Hello there. So you decided to purchase Guns of Icarus Online and join our great adventure! We are really happy to have you, we hope we'll get a lot of fun together. To make your first steps a little easier we decided to explain everything you may see on the screen step by step so you know where to look that thing you want to find. So, let's begin!

After you logged in this is the first screen you see, we'll call it the main menu or the starting screen. Let's divide it up into some parts so you won't be overwhelmed.

So let's start with
number one.

I'd like to call it Account Zone because it focuses on your account options and informations. The top left button (the one with gear wheel) shows the
Options menu, which looks like this

There's not much to talk about here, you'll find graphics and resolution options, the different slides for different sound effects and of course controls options in case you want to check or change your keyboard or controler settings. The profanity filter is a blockade set by Muse to prevent people from writing and seeing bad words.
Moving on. The icon in the top middle, with the three people on it, is
Community screen.

Here you can see your profile, your clan page (if you are member of one), upcoming events list (with option to turn on the notification so the game can remind you about the event), the
Community Ambassador button and also
Clan List and

This is the
Clan List screen. You can just search the clan you are looking for or check the variety of rankings to find the clan you'd like. If you are already a member of the clan - it is shown above the search bar.

This is the
CA button screen. CA, short from Community Ambassadors are players who were chosen from the community to speak for it and help every player with every problem they may have. If you're not sure about something or you are being harrassed - those are the first people you want to turn to for help.

This is the
Leaderboards screen. It shows the best competetive clans in community.
Moving on. The top right icon, the one with connected dots and arrow, is the
Progress menu, which looks like this:

Here you can see all sort of data about your performance in different roles, your badges (the best one of each role), number of matches and the time you spent playing each role. The phrase "Untill next level" refers to number of achievements you have to complete to level up the role. As you see on the left side of the screen this is the
Stats page, let's check the rest.

This is the
Logs screen where you can see the achievements (that matter to leveling up). As you see achievements are divided into 9 paths and in each path only one achievement is active, so if you want to level up it's worth checking what are you current achievements.

When you put your mouse on the achievement - the window with it will show up, showing your progress and your goal.

This is the
Challenge screen, it shows up the achievements not related to leveling up your character. It works just the same as in Logs screen.

This is
Prizes screen, it shows all the prizes you gained from leveling up. You also unlock them here.

And this is the
Badges screen, it shows all the badges you gained from leveling up. You unlock badges in Prizes screen.

The down left icon, the one with an exclamation mark, is
notification bar. When something important is happening, someone's inviting you somewhere, asks you to join a party or just messages you - you'll find the messages there.

The down right icon is
Social bar - there you can see who from your friends or clan is online. Also you can check on your party and blocked list.
Not tired yet? Good, let's move on to
number two.

This area provides ship and character customisation options and also shop and manual. Let's first discuss the big icons at the top, from left to right:

This is the
ship screen, brought to you by the button with the ship on it, on the left side. Here you can change your ship (if you're a captain) and also choose loadout and cosmetic add-ons such as theme or figurehead.

Clicking the middle button you'll go into
Character screen. Here you can choose your loadout and customise the look of your character.

The right button, the one with the cart, shows you the
shop menu. Here you can buy cosmetic stuff for your character and your ship. You can only pay using your steam wallet.
Okay, let's talk the icons below. The three icons with numbers under them are roles and their levels. You can change your role by clicking one of the icons. From the left: the bullet is the gunner, the wrench is the engineer, the helm is the captain.
The only thing left are two icons on the down right, the book and the question mark. The book shows you the
game manual and the question mark sends you to
Okay, this went swiftly. Let's move on to
number three.

From the top we see:
WANTED banner
During the season you can sign up as a bounty (or don't sign up and be a hunter) and compete with other players. If you're wanted you need to win with not-wanted people, and if you're not wanted... you get the idea. Whoever get the most wins will become the best Hunter/Bounty and will get a prize.
PLAY button
Which will lead you too lobby list. On the left side you have match creation panel and on the right you have availible lobbies. There are brown lobbies and green lobbies - the brown ones are the one which hasn't started yet and the green ones have already started, they are running lobbies.
This is how typical lobby looks like

To use chat you have to press J, K or L key, to use voicechat you have to use X or C key. The J key is whole match, the K key is your team and L key is your crew. X key is whole match voicechat and C key is your team voicechat.

So the next button is
Tutorials which will lead you to this screen

Here you can play the tutorials and learn the basics of gameplay.
The button below is
Practice - here you can create your own invisible lobby and practice with your friends or bots. You can either play a match or even just go alone to see that ship you hadn't flied yet.
The next button is
Form Crew - it allows you to make a group of people and look for a game together.
So that's all here, let's move to
number four.

Here we can see the chat with three tabs:
-Global - chat for all users
-Clan - chat for members of your clan
-Match - chat only for people in the current match
Also there's a button to make chat larger, the information about the count of players waiting and version of the game, and of course Quit button.
At last but not least -
number five
Here going from left to right we can see buttons:
Forum - which will open GOIO forum page
Need Help? - which will give you the e-mail to the Devs so you can contact them directly
Invite Friend - which will let us send an e-mail to our friends
And further to right there are the Steam, Facebook and Twitter buttons.
I hope some of you may find it useful. Good luck and clear skies to you

(This is a guide that I made especially for the new players. If someone wants to use it - you have my blessing.)