Author Topic: Ship Names  (Read 56022 times)

Offline ShadedExalt

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Ship Names
« on: January 02, 2015, 11:18:07 pm »
Pretty sure HamsterVI had a pretty robust thread on this awhile back, but that was almost a year ago.  Basically, state the names of your ships, and why you named them as such.  I'll go first:

Pyramidion: Fist of the Unicorns: Named after the armor/band name abbreviation from Halo 4.  Abbreviation is FOTU(S), and the name itself is from a fictional band comprised of UNSC Marines on the UNSC Pillar of Autumn.  Also rams.

Squid: HMCS Team Sloth: HMCS stands for 'Her Majesty's Canadian Ship', and Team Sloth is a reference to my OTP, and the irony that sloths are really slow.

Galleon: HMCS Wanderlust: It's a Galleon.  Galleons were common exploration ships.  Also it sounds cool as hell.

Junker: HMCS Arkos: Arkos is another Ship of mine, and sounds really cool.  It sounds kinda brawl-y, which fits, as I go Meta/Close Disable.

Spire: HMCS Freud Was Right: ...I don't think I'm allowed to explain this one...

Mobula: HMCS Hailfire: I love Hades.

Goldfish: HMCS Gold Rush: Mainly a Hwachafish, named for the golden rockets rushing at your face, and my tendency to ram.  Name changed to And He's OK for Lumberfish (Monty Python, anyone?), and Shaken Champagne for Blenderfish.  Because *pop*!

I think I got everything.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2015, 11:49:01 pm »
Aww, I like this thread.
All of my ships (minus my Junker) were named after personal affects of existential philosophers

Pyra: Albert Camus' Coat: Algerian born, french philosopher, Albert Camus just might be my favorite thinker of all time. And the French are nothing if not good dressers. Look at that man's coat

Squid: Kierkegaard's Collar: Another one of may favorites, and that guy had a big collar

Galleon: Kafka's Hairgel: Kafka had some tidy hair. He had to hold that mess down with something

Junker: Sensei Tipz n Trix: Named for Bard founder, friend, and Sensei to all the early Bards who has since been eaten by Dota 2

Spire: Dostoevsky's Beard: Brilliant Russian novelist and owner of a pretty rad beard. The spire is long and kinda beardlike. Plus, it's fun to say FEAR THE BEARD whenever I 1v1 a metamidion with my gat/flak spire

Mobula: William James' Eyes: One of the most important figures in early psychology and a philosopher with a pretty intense gaze.

Goldfish: Nietzsche's Stache: Because of Nietzsche and his lovely facial hair. Doubles as a shoutout to Nietzsche's Mustache from [Clan] Clan Clan (who also has some great ship names)

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2015, 06:30:10 am »
Junker: Dancing Daniel. Reference to froggers junker, started when Me and melon decided to copy them for a Sunday community skirmish. Plus I want Daniel to notice me- you may seem a theme there ;)

Munker:(with support guns that aren't mines.) : The Bunker. Basically so I can begin a match with: "Welcome aboard The Bunker, A Junker, that is also a Munker."

Munker with all mines and 2 gunners: The Thaedael. Once I ran this ship for miki N ead's birthday we apparently got a 29 win streak. It is named after Thaedael of CsM after his exceptional work as the only engineer on board.

Pyramidion: The Charging Daniel. Pyramidions charge. Also: Daniel.

Metamidion (never been flown.) : Libgtk. Because plagiarism is funny.

Squid: Party squid: Reference to this song. This is how it feels to squid: . Maybe it should be Daniel party?? Hmm.

Goldfish: The flapping Daniel. The fins of a goldfish flap. Also: Daniel.

Galleon: The Robust Daniel. Tankiest ship in the game. Also: Daniel.

Spire: zxx_swag_merc_xxz (or some variation probably dashes idk.) Reference to the fateful day a couple of us tried to get a 360 across the dunes flak kill. With mercuries of course. It didn't work and I wasted everyone's time :D even leto who was recording me. xD

Mobula: Daniel the Matador. One must fly a mobula like a matador. One cannot really outrun a raging bull you must dodge it. In guns of Icarus the bull is a metamidion or a blenderfish. Also: Daniel. Since he also taught me how to mobula.

Enough Daniel for you?
Me neither.

Offline Patched Wizard

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2015, 07:29:24 am »
The threads of my theme shouldn't be too hard to weave together.

Goldfish: Damascus Koi
Damascus Steel, floating metal, used in forging the sharpest edges with forgotten techniques originating in the jungles of India and migrating along the silk roads through the Middle-East and into eastern Europe.

