Author Topic: Novices  (Read 11516 times)

Offline StrawberryDelite

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« on: October 30, 2014, 05:22:34 pm »
With the new matchmaking system, I've been seeing a lot of problems that involve novices. However, the main problem I've found with them wasn't the inexperience, but rather the unwillingness to communicate. I believe the best way to solve the "novice problem" that Guns has would be to target the unwillingness to communicate.

Novice "Status"
First off, novice status is now removed at level 5, which, going by the badges, is only the middle of level 2 in the old system. In addition to the fact that levels are now more easily gained due EXP, this means that novices are graduating far earlier than they would in the old system. For the following suggestions to work, novice status should be removed at either level 10 (level 4 in the old system), or upon receiving commendations from 10 non-novices.

In my experience, I have found that most players level 10 and higher have gotten a fairly good grasp of the game and are most likely to respond to other crewmembers, so level 10 seems to be a good number.

The commendation alternative would be for those times when a novice has played enough games to prove that s/he is open to communication and knows enough of the ins and outs of the game to be graduated earlier. After all, we've all played matches with low levels that were willing to listen and learn from others, thus making them just as good as the high levels in most cases. By allowing novices to graduate from commendations, it'll allow the better players to graduate earlier and it will give players an incentive to be open and responsive.

Mentorship System
One thing I've found to be very successful in other games is a mentorship system. This is a system that allows new players to apprentice themselves to more experienced mentors, who can help guide them through the game. Seeing as to how Guns of Icarus consists primarily of teamwork and knowledge of the game's mechanics, GoI would benefit greatly from a mentor system. Mentors would have to be level 25 or higher, at which point they can apply to become one. Once a mentor, the player would automatically be placed into a "mentor queue" whenever s/he is online. Novices can join the mentor queue whenever they like, and as many times as they like in order to be matched up with someone. Both novices and mentors can have as many mentors and apprentices as they'd like. In addition, while in the lobby or a crew formation, a novice can right click any level 25+ player and ask them to become their mentor, and vice versa. If a novice is level 5+, a mentor can choose to graduate them from novice early if they believe they are good enough.

Limits on Novices
As of right now, Novice ship builds are only limited in Novice matches. Novices should have their builds limited in all matches, but not without one of the following changes:

A. The matchmaker should take whether or not a player is a novice and a captain into account. If novice captains are in a match, the matchmaker should always ensure that there are an equal amount of novice and non-novice captains on each side.

B. The matchmaker should make sure there is always at least one non-novice captain on each team. Non-novice captains and non-novice crew members on the same ship can recommend ship builds to novice captains, even if the build is not a novice build. In addition, novice captains can ask to have a certain build approved by a non-novice crewmember or captain.

C. If both of these seem like good ideas, why not both?

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Novices
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2014, 06:03:26 pm »
If you're bothered by novices just wait a month and the number of players will drop to around 400ish in prime hours. :P

novice status should be removed at either level 10 (level 4 in the old system)

Completely approved. Why the hell would you lower the novice graduation level.

(Although in theory novice status is not needed because matchmaking works but shhhhh)

or upon receiving commendations from 10 non-novices.

This is way too small number.

About mentoring - I like the idea but I think we had something similar (it was just called teachers) but it ended after some time because neither veterans nor noobs were interested in such thing. Also giving random player lvl >=25 possibility of promoting someone from novice is just stupid.

I won't comment on matchmaking ideas because matchmaking doesn't work.

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: Novices
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 06:05:14 pm »
Novice graduation should definitely be at level 10.

10 commendations is way too low.  I got 10 commendations from non-novices on like my first day of playing.

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Novices
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 07:38:24 pm »
Well, that's maybe because you was responsive and willing to learn from first day of playing? Those are the kind of players that keep me coming back to the game, and I would like to be matched with them more often, letting the non-communicative ones stay in their own silent cesspool of non-cooperative matches.

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Novices
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 07:39:37 pm »
Well, that's maybe because you was responsive and willing to learn from first day of playing? Those are the kind of players that keep me coming back to the game, and I would like to be matched with them more often, letting the non-communicative ones stay in their own silent cesspool of non-cooperative matches.

Most people just give everyone a thumbs up, regardless of how well or communicative they were. I know I do.

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: Novices
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2014, 07:56:39 pm »
Most people just give everyone a thumbs up, regardless of how well or communicative they were. I know I do.

I used to give everyone a thumbs-up just for not being awful, but now I wait a few matches playing with someone to give them a commendation unless they were exemplary.

Offline Steve CZ

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Re: Novices
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2014, 04:21:07 am »
The achievements want you to give thumbs up, so you give thumbs up. After completing the achievements you can start to be picky...