Author Topic: Balloon/flechette attacks  (Read 19953 times)

Offline Helmic

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Re: Balloon/flechette attacks
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2013, 07:54:59 pm »
No one's really arguing it's that OP though, it's just like sniper rifles in a first person shooter - you just can't retaliate.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Balloon/flechette attacks
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2013, 08:23:35 pm »
In 2v2, I think it's a bit OP.

That sounds like an OP argument to me.

And you can retaliate, with all of the information that has been provided so far in the thread. If you just ignore all of it, well then thats on you.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Balloon/flechette attacks
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2013, 08:52:12 pm »

If we see 1v1 in adventure mode, I think it'll come close to being a win button. Even if you destroy the gun, they only need to get it repaired for a few seconds to take your balloon down and then you're not getting another shot at them unless they can't stay on you.

Well I think strategies work differently at different levels of play so there's probably not much more to say about this.  If it makes you feel better though, there's a reason there are no 1v1 maps.  Muse seems to really feel best about balance the more ships that are involved so I'm not expecting to see too much 1v1 combat in adventure mode.

Offline All Systems Go

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Re: Balloon/flechette attacks
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2013, 11:34:49 pm »
In 2v2, I think it's a bit OP.

That sounds like an OP argument to me.

And you can retaliate, with all of the information that has been provided so far in the thread. If you just ignore all of it, well then thats on you.

Prevention isn't really the same as retaliation.

Consider the double hwachas again. If they come in hard... you take out their weapons, but their engines are on the other side of the hull. Then can go full reverse and just run. If you *do* get their engines... hwachas have a long reload, time the rebuild to just after a volley and try to get away, or rebuild your own weapon-destroying weapon (hwacha or whatever) and take out mine before they cycle. There are ways to counter that counter and it might just fail, but, seems a lot easier to pull off to me.

Flechette... best defense that's worked for me is, as you say, stay high and don't let them get close. That's prevention though.

But I guess I shouldn't complain while I'm using it. It's a pretty sweet setup for all the DM achievements and watching people rage is funny as all hell.

edit: Well let me just put it this way: It's *one* component that's attackable from any angle and dies quickly and disables the whole target vessel more thoroughly and safely than anything else.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 11:43:33 pm by All Systems Go »