Author Topic: MM screwing you over with 10 seconds of match start  (Read 5697 times)

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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MM screwing you over with 10 seconds of match start
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:07:20 pm »
I'm sure you've all seen it.

You have your crew all set and match starts and bam. Some random powder monkey has graced us in the last second of lobby time to fk everything up.

There really needs to be a measure where if someone joins in the match, the lobby timer gets added like 20 secs to set that new crewmate up. (or in alot of cases, spam that git with reccommended build until he complies-or otherwise I'm swearing like a sailor the whole game). On the 60 or 50 second mark I mean.

Plus when a captain presses ready. MM locks players out of crew slots when the timer reaches 30 seconds. (this helps get matches starting faster)

And when people join mid-game they are forced to take on a recommended build (plus the game should detect that build even if the tools are in the wrong order given by that recommendation but has all the right tools are presently equipped). Hell ammo types can be subjective. But for the love of god a ship is as good as dead unless a crew member has the correct engie tools on hand.

(this measure doesn't counter powder monkeys joining in mid game wen I already have a gunner but baby steps eh)

As for that above issue. Reccomended build should represent a full crew. Meaning, if the game detects that you are a gunner and there is already a gunner (s) slot used up. You must be an engie or pilot (ONLY if the ship has no pilot).

e.g. My reccomended builds usually follows on a typical pyra

Gunner with wrench, spy glass
Engie full repair
engie buff kit.

If I already have a gunner and I have an engie.

They must join as an engie with one of the two engie builds (a choice between the two I reccomend). Ammo types are whatever they want but piloting tools and engie tools (this my highest priority) are a must have before joining.

because the game detects that my ship crew build is gunner, engie and engie. 1 gunner is used. 1 engie is used. So only one spot for an engie is allowed. If you do this. You can MM people into matches mid game.

I miss my AI crew... I miss my heavy gambit carron spire that pops ships in less than 10 seconds wen you set AI to attack.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2014, 10:21:41 pm by Ceresbane »

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: MM screwing you over with 10 seconds of match start
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 08:03:27 am »
There really needs to be a measure where if someone joins in the match, the lobby timer gets added like 20 secs to set that new crewmate up. (or in alot of cases, spam that git with reccommended build until he complies-or otherwise I'm swearing like a sailor the whole game). On the 60 or 50 second mark I mean.

Well this was pretty much the idea. Either Devs don't listen to the community or it's a bug. Either way it's bad and should be fixed.

As for that above issue. Reccomended build should represent a full crew. Meaning, if the game detects that you are a gunner and there is already a gunner (s) slot used up. You must be an engie or pilot (ONLY if the ship has no pilot).

This is not going to happen (probably) because matchmaker's priority is time and if there's not much people around it just throws in whoever it can. Devs once said that if we prefer the quality to be the priority they can change it after some testing.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: MM screwing you over with 10 seconds of match start
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 10:53:08 am »
Happened to me yes, the recommended loadout thingy should be usefull atleast for people joining in in the last 10 seconds, cus that is still enough time to give him the recomended loadout. Buuuuut it is still a problem just having un prepped people join in on the last second.