Author Topic: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes  (Read 60270 times)

Offline Grixis

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Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« on: October 20, 2014, 06:43:12 am »

Update 1.3.8 Release Notes
With our second anniversary just around the corner, this update will also be one of our biggest. With this update, we’re improving and expanding on the way you get into matches, revamping the progression system, making spectating matches a lot more fun, and finally integrating with Steam Workshop so people can create hats, goggles, and ship decals.

Release Vlog:

Upcoming Events: 
1.  2nd Anniversary Youtuber Charity Tourney
With our 2nd anniversary, we want to celebrate by giving back. Born in the eye of Hurricane Sandy, we’re extremely fortunate and grateful to have the support of our community and to have persisted for two years. Starting on Oct. 27th, we’ll have a 2 week celebration where everyone in game will unlock the anniversary ship theme as well as birthday hat 2 - arguably our funniest hat ever. 

The game will be on sale on Steam, and 16 casters will take part a huge charity tournament to fight for charities of their choices.  We will donate 20% of the all net proceeds to from sale of the game during our anniversary celebration to charities of the casters’ choices, with the winningest teams bringing more to their charities.  To be the first to see the battles and keep track of each team’s winnings check out our page dedicated to the event!

2.  Rob & Dan Invitational - Our first MLG event
Guns of Icarus’s first official MLG event featuring some of the best team to ever grace our skies. Starting November 8th watch it live at 1-3pm EST (6-8PM UTC) for the European bracket and  5-7PM EST (10-12PM UTC) for the American bracket at
Click here to check out the rules and the brackets

3. Sunday Community Skirmish
Info:  The 25th week of Sunday Community Skirmish happens this week and getting in is as simple as signing up on the forum page. This event has had some amazing battles and brought a bunch of competitive teams into the forefront of the competitive scene. Keep an eye out for the weekly sign up thread!

1.  New Match System
The long awaited new match system is finally here! After months of testing, iterating, collecting and implementing your feedback, it’s finally ready for release. In the new match system, it now takes a more active role in placing players into matches quickly and in a more balanced fashion. Captains can recommend loadouts to crew. Crew form is readily available to help crews and teams of friends enter a match much quicker. Players who refer to play entire matches with people they know can still create and join custom games. The match list is now centers around friends, and lists all the matches (both yet to start and in progress) that your friends are in. The new system retains the best of the old match system while addressing some of major issues. 

2.  New Progression System and new level cap
Leveling is now freed from achievements. From now on, you’ll level based on experiences in match and not by grinding and farming achievements. Stats are better organized and displayed to give you more interesting, fun, and relevant information. Rewards are also better organized and unlocked in “sets.”  The level cap will also be expanded to level 45, for all existing players their levels and achievements are transferred to the new system putting them roughly three times their current level.  Despite the new focus on experience, achievements are of course still there, and will still unlock items as well. All the rewards have been reset and you can redeem them again! 

3.  New tutorial flow for first time players
With the updated Basic Tutorial covering the keys of communications, component repair/rebuild, and hull armor/perma-hull, we finally feel comfortable enough to direct first time player flow through basic tutorial.  In this update, first time players will not only see the welcome screen but will also be taken to the basic tutorial (skippable) for a few minutes to practice a few basic keys of the game.

4.  Moderation tool improvements
Previously, moderation was lacking in gradation, limiting the ability of moderators to perform more nuanced moderation tasks and thereby hindering player experience.  Now, the moderators will have expanded tools and functionality to offer moderation to more situations.

5. Upgraded Spectator System
Now you can have the camera follow playings on a ship by selecting the ship and using [ and ] to cycle through them.  We’re also really excited to present the ram cam!  Simply select a ship and left click to get a great view of the front of the ship, great for ramming and close up brawls!

6.  [Coming in a few days] Steam Workshop for hats, goggles, and decals
Steam Workshop will be set to go live in this coming week. With it, you can now design your own ship decals, hats, and goggles!  The details and instructions will be on our Steam Workshop page.  If we decide to put what you design into the game, the item will be free for all!