Junker: The Last Tsar
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the last Romanov, Emperor of Russia, Grand Duke of Finland, and titular King of Poland; Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias.

Squid: Burning Autumn
The "Red Forest", once known as "Wormwood", is now a land locked in a permanent autumn of red and ginger brown after razor winds of radiation poured out from the skeletal corpse of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Galleon: Koschei the Endless
A man held together with magic and bone; his death is hidden separate from his body inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest, which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan in the ocean.

Pyramidion: Siberian Cossack
Originating from the root word to mean "free man", the Cossacks were a nomadic people with semi-militeristic communities who inhabited the sparse and empty corners of the world.

Spire: Baba Yaga
One or three, ferocious and wild, manic in appearance, flies in a mortar, wields a pestle, and equally inclined to help you as much as she is to harm you.

Mobula: Cathedral of Kitezh
When the Golden Horde rushed the town of Kitezh they found fountains of water bursting forth from the earth and watched as God enveloped the town in holy water to protect the pure souls who dwelled under the radiant domes of the cathedral.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 07:49:16 am by Patched Wizard »

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2015, 11:56:32 am »

might as well.

Japanese for-Bring it on (in a slang/dialect used by gangsters and delinquents-hence some idiot weaboo reported it for being offensive when its actually just a phrase), as well as Koi being a type of goldfish. Koi also meaning love which can also be used with the synonym Ai (kanji looks like my avatar), of which AI is the tag of my clan.

The Kakatte Koi is my trademark ship. Destroying bazzillions of ships with just AI crew back in the old lobby days under the old name target practice. Making people get all cocky that they think I'm the target practice, but right at the start of combat, that I am in fact NOT the target practice. But far too slow to realise it.

the rest are pretty much references to things.

Tried to make it as christmassy as I could with bright colours and party theme. But meh... its not quite right. I only ever fly a junker as a munker, seeing as I can fly a galleon far better than a junker with meta build. And at least with the Galleon I make up its slowness for a strong hull.

While a junker is kinda... not as solid for a ship that naturally moves slow and needs to be even slower for decent broadside accuracy. (common noob misconception is broadsiding is high speed drive bys that miss the target because a ship in motion effects shot trajectory)

Well as for the short comings of its christmas side, it makes up for in sky with as many bird motifs as I can cram. Hurry up with that christmas theme!

Named after the Norse god Odin's steed that had 8 legs and ran really fast... in mid air... also first tried asquid on a wednesday so...

Named after the warhammer 40k machine god or void dragon, who's awakening could spell the destruction of all humanity. Kinda like a galleon that's left alone.

Mine specifically. Also pirates, because out of everything this thing actually looks like a ship. Even with a crows nest that does nothing.

Originally named derriere because of a Pyra's rear looking like a butt. Now named chung's choice which is named after the engines in the game. And pyra's like getting shot in the engines.


I found my own sun. Praise it.

Offline Indreams

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2015, 09:30:00 pm »
My list will be shorter since I haven't named ships that I don't frequently fly (Squid and Junker).

Galleon: Brackenridge
Named in honor of Hugh Henry Brackenridge, author of Modern Chivalry. It's a less known book. Think of it as an American version of Don Quixote. I personally want Brackenridge to replace Hawthorne in American High School curriculums. They are both pre-bellum (pre-American Civil War) authors. They both represent American imagination. One is a Don Quixote and other is a Soap Opera. I have made my point.

Goldfish: Tiger Moth
I'm a big fan of Studio Ghibli. Their depictions of Airships in Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky and Howl's Moving Castle were one of the influences that makes me love GOIO. So, I had to name my Goldfish in reference. But I'm afraid only hardcore fans of Studio Ghibli will get my reference...

Pyramidion: Hawkbit
Hawkbit is one of the rabbits in the novel Watership Down by Richard Adams. I had previously named my Pyramidion "Hawk", but that seemed cheesy and short. So I added -bit to make it Hawkbit. I think the name matches how I play my Pyramidion: dive in like a hawk, bite, and never let go.

Mobula: Coyote
Mobula is the one ship you have to paint. I painted it Maroon, which happens to be my school color. Our school mascot is a Coyote (pronounced ka-yot because ka-yo-ty doesn't fit into our school song), so I decided to name it Coyote. Oh, and I painted my ship Maroon because its one of the harder colors to see on certain maps. I'd use Zebra Stripes and name my ship "Zebra" if I could.

Spire: Tower
No other reason than I've heard that the Spire was named Tower in the beta. Seriously, no other reasons.

