Author Topic: Incendiary Rounds  (Read 74972 times)

Offline Indreams

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Incendiary Rounds
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:41:34 pm »

+20% Increased Chance of Causing Fire on Hit
-30% Projectile Speed
-25% Clip Size
-30% Rate of Fire

Let's talk Incendiary rounds.

I believe it is one of the less popular ammo choice. I know I don't like it too much.
Increased fire chance is pretty cool, but - Projectile Speeds, - Clip Size, and - Rate of Fire is a massive downside. Come to think of it, + Causing fire is not much of an upside either.

What do you guys think about Incendiary rounds? I don't like how it shoots, but what about you guys?

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 07:45:37 pm »
inci rounds are for the gunners that can't consistently hit target even at point blank (when I see it on a mercury or banshee or art I just die inside).

the fire is there to do dmg what a good gunner would otherwise do with much better ammo.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2015, 08:02:03 pm »
inci rounds are for the gunners that can't consistently hit target even at point blank (when I see it on a mercury or banshee or art I just die inside).

the fire is there to do dmg what a good gunner would otherwise do with much better ammo.

Well... No.

 Incin is good on specific guns in specific places, just like any ammo. It cuts back on arming time, and adds fire to guns that might not have done fire damage before.

Heavy Flak, Lumberjack, Mines, Light Cannonade (on occasion, Heavy Cannonade, but I wouldn't recommend it often), Gatling, Flare, and prooooobably a few guns I'm forgetting, all benefit from incendiary in many circumstances .

edit: flamer, hades, and banshee can also benefit form incendiary as an alternative ammo choice
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 08:22:55 pm by DJ Logicalia »

Offline DrTentacles

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2015, 08:19:33 pm »
Considering how easily chem-spray negates it, it's probably my least-used ammo type, as there's no situation in which it really excels, and many in which it hurts overall performance.

I occasionally will have it brought for the light carronade, in which case it's used to help force engineers to make hard choices. Fix the balloon, and chem later, and risk it burning, or chem now, and have to rebuild twice. That's what fire's good for in GOI-forcing optimal/imperfect repair cycles, and making pilots have to pick what parts of their ship they're willing to sacrifice.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 08:21:55 pm by DrTentacles »

Offline Indreams

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 09:22:06 pm »
Incin is good on specific guns in specific places, just like any ammo. It cuts back on arming time, and adds fire to guns that might not have done fire damage before.

Heavy Flak, Lumberjack, Mines, Light Cannonade (on occasion, Heavy Cannonade, but I wouldn't recommend it often), Gatling, Flare, and prooooobably a few guns I'm forgetting, all benefit from incendiary in many circumstances .

edit: flamer, hades, and banshee can also benefit form incendiary as an alternative ammo choice

Well, it does cut on arming distance (not arming time, there's a technical difference), but than, greased.

On mines, incendiary is a pretty good choice. Real good destruction. I really don't like incendiary on carro or gat. If I'm at 'reduced' carro/gat range, I'd rather be preventing flames (heatsink) than causing them (incn). And really, greased feels [bi]soooooooooo[/i] much better.

Theory crafting, I guess incendiary will panic fresh engis and put a 3/5 sec pause on experienced engis.

I heard once that incendiary on heavy flak causes like 8 stacks of fire. Is that true?

Offline DrTentacles

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 09:24:36 pm »
Hmm. I highly doubt it, unless heavy flack distributes damage differently than any other explosive weapon. The only weapon that you can get a large number of stacks on per shot is the carronade, because each "fragment" rolls hit percent separately.

I am also skeptical of it's effect on mines. Mines already have a fairly high base chance to do fire stacks, with their main advantage for setting fires with incendiary being the number of components hit. Otherwise, it seems to basically be the "two step" (primary/secondary) chance-to-set-fires roll.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 09:26:31 pm by DrTentacles »

Offline Indreams

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2015, 09:41:52 pm »
With mines...

Mines has mag size of 1. Clip size and rate of fire penalty is nothing.
Incendiary reduces the range on mines (which is a wanted). Other ammos to do so are greased, heatsink, and lochnagar. Greased just reduces the damage of one mag mines. Heatsink does about the same thing. Lochnagar... is lochnagar.
May as well take that added fire.

Offline seriouschess

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2015, 11:07:22 pm »
I use them on a Gatling gun sometimes. Or a flack or mortar while waiting for the armor to decay and I have nothing better to load.

I like the idea of making the engineers run around and do something rather than manning another gun. Probably better against mobulas and pyramidions than squids or goldfish for that reason.