- New Maps: 
2v2 Water Hazard (sub-section of original with additional obstacles)
2v2 Fight over Firnfeld (sub-section of original)
- New set of voice commands
- [Unlockable on 10.29] Anniversary theme and hats
- Soundtrack now comes in mp3

- Decrease of longitudinal drag as balloon takes damage.  Longitudinal drag decrease will increase top speed of ships.
- Banshee: Direct Hit dmg increased to 25 (from 15), AoE Hit damage type changed to Fire (from Explosive) and damage decreased to 25 (from 30)
- Heavy Flak: Increased ShellLife to 7s (from 6s), increasing effective range to 1680m (from 1440m).  Does not affect arc or muzzle speed.
- Mine Balloon health reduced to 200 (from 300)

- Gunner Support 5: Rebuild 100 Parts (from Rebuild 100 parts with Spanner)
- Pilot Flyin' 14: On helm, destroy 25 ships at a distance of greater than 1000m (from 1300m)
- Pilot Maps 12: Play 3 matches in Firnfeld (2v2 or 3v3) against enemy captains all level 4+ with 2 more kills than deaths. (from Win 3 perfect victories in Firnfeld against enemy captains all level 4+)
- Pilot Objectives 15: Capture 180 points in CP (from 250)
- Reduced time requirements in all Teaching achievements to 30 min (from 240 min)

