Author Topic: GOI Board Game Idea  (Read 19010 times)

Offline HamsterIV

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GOI Board Game Idea
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:34:27 pm »
Hello Gun of Icarus Community,

I was playing the Firefly Boardgame:
When I got to thinking if we could make a Guns of Icarus Themed Board Game using similar game dynamics. For those of you who are not familiar with the Firefly Board Game the play works as follows:

* Fly your ship to Contacts that give you jobs of varying difficulty and reward.
* Work the jobs by flying to a location, picking up cargo, delivering cargo, or “misbehaving.”
* Misbehaving involves drawing cards from the misbehave deck and performing some skill check against a difficulty set on the card
* With your reward money you can hire crew and buy upgrades/equipment that makes it easier to pass misbehave checks.
* Flying also has its challenges and rewards depending on the territory you fly through. Alliance space runs the risk of inspections and contraband seizures, Border space runs the risk of Reaver attacks killing your crew.
* The end game condition is either pulling off a spectacular heist involving skill checks that are impossible for a starting crew, or amassing enough money to retire.

The game captures the feel of being a mercenary spaceship captain in the firefly universe. You are constantly working odd jobs to get money, and using this money to build your crew into something that can handle the big score. I think this feel would be very applicable to the Guns of Icarus Universe (as I imagine it).

Here is how I imagine development going:

Step 1: Take the world map Muse has provided and divide it into faction space and disputed space. This becomes the game board.

Step 2: Come up with encounter cards for both faction and disrupted space

Step 3: Place Contact and Job hubs at key cities in the world.

Step 4: Make crew, items, and ship upgrades that add skill bonuses and special abilities to the player’s ship.

Step 4.5: Name crew after prominent community members and use their in game avatars on the card.

Step 5: Make ship cards and tokens based off the current GOI ship roster.

Step 6: Play test and revise this thing until it is considered “fun.”

Step 7: Publish a PDF of the game rules and all the cards so interested parties could print it out and play it.

Since this is a fan project using art assets and lore that Muse came up with it would be wrong to make any money off it, and the project would be under constant threat of a cease and desist order. It might also be a terrible idea since the GOI community is very sparse and getting together to play a board game would be difficult/impossible. However like many of my silly ideas I feel obligated to share it with people who might find it interesting or fun.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 01:50:01 pm »
I love the idea it sounds like adventure mode on a board!!!

I vote Geo Xemko and Siverst as some of the top gunners!
Exterminator as one of the engineers! Oh so many people who I'd see on a card!

Offline Replaceable

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 01:56:47 pm »
Totally want to see a 'swabbie', 'powder monkey' and 'steerer' cards.

These cards ruin your day IRL and in the board game.

Offline TeddyBearMafia

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 02:56:05 pm »
I would be so down for this sort of thing. So many opportunities for self-deprecation.


Teddy Bear Mafia (Pilot Card)
(image: Me, with my usual excessive cleavage outfit, with Tropo perving on me in the background like he usually does when I'm flying a Galleon.)
Special Abilities:
- Accidental Brilliance: flip a coin, if heads the ship Teddy is on deals x impact damage to an opposing ship of the player's choice, if tails he misses spectacularly and hits a wall.
- If Tropo or Richard LeMoon are on his team, there is a 25% chance upon any maneuver that Teddy will hit them with his ship by accident.
It was all planned...

Hur hur.


Tropo (Engineer Card)
image (Tropo, with his boot heel on the face of yet another prospective SAC swabbie)
Special Abilities:
- Over 9000: Tropo can literally do any role. While he is on a ship without a full crew, all crew slots are considered manned by Tropo.
- Distraction: If anyone at the table begins discussing anything related to Australia, Tropo becomes inactive for one turn. =P
Did I tell you guys about the time that I rammed a squid with a Galleon so hard that it rebounded into its ally and killed them? True story.


Sparklerfish (Gunner Card)
image (Sparkler in a lovely spring green outfit, backed by a set of exploding mines).
Special Abilities
- It was a Munker all along...: While on a junker, any gun can be instantly substituted for a mine launcher in the middle of combat, regardless of the original loadout of the ship.
- KABOOM: Sacrifice 50% Hull Health on the ship Sparkler is on for an instant mine hit on an opposing ship within mine range.
... can we put a mine launcher on that?

Offline Terrkas

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2015, 06:14:57 am »
How many crewmembers can a ship have in that game?

