You're welcome! Feel free to poke with any questions regarding costumes

Also go for the Gatling, its less detailed and more recognisable as a weapon, plus the side gears look awesome.
Shouldn't be too hard to make materials wise either! Spray painted pipes, of make Alistair get the hack saw out and use authentic materials, a trip to a scrap yard with ten quid and you should easily find rusted pipes!
The gears you'll likely need to fashion yourself, get some wood and a jigsaw (power tool not the puzzle) out, cut to shape and spray paint to match the metal, primer, orange (with specs of silver, also green chalk for the green rust effect on corners) remember YouTube will be your friend if you get stuck.

As for conventions, I keep trying to convince Howard to set up at Euro Gamer, my efforts seem to be working as he makes plans... Soooooo if Muse do goto Euro gamer, be sure to tell them you're taking your costumes to the convention!
My anglean raider is still paused (snow has kept access to my workshop scarce) not basing it off an existing costume, just concept of angeal raider, but as the snow melts and spring comes closer, I may actually be able to get to my workshop soon!
Scrap yard - workshop - angean raider finished!