Here's a ship that looks kind of like a whale. I didn't build it with that intention, but oh well. I built this thing to act like a sturdier, slower Squid that has the ability shoot two guns forward when correctly aimed toward a target.
Apologies in advance for the large amount of pictures. I'm a very visual person, and I suck at drawing. In lieu of that, I decided that the next best thing would to be to make a 3d model in Garry's Mod, right? Because it is Garry's Mod, though, I was restricted to simple parts, and, therefore, was not able to patch many of the holes I made, nor make better representations of systems. The balloon system is pretty easy to catch, as are the engines and the gunning spots. The furnace thing below deck is the hull. I did my best, but it is only a prototype of an idea, so I didn't want to kill myself over less important details.

The rest of the images will have to be clicked on to view, because I always feel bad loading up a post with more than three pictures.
Top deck: rear gun, two turning engines, balloon, helm.
Helm view forward: view behind: deck: Two angled guns, hull, main engine.
Front view: view 1: view 2: view: of the ramp, main engine: love the Squid, but it always seems to act more like a pest than an actual problem because of its low health and lack of weapon arcs(Unless its a balloon popper, then it only needs one gun on the front, really). With this ship, I wanted the two front guns to be able to shoot at the same target, but still require some proper maneuvers by the pilot. Here's an MS Paint diagram of the front weapon's aiming arcs! Woo! Behind each of the front gunner's nests is a ladder, which is the only way to get back up to the top deck. Otherwise, its just a quick drop to get to the hull. than that, I don't know what else to explain. Remember that this is only an idea, so feel free to move stuff around or whatever. Feedback, love, and hate are all encouraged~ Thanks.