I think the biggest disadvantage is the -30% ammo speed. That makes whatever you shoot have a pretty short range so you have to get in very close. It's very situational to be sure.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2015, 01:51:53 am »
The problem of incendiary is the clip size and rof reduce.  And the weak potential of fire against an experienced crew.
The projectile speed reduce is actually the big thing I see for this weapon.
Projectile / muzzle speed isnt really intuitive. Guns like lj or flak have arming time. This means they have to travel a certain amount of time till they do their secondary damage.
This means with less projectile speed your bullets travels less in a set amount of time meaning your shot will arm closer to you. This allows you to gain an additional 90m where you can deal full damage with guns like lj or hflak.
In the end the other ammos with projectile decrease are often better than incendiary. But thats not due to the muzzle speed thats due to its other stats.
Even with better stats on incendiary you will most likely still not use incendiary on flaks. Thats due to the fact that every explosive weapon has a decent chance to set things on fire. The higher the damage on it the higher the chance.

Incendiary is only really viable on mines as they dont benefit from any other arming decrease ammo when you dont want to face the risk of lochnagar mine.
Besides that I sometimes see and use incendiary on carronades. But besides that I dont use them on any gun.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2015, 02:44:44 am »
I can't remember the numbers but it definitely make the shortest arming distance, very handy if you intend to use gat flak as you're able to keep your gatling range easier and still have the flak be effective.

The added fires make it a fun one to pester "no chem pub" crews with.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2015, 02:51:16 am »
Dont take me 100% but im rather sure that it is 20% for greased and something between 20%-30% for heatsink.
But as gat flak isnt really a good option I wouldnt take that as an argument.
Why bother with gat flak when gat mortar is much better. Higher damage, harder to abuse by the enemy ...
Dont see why I should take gat flak ...
If i want mid to closerange id take hades flak or hades banshee.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2015, 02:53:35 am »
Incin is good on specific guns in specific places, just like any ammo. It cuts back on arming time, and adds fire to guns that might not have done fire damage before.

Heavy Flak, Lumberjack, Mines, Light Cannonade (on occasion, Heavy Cannonade, but I wouldn't recommend it often), Gatling, Flare, and prooooobably a few guns I'm forgetting, all benefit from incendiary in many circumstances .

edit: flamer, hades, and banshee can also benefit form incendiary as an alternative ammo choice

Well, it does cut on arming distance (not arming time, there's a technical difference), but than, greased.

On mines, incendiary is a pretty good choice. Real good destruction. I really don't like incendiary on carro or gat. If I'm at 'reduced' carro/gat range, I'd rather be preventing flames (heatsink) than causing them (incn). And really, greased feels [bi]soooooooooo[/i] much better.

Theory crafting, I guess incendiary will panic fresh engis and put a 3/5 sec pause on experienced engis.

I heard once that incendiary on heavy flak causes like 8 stacks of fire. Is that true?

Like I said.

Why set parts on fire when you can shoot heavy to actually break parts. Or greased for better dps.

and naturally I was not counting mines, you always need inci with mines on a brawler. Inci is the same as the greased vs charged debate.

For arming, inci vs greased. Mines? sure inci. Anything else like a flak or lumber? Just use greased.

For component sniping. Heavy vs inci. Inci if you can't consistently hit the components.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2015, 03:58:10 am »
The problem with incendiary are not only its low damage and low rof, but also that guns are just too good. With normal rounds a gatling can still destroy almost any armor, a carronade still almost any balloon, a mercrury and artemis still any gun and engine.
Incendiary, are comparable to the Pyramidion side guns, rarely used and the damage output of the other guns/ammo are better, but have both and you will win regardless.
I have incendiary on Goldfish side carronades, with its heavy gun on the front the disable is rather quick and almost unbearable, add fire stacks to balloon, armor and some random components and the damage is unbearable. One could say a flamer achieves the same result, but if chem spray is actually up, the carronade will still do a decent amount of damage.

I only really use incendiary on carronades actually, for everything else I prefer heatsink, because every other case is probably about arming time and about what ammo the gunner is going to take. Gunners can't use chem, so heatsink over incendiary, usually.

Dont take me 100% but im rather sure that it is 20% for greased and something between 20%-30% for heatsink.
Heatsink is exactly the same as greased in arming time reduction, but with less damage reduction than greased.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 04:00:05 am by Dementio »

Offline Indreams

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2015, 08:36:36 am »
I used to go incendiary on hwachas, than I realized that I'm destroying everything and not setting anything on fire.

Btw, does incendiary work for flamethrower at all? Maybe it was the reduced range, but on a match, I fired a full clip of incendiary on a squid and didn't set anything on fire (components, I'm sure, weren't chemsprayed).

Incendiary, are comparable to the Pyramidion side guns, rarely used and the damage output of the other guns/ammo are better, but have both and you will win regardless.

I feel like Incendiary is more comparable to range finder, although range finder is far worse.

Pyramidion side gun works pretty well when your captain knows how to get that sweet sweet trifecta.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 08:42:34 am by Indreams »

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Incendiary Rounds
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2015, 09:31:46 am »
Incendiary should work on flamers but its totally not needed.
The roughly 25% on the flamer is already enough takin gthe big (360) clipsize, the great rate of fire and the ability for flamer particles to pass components and set several different things on fire.