Author Topic: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset  (Read 11833 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:48:34 am »

Hello and welcome to the 1.0 ruleset for Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution. First off, there is good news and bad news.

The good news: the public refinement period is over! Slight changes did take place, nothing too major. Also changes could still take place up until the event, pending there is an outcry. They will be posted and noted. But you really should have added input during the refinement period if there was a problem.

The bad news, the ruleset went over the 20000 character limit on the forums so, you have to use the google doc link.

First off, for those that missed it, here is the trailer: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution

Then here is the ruleset doc: Skies of Retribution

Also the badge/prize idea thread is up here: Prize Submission

Signup threads:

The Northern Pact
The Black Channel Coalition
"Legitimate" Organizer Club

Event kicks off, November 1st! 7pm UTC/3pm EDT!
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 05:58:12 am by Gilder Unfettered »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 12:34:33 am »
Reminder to all teams. Signups end Saturday October 25th.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 05:59:45 am »
Had this on the mind and forgot to address it. As this event will run through a holiday period in November, I don't want to be completely rigid when it comes to the schedule. In fact, should participation be extremely bad for multiple teams for that week then the event will have a bye week. Which might not be a bad idea anyways but I'll leave it up to the participating teams to decide.

This wouldn't push it further into December, it would be a straight cut. Meaning there would be 1 more regular week in December and then the finals. If this would be a major factor for your team members and would help a lot then sound off here. It can be worked around in the storyline easily enough.

As I've ran guilds in MMOs, I know how unpredictable the Thanksgiving weekend can be. Sometimes you get everyone, other times it is a ghost town.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2014, 09:34:24 pm »
I'm going to play it safe. Going to make it official that we'll have a bye week on the 29th of November. So we'll run 4 weekends and then have a break, then be back for the final 2 in December.

Offline Ightrril

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2014, 04:58:33 pm »
Bit of feedback about the VIP match type. I know that "the public refinement period" has finished (which I didn't hear about, probably my fault), but after playing that I feel it is pretty much impossible for the VIP to win without hiding in a corner, doing nothing (which, in Canyon Ambush would either be in SW corner, in A4 or in NE corner). This would then leave your allies in a 3v2 situation, allowing for the other team to also pick up quite a few points from kills. That would then likely lead the rest of the team to also hide in a corner as mentioned before so as to get the maximum number of points relative to the other team.
Now, of course, this would lead to rather a dull match. I personally feel that, for trying to make a more interesting match (actually fighting) for the casters and viewers, I was heavily punished.
Although since there were enough people two VIP matches ran, one VIP per overall team, it really is incredibly harmful for the fleets which have the VIP ship as people who have played really feel bad about it, personally I am in rather a foul mood right now.
The idea for VIP matches may be more so for the VIP team to stick together and run around the map several times, but with the VIP ship visible by default this creates a huge disadvantage since the hunters can just 3v1 charge the VIP while ignoring the other two ships until the VIP dies.
Introducing this game type into the event really seems like overall a bad decision to me. Ever seen a new player complaining about the King of the Hill matchtype in a Labyrinth lobby? That's how I feel now. Without having played the gametype a few tens of times I really have no idea for the best tactic for the VIP team, but for the hunters it seems obvious; kill the one with the shiny ship tag.

An alternative to having a VIP on only one team would be to have one on both, but I'm sure that would come with its own problems.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 05:01:08 pm by Ightrril »

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2014, 05:04:54 pm »
So how does a faction actually win? Just winning the final battle? If so, what are the points scored up to that point even for? Just to determine which teams get to participate in the final battle?
Are resources and points seperate? Rephrase: does using boosters use up the points earned in the battles?

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2014, 05:27:40 pm »
Yeah I thought about that. Why the VIP has a quick 10 min timer. So they don't have to hide for long or engage for long. VIP teams can engage any way they want. If they want to risk the VIP, they can, if they want to hide the VIP and two ships play the distraction, they can. The attackers run the risk of having to commit immediately to catch the VIP. There is less time for them to sit there and plan. From what I saw the system worked as intended in both matches. The one team which focus fired ran into a bit of chop and took losses as a result.

Teams have had a good 2 months now to prep for this and give input. I posted the prelim designs to the original Aero teams back in July. Then did a public period for a month and a Q&A session with Abby on her show. There has been ample time given and many opportunities for teams to give input. No one took advantage of that. I can't make people give input.

Right now everyone is on the same level with the gametype. It is tactic heavy and you have to devise new play styles to be able to fight in it. This is what I hoped for in it is to see something different in the community. You have to think about the possibly strategy that your opponent will employ. I had hoped to preview it on an Ironfork awhile back but that never materialized for whatever reason.

You won't be playing it every week either. Going to bring teams through it at least once and also make sure we keep it balanced so everyone has a chance to gain points.  Also the event can return to more CP centric if it is voted upon but I'd like to balance it at the start before doing a full shift. This is the hard part is making sure everyone has a fair chance at doing CP, TDM, and VIP.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Ruleset
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2014, 05:33:50 pm »
So how does a faction actually win? Just winning the final battle? If so, what are the points scored up to that point even for? Just to determine which teams get to participate in the final battle?
Are resources and points seperate? Rephrase: does using boosters use up the points earned in the battles?

Faction wins by overall performance of participating teams. This week the Coalition edged out the Pact. Weekly Commander comes in and offers a chance to spend the faction points to potentially gain higher score. Course if they fail to execute then their faction might end up suddenly behind the other.

So there is 2 winners in the end. The Faction and the highest scoring individual team that finishes the finals.

And, original VIP docs had a dual VIP gametype where both sides had a VIP. Trouble was when I thought about it, it really didn't change anything from TDM. Just have a focus target on both sides. Didn't provide any risk for reward or really force teams to be creative with tactics. If its just going to be TDM with bonus kill rules then its not really changing anything. So this setup was picked in favor since it has the highest chance of teams mixing it up. If you want to run away like a scared little kitten, you can. Or if you want to engage toe to toe, you can. Either way you have to figure out how to protect or take down your opponent.

Btw, individual point totals and faction totals will be recorded to this faction spreadsheet:
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 05:37:45 pm by Gilder Unfettered »