Next to the 3 classes pilot, gunner and engi, could be a teacher class, filled with CAs and Mods. They could have effects like "all crewmembers below level X get one additional level". Or they could give +1 markers to lowlevel cremembers after a successfull test, capping at a level worth keeping them, especially when they have nice bonuseffects but low attributes.

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2015, 10:25:40 am »
I love the idea it sounds like adventure mode on a board!!!

I vote Geo Xemko and Siverst as some of the top gunners!
Exterminator as one of the engineers! Oh so many people who I'd see on a card!

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 10:43:36 am »
If there was a geo-card, I'd like it to be a swabbie.

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 11:14:42 am »
If there was a geo-card, I'd like it to be a swabbie.

Offline TeddyBearMafia

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 11:15:03 am »
If there was a geo-card, I'd like it to be a swabbie.
Yes, that card needs to note a complete inability to perform any engineering-esque duties.  ;D

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 11:57:34 am »
The game I am basing this off does not have a deep combat system. There are three skill types and a bunch of key words. Each encounter has two options and sometimes a keyword wild card. Unless otherwise specified skill checks are taken with the entire crew's combines skill level. So if an encounter card specifies a fight check at difficulty 6 and you have two crew that have 1 fight skill each and an item that grants 1 fight you would roll a d6+3. If you pass you get a reward specified on the card, if you fail you get a punishment specified on the card.

Firefly's skills were Fight, Repaid, and Diplomacy; but this being guns of Icarus it should probably be gunner, engineer, pilot. Generic crew have 1 skill, named crew normally have 2 skills and sometimes a special ability, the starting character has three skills and sometimes a special ability. As a risk reward system each crew has a cut they must be payed upon the successful completion of a job. Loading a ship with the best crew in the game means you can complete very difficult jobs but you as a captain won't earn much money from it because your crew will take a huge cut of it.

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 12:17:02 pm »

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2015, 12:20:52 pm »
Here is an example encounter:

Ambush in the canyons:
Fight your way out (gunner difficulty 7)
1-3 loose a ship upgrade and all your cargo Full Stop
4-6 Full Stop
7+ Salvage Op gain 2 parts Full Stop

Loose him in the rocks (pilot difficulty 5)
1-4 loose all your cargo Full Stop
5+ keep flying

Wild Card: Tar Barrel Keep Flying

This card means that the player can choose to fight or run. If he has a tar barrel he can escape without rolling.

If the player chooses the fight option he will loose the ability to fly any further this round. He rolls a d6 and add his crew's gunner skill. If he rolls 7 or higher he destroys the enemy ship and can salvage it's remains. If he rolls 4-6 he fights the enemy ship off and is none the worse for wear. If he rolls 1-3 the bandits destroy one of his ship upgrades and take all his cargo.

If he chooses to run he rolls a d6 and adds his crew's piloting ability. If the roll comes up 5 or more he can keep moving this turn. If the roll is 1-4 the bandits catch him and take all his cargo, but his ship and crew are not harmed.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2015, 12:28:15 pm »
I expect cards for every player in the game

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2015, 12:48:54 pm »
I expect cards for every player in the game

Font colour is #FBDDC3
Title font is DejaVu Serif 20point Bold.
Subtitle font is DejaVu Serif Condensed 12point Bold Underlined.
Font is DejaVu Serif Condensed 10point.
Class icon is your active class from the GOI UI.
You can download the fonts here

Here is the template.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 12:51:48 pm by GeoRmr »

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: GOI Board Game Idea
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2015, 01:16:52 pm »
I was just going to use simple text for the first few iterations until play testing can reveal major faults in the game design. No point in wasting printer ink on beta versions.

One thing I should bring up if people want to make their own cards is home city. Part of the strategy of the Fire fly game is where to go shopping. Each market planet has a different specialty. Pilots can be found in Space Bazar while engineers tend to hang out in Persephone. Legal ship upgrades can be found in Osirus and smugeling oriented upgrades can be found in Regina. Silverhold is the best place to go for weapons and crew that are good at using them.

We should expand this out to the GOI factions with a city for a faction's market and a city for the a faction's mission giving contact. Name a faction where your card can be found.

Also in Firefly successfully completing a mission for a contact earns you a "solid" rating with that contact meaning you get certain special abilities when dealing with that contact in the future. A solid rating can be lost if you fail a job for that contact badly enough to receive a warrant. In our game becoming solid with a faction could mean you can ignore custom inspections inside that faction space, and some crew members would be willing to work for less if you are solid with the faction they belong to.

A fail state for some encounter cards could "incite war" where you actions cause two factions to go to war and you must discard the solid ranking from one or both those factions.