95 Fixes:
- Social list now updates by refresh button
- Film Grain Effect added to Options
- Keybindings for more helm skills
- Voice commands now feature voice actors’ names
- Holding down mouse to rebuild/buff now definitively as fast as rapid clicking
- Fixed the long standing issue with Alt-Tab from fullscreen
- Steam Mac client instability resolved
- Fixed issue of autodeploy not working when in the menu
- Fixed issue of deploy not working when captain leaves
- Fixed issues with AI behavior when extinguishing fire, mounting guns, and onboard mobula
- Fixed issue of blue and white and upside down character in windowed mode
- Fixed issue of missing crew members in victory end match screen
- Fixed issue of player being stuck in the air if removed by script while being on gun
- Fixed issue of minor damages not shown by UI on components with high HP
- Fixed freefall sound effect played when mounting a gun while falling
- Fixed Mercury’s barrel not resetting after being fired
- Fixed UI of clan commendation when commendation is made
- Improved image res of commendation icon
- Improved ambient lighting scheme.
- Fixed issue of ‘Pinging' is shown instead of actual pings on LINUX
- Fixed issue with clan application display
- Fixed issue with clan search display
- Updated twitter and facebook links in registration confirmation emails
- Fixed issues with Wilson’s Notes related achievements
- Fixed button formatting on mouseover
- Fixed issue of putting the game on tray while a match is going gets the sound effects stacked and resulting in a loud noise when returning
- Fixed issue of networking thread stop getting time
- Fixed bug with White Whaler achievement
- Fixed issue of current map not updating after map vote
- Fixed naming inconsistency with Dustrider
- Fixed issue with mobula thrown to ground by dust storm
- Fixed issue of ship customization editor does not save position for decals
- Fixed issue of camera shakes at victory screen if your ship was affected by the "wrong way gust" at the moment of match end
- Fixed LOD issue with balloon pistons
- Fixed issue with no animation for the Hades chamber if firing with button mashing
- Fixed issue with Hades playing reload sound at ship respawn in Duel at Dawn
- Fixed issue with dye and male Khovansky costume
- Fixed Create Event text formatting bug
- Background added to ship name input field for improved legibility
- Fixed bug with character with empty hands in 3rd person view
- Added confirmation to dye application
- Added confirmation for ship renaming
- When player doesn’t belong to a clan, on clan page replaced Create Clan with Find Clan functionality for ease of finding existing clans
- Fixed issue of light not fading in/out on ship theme objects
- Flamethrowers removed from Novice builds [Note: Flamethrowers in novice hinder new players from learning the basics of the game. They appear to be balanced in veteran games based on reports and usage numbers, but they are prevalent in novice matches with novice players having a harder time countering them and us having a harder time to communicating the effectiveness of chem spray as a counter.]
- Fixed password field formatting bug
- Fixed issue of floating helm with the use of tar
- Fixed override invalid settings in Video Settings in Options
- Tutorial help text disabled for when viewing minimap or scoreboard
- Fixed issue of blanket intersecting piston on Squid when using the Valentine’s Day theme
- Fixed octopus figurehead clipping issue
- Fixed display of rope flag rings for Valentine’s Day theme on Junker
- Fixed invisible character while on ladder in 3rd person view
- Fixed flickering display on carronade
- Fixed display issue of coins hovering on gaps of gratings for Valentine’s Day theme
- Fixed issue of flickering in Fjords map
- Fixed faulty UV mapping of bucket on Junker
- Fixed issue of piston clipping with pot on Squid with Traveller theme
- Fixed issue of decoration is 'hanging in the way” of the propeller on Pyramidion with Traveler theme
- Fixed issue of light having no effect on certain theme objects
- Fixed Mechanist cap hair bug
- Fixed texture bug on Spire
- Fixed wheel placement and clipping on Lumberjack
- Fixed texture bug on Pyramidion
- Fixed misplaced steam leak on Mobula with Industrial theme
- Fixed missing hitmarkers if hitting a ship hidden by dust clouds
- Fixed display and flickering issues with water in Fjords map
- Fixed bug with effects remaining after respawn
- Fixed issue of map vote choice not being shown if going to other menus and returning
- Fixed display issue with lighting in ship customization and store
- Fixed issues with video setting save state displays
- Fixed issue of falling through a plank on Junker
- Fixed texture issue on Battle on the Dunes
- Fixed issue of gun handles not having fireproof coating if not in 'idle' position
- Fixed wonky display of “Connection Attempt Failed” when loading into a match
- Added button instructions on profile page
- Fixed issue of display of incorrect achievements when pressing Q in practice or tutorial
- Fixed pipe display error on Junker for the Industrial theme
- Fixed lobby naming consistency issue
- Fixed issue of name color display in chat
- Fixed issue with active ship loadout preset switches when restarting the game client
- Fixed display issue with War Room costume [Details available upon request]
- Fixed issue with voice command notifications overlapping onscreen tutorial text
- Fixed issue with Basic Tutorial ending without target dummy destroyed
- Unified dye UI between character and ship customization
- Fixed gun object display and ship customization issues in Linux
- Fixed display error of Khovansky Special Hair portrait
- Fixed issue with flickering coins on Spire with Valentine’s Day theme
- Fixed hair issue with male Newsboy Cap
- Fixed issue with respawning with different customization options
- Added more tools for better map and ship creation [Internal]
- Fixed issue of ladder pushing character in wrong direction
- Fixed issue of chat text clipping and overlapping with player popup
- Fixed clan commendation display bug

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 07:01:23 am »
Those are some great changes!

btw. as expected, the banshee will be THE weapon of 1.3.8 :D

Offline JinxedHatesYou

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 08:07:13 am »
Glico allows second gunners and second pilots on ship, pretty much nothing changed there.
I also suspect that it fails to pick more or less equal teams.
Suggested loadouts fail to work nor it is explained how they are supposed to work.
Game successfully became more laggy, making it almost impossible for me to play.
Lobbies of Icarus transformed in new kind of lobbies of icarus - waiting when pilot slot is available.

In general, there are not enough players to use matchmaking system and, knowing Muse's approach - they will just throw the game on humble bundle or some other shitty deal to accumulate more players and fail to keep them up to the point when online drops even further down that it was originally.

