Team Name:Crimson Sky Menace
Logo by Cadett
The Crimson Sky Menace request the protection of the Black Channel Coalition against the Northern Pact.
Despite having once fought fiercely under the Anglean banner, there is fear now of our members being handed over to Yesha to be prosecuted over alleged criminal activity on Blue Veil soil in the past (these charges we continue to contest).
Our refusal to enter into the Pact has painted our clan members as turn-coats. Their war of revenge has spilled into an attack on our mercenaries, merchants, and associates.
There is no other way to answer their "with us or against us" demands. Our hand is being forced -- turn-coat we shall be.
Though we acknowledge the sadness that would come having to face our former Ryder allies in battle, we offer our services to the war effort under the command of the Coalition, until such time as this conflict is resolved and the safety of our members secured.
Number of Ships: 3
Port Hailing From: Our members and associates hail from all across the red sands of the Burren. Our deployment is currently encamped somewhere between Fallow and Paritus.