The Brotherhood is a clan that plays games, but we are not a gaming clan. We wish to be more than just a collection of people playing one game. In The Brotherhood, the goal is creating an association, a union, of like-minded individuals who seek life-long friendship, trust, fellowship, and who have a similar mindset.
Our official website, application and forums can be found here Brotherhood, and it's name, was inspired by a close friend of mine- Timmy Blumer, also known as "TimmyB". Timmy taught me that a clan can be more than a collection of gamers. That they can come to be life-time friends, even a second family. He gave everything he could to support those he considered his friends, and he treated us all like brothers. When Timmy died to brain cancer, the loss devastated me, but it also taught me to cherish those friendships, and to show others what he showed me. His name will be honored through our actions, and is represented in our tag "TB".

In Memory of Timmy R.I.P. 1981-2014
The image of the Brotherhood is the hydra. The hydra symbolizes that though we may have different faces, we represent one body, and that the actions of one head represent the whole. In GOIO our theme will be ships with green balloons and dragon figureheads.