts. I asked one to go engi and he did. The other one I gave some ammo and a brief explanation of what those types in on a hwacha. Before long they were both bottom decking like pros. A little bit of instruction goes a long way, especially if you treat them like people instead of pests. Last night, I met two very new players who were super cool and took instructions well   and liked the music I was playing, so I asked if they wanted to join my clan, and they did. We now have two brand new friends that I wouldn't have made, had I taken the "rude, entitled 'vet' " approach.

In short, sure new players can be stupid and rude, but take a minute to explain stuff like a decent human being. I've had my share of uncontrollable noobs and it hasn't soiled me to the idea of helping new players along

I was in that same match and you guys were doing very well, also I had AI on repairs the first half the match, so those Hades shots were from.players, a level 2 engineer shooting a Hades like a pro and during reload helping repairs, without instruction, just let him do his thing once he realised he was shooting too. :)

But I was pushed to dodge those guns more times than should be comfortable in a lobby like that! :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 04:42:34 am by Kamoba »

Offline Gambrill

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #49 on: February 10, 2015, 04:42:36 am »
Right, so before this thread gets locked, I would like to chime in on "noobs"

Literally an hour ago I had a player with zero matches played and a player with 30 matches played crewing on my galleon. Neither of them had been on a galleon before and started out in the lobby as dual gunners and terrible loadouts. I asked one to go engi and he did. The other one I gave some ammo and a brief explanation of what those types in on a hwacha. Before long they were both bottom decking like pros. A little bit of instruction goes a long way, especially if you treat them like people instead of pests. Last night, I met two very new players who were super cool and took instructions well   and liked the music I was playing, so I asked if they wanted to join my clan, and they did. We now have two brand new friends that I wouldn't have made, had I taken the "rude, entitled 'vet' " approach.

In short, sure new players can be stupid and rude, but take a minute to explain stuff like a decent human being. I've had my share of uncontrollable noobs and it hasn't soiled me to the idea of helping new players along

Salute to you sir! An amazing example of a true player.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2015, 05:08:38 am »
In short, sure new players can be stupid and rude, but take a minute to explain stuff like a decent human being. I've had my share of uncontrollable noobs and it hasn't soiled me to the idea of helping new players along

Believe me, I always start with that, I don't do so ONLY when I fly with players level 35+ that I know. I always ask: "are there questions?" after each briefing. If there are - I explain the best I can. Yesterday I had level 6 player, who was aboard mobula for the first time, and was to man mercury for the first time either. He accepted my loadout, but changed it a bit. What's rare - during the match he saw that his changes (he took mallet instead of wrench, and I haven't noticed that) were a terrible mistake. He asked me questions about ammo I gave him, and so I explained to him. And it was a pleasure. By the way, that was the same match, where engies tried to tell how much mobula suck. And it was NOT a pleasure.

Offline c-ponter

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2015, 05:33:54 am »
It's clear that something is killing the community but it a not the novices, its this thread and others like it that have descended into personal arguments.
Granted I am not the oldest player, but in my time playing guns I have gained massive respect for most of the playerbase, even those I have never played with before simply because I can't remember a single bad experience with anybody lvl 15+ ( or there abouts).
Never have I seen so many cheap and unnecessary comments of 'I respect the noobs more' and worse taking pot shots at other players.
Yes, you are entitled to your opinion on people, obviously you won't like everyone, but there is no need to vent it on a public forum in some attempt to name and shame somebody you personally don't get along with. It's really not that hard to either just block said player and don't play with them or actually just talk to them in a private message, if you really take so much offence from somebody over the internet you never have and likely never will meet, in my opinion you are not too well suited to be on the internet.
It a bit of a harsh way of looking at it I know, but not as harsh as some of the petty comments on here.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2015, 03:02:39 pm »
Right, so before this thread gets locked, I would like to chime in on "noobs"

Literally an hour ago I had a player with zero matches played and a player with 30 matches played crewing on my galleon. Neither of them had been on a galleon before and started out in the lobby as dual gunners and terrible loadouts. I asked one to go engi and he did. The other one I gave some ammo and a brief explanation of what those types in on a hwacha. Before long they were both bottom decking like pros. A little bit of instruction goes a long way, especially if you treat them like people instead of pests. Last night, I met two very new players who were super cool and took instructions well   and liked the music I was playing, so I asked if they wanted to join my clan, and they did. We now have two brand new friends that I wouldn't have made, had I taken the "rude, entitled 'vet' " approach.

