Captain's Log, day after the unexpected time manipulation.(Mostly) success! Even through some rather confusing and unforeseen time-related issues the CakeWatch fleet has completed three of four main goals:
- Capturing various strategic resource locations from the Baronies.
- Assassinate the Baron of Blackcliff.
Assist the Green Sun Trading Co. in chasing the remains of the Hydra fleet (ambushed by SPQR).- Secure the Green Sun Trading Co. marshmallow supply lines (several cargo ships were sneaked past the Coalition's attack force).
We hope to have an even greater victory in the coming week, but this was far from a failure.
Also there haven't been any more fleet-wide messages from the Yeshan side of things, so that's something. Changing around the ships may have had a positive influence on the long-held political views.
Ending the entry here, fingers going numb in the snow here, better have some roasted marshmallows to warm up.