Author Topic: What exactly is "hull"...  (Read 14920 times)

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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What exactly is "hull"...
« on: August 31, 2014, 05:03:32 pm »
The ship has a rebuildable armour and un-rebuildable hp. And which one of that is "hull" actually? Becuase mostly we say hull meaning the armour but game (at least one achievement) treats hull as hp (or, as some part of community says - permahull). Some people say "armour" meaning the armour and "hull" meaning the hp. So I'd like game and community to just stick with one version. What are your thoughts?

Offline shaelyn

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2014, 05:33:20 pm »
huh.  I think of the components as the hull armor and the hull.  when I say hull in game, it could be that the hull armor's breaking, or it's broken and the hull itself is vulnerable.  it doesn't matter, just get to the component and repair it!  XD  ...but for this discussion, I feel like hull in casual conversation can mean either one, but armor is strictly the component that is rebuildable.

for serious discussions, I'd refer to the hull as non-rebuildable and armor as rebuildable, but in game, I think people can figure out which component to go running to regardless of whether you say hull or armor.

Offline Replaceable

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2014, 06:10:38 pm »
Generally for me.
Armour-The rebuildable bit.
Perma- The unrebuildable bit.

Hull Armour, and Permanent Hull respectively

But saying "hullhullhullhull hull!" Usually gets what you want across :D
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 06:13:17 pm by Replaceable »

Offline Sprayer

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2014, 05:03:27 am »
Isn't the hull the entirety of permahull and hullarmor?

Offline GreyTea

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2014, 06:05:20 am »
Don't quote me on this haha,

Armor is the part you can rebuild which would represent plates of metal on the side of the ship, the ''perma'' is the hull integrity of the ship itself,

imagine Gatling would strip the armor, so the metal plates would be riddled with bullets and any barricades to hide behide destroyed,

then mortar fire destroys the hull integrity of the ship and critical parts like the bow of the ship, and that is what effects the frame of the ship and the nose,

so to answer your question the hull is the perma, the rebuilable part is the armor.

Offline Lochiel

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2014, 11:37:15 am »
I try to use structure to refer to the perma, armor to refer to the rebuildable part, and hull to refer to them both.

Offline Halogamb

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2014, 12:02:18 pm »
On the ship I fly on, we kind of built our own vocabulary a bit. We use a variety of terms for the rebuildable armor, "Armor, hull armor, hull (even, though outsiders on our ship might be confused)" When it comes to perma, the two terms we use the most are perma and red, for the red hit markers. To shout that the enemy armor is down, "They're red!" is what will be used almost all the time, again for red hit markers. When we talk about the integrity of their actual perma hull, we use "perma". Sorry if it doesn't make sense xD It probably isn't conventional but it's what works for us currently!

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 01:36:44 am »
I refer to the entirety of it as the hull and divided into two categories, obviously one is armor and the other is essentially structural integrity.

Armor is used to protect the structure of the vessel, without that structure the entire thing falls apart.

Offline Thomas

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2014, 05:31:57 pm »
When I say 'hull' I'm usually talking about the hull component. And like most, I'll start shouting 'hull hull hull', even though it's the armor that's broken. I consider the armor to the be the armor, and the hull to be the permanent HP.

Offline pandatopia

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2014, 05:37:03 pm »
Hmm, ever since first being an engineer I've always seen hull refer to the permahull, while armor or hull armor is the well, hull armor.

If someone refers to the hull armor as "hull" I am quick to remind them.

I once had a weird conversation where I said squid hull is pretty high and someone kept telling me it was the lowest in the game until I asked if he meant armor instead...

Hull = permahull! >:O

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2014, 05:44:08 pm »
I use a few terms. 'Hull' means the component fixpoint, armor or not.  "Ignore the hull, keep firing." means don't worry about the hull fixpoint.

If I am talking about a target, I use the term 'hull' as anything not gun, balloon, or engines. "Go for hull shots only." I tend to call the armor going down a 'Hull break'.

That is all ingame, though. In lobbies, hull is your HP, and armor is the rebuildable part. Generally referred to as 'Hull HP' and 'Armor points'. That is just me.

Offline Mean Machine

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2014, 08:38:43 am »
For me, armor - rebuildable and hull - not rebuildable. I don't see how it could be any different and why so many people say hull and perma hull. I see armor as shields, since usually in space games you have shields and hull. Shields are rechargeable and hull is... well the body of the ship.

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2014, 04:09:51 pm »
The term "hull armour" can be shortened to "hull" slightly more easily than it can be to "armour" (one syllable instead of two). Under the armour, your hull durability doesn't seem to get much shorter when called durability, and there isn't an efficient and popular short-hand for that word. As such, "hull" makes much more sense to use there. This means that, viewed alone, both would seem best-suited to "hull" as their short form. Given the more extreme variance on hull durability, I'm inclined to run with calling that "hull" and referring to hull armour as "armour".

But that's just me. Lots of people don't clarify what they're talking about and yell "HULL" in a panicked voice, so you can easily assume whichever meaning you would personally use - whether that be "hull armour is down, needs repair" or "hull durability is dropping, needs armour"

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Re: What exactly is "hull"...
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2014, 06:33:28 pm »
I use a few terms. 'Hull' means the component fixpoint, armor or not.  "Ignore the hull, keep firing." means don't worry about the hull fixpoint.

If I am talking about a target, I use the term 'hull' as anything not gun, balloon, or engines. "Go for hull shots only." I tend to call the armor going down a 'Hull break'.

That is all ingame, though. In lobbies, hull is your HP, and armor is the rebuildable part. Generally referred to as 'Hull HP' and 'Armor points'. That is just me.

This is how I usually use the term too.  If it's a circumstance where it would be ambiguous, I use "permahull" or just "perma" to refer to hull HP, and "armor" to refer to hull armor.

If you can tell from context, I just say "hull".