I love some of you guys' names. I might steal "Praise the Sun" and "Bunker". I'll just name my Squid and Junker "Praise the Moon" and "Sunker" or something... Actually, "Sunker" sounds pretty neat... *logs on to GOIO*

Offline Dementio

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2015, 10:52:14 pm »
Mobula is the one ship you have to paint.
I disagree 100%. All that painting, theming and decaling makes it less fancy than it should be.

Mobula: Fancy
I hope this name raises no question, I mean seriously, even the fence is made as fancy as it could be on a battle airship battle boatplane!
Sometines the name gets added to in order to fit the build. Examples of this name modification are Fancy Mining (all mines), Fancy Fishing Rod (all harpoons) and Fancy Lightbulb (all flares).

Squid: Squishy Cactus or Meta Cactus
Formerly known as Squishy or Meta Squish, but Squishy is such a common name, even for non-Squids, so I had to find something new. Because of some weird joke that was creating hilarity while flying the Squid it got changed to Cactus, and earned itself some green dye.
The "Meta" gets added to the name when it is a long range Squid, most commonly Mercury or Hades front, because these are just as OP as they can be.

Goldfish: Friendfish
Friendship is an overused joke and because "fish" fit so well into the name, it was named Friendfish instead. It is so friendly, it gets rid of all the sorrow and pain, in your life, that is known as "Life", by simply killing you.

Junker: Whale on the loose
The Junker is totally the most whale-like ship in the game and it is neither tamed nor contained, obviously.

Galleon: Deicide
The Killing of a God. As fun and silly as double Hwacha and double Heavy Carronade may seem, one can't deny it gets rid of a ship rather easily. As any Galleon, it can kill any ship in mere seconds once gun arcs are applied, even gods, the legendary and immortal vets, might not survive it.
No, I have not listened to the band that coincidentally has the same name and looking at their specialized genre I wouldn't do it, ever, on my own free will at least.

Pyramidion: Chariot
Formerly it was one of many Pokes until it advanced to the next level and became a singularity. I am not even joking about that one, since the few times I fly Pyramidion it is with a ship build that gets either rarely or never used by anybody else in the game.
Also Pyramidions are the perfect ship to resemble Chariots I find. The horses that easily run you over and crush you with their speed and mass, the archers and warriors riding it able to shoot and slice anything that comes into vision and range. Obviously rather vulnerable from behind and once the engines/horses are down, it is a bit helpless. As the Pyramidion only has side guns on the left and nothing on the right it might be a little bit inaccurate, but I am not a Chariot expert either, soo...

And as one would expect the best is saved for last, the most tallest, most slowest, "most" firepower and some engines:
Spire: The great VGS
The first ship I started playing with and with it three of my friends that were transported from another game, which is currently seen as dead. Only one of them stayed with me and is, by me seen, the best main engineer in the game.
The name of this ship is of course a reference to the game, "Tribes: Ascend", which had a bunch of easily spamable voice commands. One of these voice commands was created by pressing "VGTG": "I am the greatest!". As one would like it, if the voice commands were used in quick succession it would cut off the end of the current command and continue with the next one. With that "I am the greatest" turned into "I am the great X", whatever came after that. Most people ended most commands with the "VGS" command, which everybody that played the game for even the smallest amount of time should recognize. I will not tell anybody what it is unless they really bug me or I feel like telling a little story, filled with emotion and sadness and - Spoiler - no happy ending!
The very moment we joined Guns of Icarus: Online, The great VGS was born and lives on forever and ever as a memory, as a legend, as the only full explosive Hwacha/Artemis/Mortar/bottom side Mine Launcher Spire that could wreck all the shit in the novice matches.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 11:22:11 pm by Dementio »

Offline Kronos Alucard

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2015, 11:34:18 pm »
Galleon: HMS Tsar
After the title of the Russian Emperor, I may choose a specific Tsar but not at the moment

Pyramidion: SMS Wilhelm I
Named after the German Kaiser

Mobula: HMS George V
I named it after the British monarch I respect the most, and also since he had a kick-ass beard.

Spire: SS Strasbourg
Name of a city I like

Junker: SS Seahag
Why not?

Squid: SS Athena
Who could win against a god ;)

Goldfish: SS Titan
Better question, who could win against a titan???
« Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 11:41:18 pm by Kronos Alucard »

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2015, 11:49:23 pm »
Squid: SS Athena
Who could win against a god ;)

Goldfish: SS Titan
Better question, who could win against a titan???

Dementio wants to have a word with you.

