This isn't a typical guide, recommending builds or play style.
Just out of curiosity, I've made several graphs to compare ships in Guns of Icarus Online.
The attached file is the outcome of my little experiment.
It's compressed and divided into two parts because the forum won't let me attach a big file.
I hope the graphs helps whether you are choosing a ship, writing a guide, designing a new ship, or just studying trivia.
If you have any comments or criticism, I’d be happy to receive them.
If there are any errors (typos, grammar, or data), I’d be happy to edit them.
Feel free to use any of these graphs in your work (guides, forum posts, etc.). In fact, I’d be honored if these graphs are of any use.
If you’d like a personalized graph, you can email me at I’ll try to answer back by the end of the week.
Word of caution, if you send me spam, I will block you, permanently.