Have fun playing, I am going to enjoy some new free space on HDD.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2014, 09:17:05 am »
Glico allows second gunners and second pilots on ship, pretty much nothing changed there.
I also suspect that it fails to pick more or less equal teams.
Suggested loadouts fail to work nor it is explained how they are supposed to work.
Game successfully became more laggy, making it almost impossible for me to play.
Lobbies of Icarus transformed in new kind of lobbies of icarus - waiting when pilot slot is available.

In general, there are not enough players to use matchmaking system and, knowing Muse's approach - they will just throw the game on humble bundle or some other shitty deal to accumulate more players and fail to keep them up to the point when online drops even further down that it was originally.

Have fun playing, I am going to enjoy some new free space on HDD.

its been alive for like 3 hours

Offline FredTheFifth

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2014, 09:49:20 am »
Pretty pretty PRETTY please make the fish and the lobbys look like they did before this patch

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2014, 10:38:20 am »
ahhh patch day. I'm looking forward to take a look at all the fancy new stuff.

- Decrease of longitudinal drag as balloon takes damage.  Longitudinal drag decrease will increase top speed of ships.
oO I can now burn my balloon to move faster? that's weird...

Offline Nidh

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2014, 10:43:42 am »
ahhh patch day. I'm looking forward to take a look at all the fancy new stuff.

- Decrease of longitudinal drag as balloon takes damage.  Longitudinal drag decrease will increase top speed of ships.
oO I can now burn my balloon to move faster? that's weird...

Smaller balloon = less wind resistance

That makes sense, I think.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2014, 10:58:15 am »
Wouldn't a deflated balloon cause more drag than a properly inflated one based on the aerodynamics? That's getting into realism though, which we break all the time anyway here.

What I don't get is, why was it changed anyway?

Offline Nidh

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2014, 11:02:52 am »
Wouldn't a deflated balloon cause more drag than a properly inflated one based on the aerodynamics?


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 11:05:58 am »
Wouldn't a deflated balloon cause more drag than a properly inflated one based on the aerodynamics?


Nobody gives me memos anymore Y_Y

Offline Dementio

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2014, 11:07:20 am »
Pretty pretty PRETTY please make the fish and the lobbys look like they did before this patch

+1 for this, just out of personal preference.

By the way, with the change to the level system is the current "lvl 3+" player really equivalent to a "lvl 3+" player of the old level system? Same for lvl 7+ and so on.
I feel like achievements and the lvl limit for novice matches has to be changed accordingly.

Because matchmaking is going on now, is there a logical way to get achievements->community->teaching that require you to get commendation from players lvl 1-4?

Offline Kouhei Sakurai

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2014, 12:13:14 pm »
The MM idea will be a convenient way to get a match once the kinks are worked out and the playerbase large enough. But I'll still want to be able to see a whole list of games, just like how things were pre-patch, so I can decide which server I want to play on.

- Decrease of longitudinal drag as balloon takes damage.  Longitudinal drag decrease will increase top speed of ships.
oO I can now burn my balloon to move faster? that's weird...

Smaller balloon = less wind resistance

That makes sense, I think.

So Hydrogen now provides a speed boost indirectly? I wonder why this was implemented...

Pretty pretty PRETTY please make the fish and the lobbys look like they did before this patch

Who gave the Goldfish a haircut? It looks a bit bald now...

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2014, 04:19:18 pm »
So Hydrogen now provides a speed boost indirectly? I wonder why this was implemented...
I guess it's meant to be an indirect carro nerf. People complained about being unable to escape from balloon locks.

Offline AbbyTheRat

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2014, 05:01:40 pm »
So Hydrogen now provides a speed boost indirectly? I wonder why this was implemented...
I guess it's meant to be an indirect carro nerf. People complained about being unable to escape from balloon locks.

Although.. it could also be a carro buff.. cause if you start flying faster and faster and you hit the ground.. you're going to do more damage.

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Re: Version 1.3.8 Release Notes
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2014, 06:52:03 pm »
Where is the Swallow Icarus Update? I miss his dulcet tones and wry sense of humor easing the transition to the new meta.