In short, sure new players can be stupid and rude, but take a minute to explain stuff like a decent human being. I've had my share of uncontrollable noobs and it hasn't soiled me to the idea of helping new players along 

I thought it is kinda agreed that comprehensive new players are not called noobs. I think I'm not the kind of person you percieve me as. No, I don't kick children and when I say 'noob' I don't mean "new player", I mean "new player that can't and/or is not willing to communicate, cooperate and learn on their and other's mistakes". That one person that can break the whole game (as mentioned before - lvl2 gunner piloting spire).

I'm suprised that I have to explain that. Really.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2015, 03:32:01 pm »
Actually I would like to change the slang from noob to "snowflake" and "cog"

Snowflake - A new player who feels they are special and will do things their own way even when asked repeatedly to do things differently.

Cog - A new player who is trying their best to fit in, will follow instructions even if they don't make sense. Even though they interchangeable with any of 1000 other Cogs, once you have him/her slotted into place you are loathed to see them go.

Also this game does not need better tutorials. There is no way Muse can compress all the knowledge a player needs to succeed in this game into popup text in the sandbox mode. We as a community need to start posting to Youtube what a competent crew sounds like and plays like. Youtube is awash in stupid lets play videos of 1st time engineers malleting a broken flame thrower while the hull losses armor and dies. Unless we show people how the game is supposed to be played we have no right to expect them to do it properly when they join our crew.

For those who have been here a while, do you remember the Russin Influx? Some famous Russian Youtuber did a lets play where she and her friends ran around screaming on a Goldfish as they contributed jack squat to their team. A week later the lobbies are filled with Russian players doing the exact same thing. I have nothing but love for the Russian members of our community who actually stuck around and learned the game. It is the best example I could think of for the kind of mess we get when new players approaching this game with warped expectations of how it is played.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #54 on: February 10, 2015, 04:07:48 pm »

Also this game does not need better tutorials. There is no way Muse can compress all the knowledge a player needs to succeed in this game into popup text in the sandbox mode. We as a community need to start posting to Youtube what a competent crew sounds like and plays like. Youtube is awash in stupid lets play videos of 1st time engineers malleting a broken flame thrower while the hull losses armor and dies. Unless we show people how the game is supposed to be played we have no right to expect them to do it properly when they join our crew.


I think that new players have grown to expect YouTube guides, of which there are effectively none.
Videos of experienced crews would be good, but also explanations of guns/ammo, tools, and tactics.
GOIO 101?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 04:17:06 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #55 on: February 10, 2015, 04:11:47 pm »
I may try helping that when I'll have some free time (I guess).

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #56 on: February 10, 2015, 05:10:52 pm »
It's as simple as getting a good crew of 4 people together, then having a fifth person spectate and narrate what's going on, why they're doing stuff, tricks like peaching to counter shatter spam, reloading gatling on armor break, chemspray rotation, map positioning for pilots, etc etc

Offline c-ponter

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #57 on: February 10, 2015, 05:45:53 pm »
You could try that with a novice player on your crew as well, that way (as long as they are willing to co-operate) they would ask questions as you go and by answering his/her questions you are likely to answer the questions of anybody watching.
Or have a full crew spectating and each commenting on their respective equivalent on the ship(though this would miss out on the on-ship chat which I guess was the main point of this :/) but it would mean you could comment on the crew of any ship in the game, not just the ship you're on.
ps:if you need a semi-competent main engi to help with this feel free to pm me here or in-game.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 05:55:26 pm by c-ponter »

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #58 on: February 10, 2015, 08:45:10 pm »
I'd be willing to help out with the YouTube project too that's a great idea and could go far, maybe some we can poke the regular streamers a bit too see if they can implement it a bit in the streams?

Offline Mezhu

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Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« Reply #59 on: February 11, 2015, 12:53:03 am »