Offline Kronos Alucard

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2015, 12:01:02 am »
Fine, I'll tickle his peach.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2015, 07:18:24 am »
My ships are named after Obscure Sphinx songs/albums, with clan prefix (FFS for FIRE), excluding Goldfish:

Pyramidion: FFS Lunar Caustic

Spire: FFS Velorio

Mobula: FFS Void Mother

Goldfish: The Demise Of Zephyr (the only one not related with OS, but with Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura; also, it makes me laugh my ass off when one of enemy ships is named Zephyr)

Junker: FFS Nastiez

Squid: FFS Bleed In Me

Galleon: FFS Eternity

« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 07:47:16 am by Schwalbe »

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2015, 12:45:59 pm »
Well, I don't even play much as a pilot. But sure, whatever:

Pyramidion: Furry
Try to Google it in graphics. I dare you.

Spire: Foxy
I like foxes. Not some zoo- stuff though, I'm not into that kind of things.

Mobula: Kitsune
Like I said before, I like foxes. And what's better than fox spirit taking form of cute girl, seducing you and stealing your life essence? Totally worth it if you ask me.

Goldfish: Neko
You know... cats. Catgirls. Stuff and thangs. Don't judge me, I'm weird ok?

Junker: Daniel
Named after Amnesia: The Dark Descent main character, I swear.

Squid: Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Don't even try to spell it. You won't be able to. And that's why I named it so. It's a reference to a movie How I unleashed World War II, specifically scene where main character Franciszek Dolas tries to fool SS officer with fake identity. Just copy+paste it in YouTube.

Galleon: Onii-chan
It's big. Protective. Just like girl's older brother. Considering that girls in anime often call brothers onii-chan and IT HAS FOUR CANONS READY TO UNLEASH HELL AND DESTROY THE VERY ESSENCE OF YOUR PATHETIC LIFE, I thought it'd be the best name for it.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2015, 01:00:58 pm »
Squid: SS Athena
Who could win against a god ;)

Goldfish: SS Titan
Better question, who could win against a titan???

Dementio wants to have a word with you.

wait horatio? I remember beating him b4...

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2015, 01:26:56 pm »

Squid: Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Don't even try to spell it. You won't be able to. And that's why I named it so. It's a reference to a movie How I unleashed World War II, specifically scene where main character Franciszek Dolas tries to fool SS officer with fake identity. Just copy+paste it in YouTube.

- Rzee.. Bsche... chysh...
- Brzęczyszczykiewicz.
The mentioned scene - genius

As far as I know, it's not just a regular twister, it's full of sounds non-existing in german - therefore it's a kind of a mindfuck.
On the other hand, I don't suppose many bloody poles to be able to say it correctly... Gottverdammt...

Offline DrTentacles

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Re: Ship Names
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2015, 01:37:31 pm »
Alright, big secret time-

All of my ship names, along with my clan name, are references to a semi-obscure table-top RPG by White Wolf called Exalted, which I and most of my clan play. Now that that's out:

Goldfish: Florivet-A demon pirate who sails a boat made out of his bones that travels land as easily as water, enjoys booze and women, and used to be a protector of forbidden knowledge until one day he decided "Fuck it, I'm going to go become a ship." And so he did. Canon recurring NPC in a campaign I run, and the party's main source of transport.

Squid: Beauteous Wasp- Flying, inhumanly beautiful demonic wasps, servants of Florivet, who are actually pretty chill, and just want to find worthy riders. (Not like that. Pervert.) The Squid's a mini-goldfish, so it's named after Florivet's souls/servants/progeny.

Junker: Vanileth- The God of Artificial Flight in the Celestial Bureaucracy. Fitting, for the ship that looks most "classic zeppelin."

Pyramideon: Five-Metal Shrike-Rogue Airship/AI/God-Trapped in an titan-slaying airship. Pyramideons are fast, powerful, and pack a good forward punch. Also, they look like a shrike. Pointy.

Galleon: Brass Leviathan- Named after *another* rogue AI/God, this one aquatic (the people who created these had a bit of a problem), the Brass Leviathan is a massive submarine that haunts the Western Oceans in Exalted, occasionally killing random ship. The Galleon is the only playable ship that I would call a "Leviathan" and the name is cool as hell for a steampunk airship.

Mobula: Kimbery- Named for one of the Lords of Hell/Titans, who takes the shape of an infinitely large ocean which is both poisonous, and acidic. I don't know how it works either. The Mobula is a mean, huge, whale-like ship, so it gets the name of a corrosive sea. According to Rob and Dan, it sounds like a town in England.

Spire: Sword of Creation- In Exalted, the Sword of Creation is a series of magical towers that form a defense network, if controlled, that can raze cities with lasers from on high. It is not an actual sword. The Spire, however, sorta looks like a sword, if you squint hard enough after enough moonshine. It also is capable of razing enemies from on high.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 01:39:02 pm by DrTentacles »