Author Topic: One year since Mobula added.  (Read 18484 times)

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: One year since Mobula added.
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2014, 06:34:31 pm »
The larger question is does GOIO need a new ship? Is there some ship roll that the existing ships do not fill? Can Muse add a new ship without making it useless or making an existing ship useless?

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: One year since Mobula added.
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2014, 09:28:35 pm »
I would like to see more maps and  heavy weapons than more ships.

Offline obliviondoll

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Re: One year since Mobula added.
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2014, 12:28:43 am »
Add me to the list of "not seeing a need for new ships" people.

A ship in Guns of Icarus is essentially the same as a "class" in class-based multiplayer games. We already have more ships than most such games have classes. A lot only have 3 classes.

Light "Scout" characters are covered nicely with the Squid, and the Goldfish can touch on this class in many ways. The Spire is less mobile than typically expected from this class, but can fill a sniper role that's usually filled by Scouts or Scout-equivalent classes.

Assaults are the usual Medium class, and are often either frontline brawlers or flankers. Many Goldfish loadouts fill this role better than the Scout class above, while Junkers and Pyramidions are best listed here too.

The Heavy class is epitomised by the Galleon, but the Mobula fills a less tanky version of the role too. The Junker can be seen as a Medium/Heavy hybrid much like the Goldfish is for Light/Medium.

If you look at various specialist classes, or the sub-classes that can be fitted into those broad categories, you can fill almost every type of role with the right loadout on at least one or two ships.

Shotgunner/melee: Carronade Goldfish, Pyramidion, Carronade Squid.
Sniper/fire support: Spire, Artemis/Mercury Mobula, Several Galleon loadouts.
Area Denial: Galleon with Carronades, Minelayer Junker/Squid, Flamer Squid.
Medic: NOPE, and with this game's mechanics, we're better for it.
Pyro: Ever seen a Junker loaded up with Flamers on both sides and a Rocket Carousel on front with Incendiary ammo? :D
Demo man: Galleon with quad Hwachas and Rocket Carousels/Mines. Or Mine/Rocket Junkers. Or a Goldfish with Hwacha and Mines.

Weapons, on the other hand... I can see room for at least a few extras, although I don't want this to turn into your average military shooter's weapon selection where there are 1289 different guns, but they're all just sniper rifle, assault rifle, SMG, pistol with different damage per shot, fire rate, ammo count and reload time. The guns we currently have are all unique, powerful in their own way, and very distinctive. Anything new would have to fill a definite new role, or would have to be a Heavy gun filling a role that's currently only covered by Light weapons.

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: One year since Mobula added.
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2014, 08:18:28 pm »
I don't know i feel there is a lot more variety of ships that could be added and I would like to see something new, only problem is how much work it adds to balance things out or to create the new ships in the first place.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: One year since Mobula added.
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2014, 05:11:01 am »
The main issue with actually adding things to the game as stated before me, is making it so that the ship is both balanced and unique, sure the Junker is considered to be the little brother of the galleon, but it requires different strategies than a galleon, take into account differing mount types, speed and acceleration values for horizontal and vertical movement, armor and hull values, size and prominence of certain components and you have a completely different ship. Ships fall into certain rolls and weapons are quite defined in what they do, weapon variety to me is not simply having the choice between 20 different types of rocket carousels or the difference between a howitzer and a field gun. Everything they've added is both unique and plays differently from the other weapons, for instance the light carronade can strip armor but is more suited to popping balloons or with the right ammo taking down weapons, the chain gun on the other hand is only really suited to component destruction and stripping armor. Both the mortar and the banshee may deal explosive damage but the banshee is a really good tool for causing havoc, considering it sets more stacks of fire in it's AOE rather than directly hitting something. The flare gun is not really a combat weapon but is a utility, allowing spots to stick on vessels hiding or trying to escape in a cloud but it can also set fires, which is pretty cool.

Now if you have an idea of something they could add that would be great, and I get you are, or rather were asking for something new, adding something is perilous, not saying it can't be done at all, but whatever is added has to be different from what we already have.

Also, Co-op and adventure mode, LETS DO IT!

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: One year since Mobula added.
« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2014, 07:20:17 pm »
Making things unique from other things is definitely a must otherwise there would not be a point to adding it, but you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you come out with something new. I would like to see more variety to the game but i don't feel the game is stagnant or anything.

I also understand the difficulty of balance when adding things, for example if they where to come out with a new ship that was fast and agile like a squid but with 2 front guns and no side guns, how do you make that ship so that it is useful without making ships its similar to, the squid or pyrmadon, obsolete. I'm sure it could be done and id love to see things like that maybe not my exact example, but is it worth the effort for Muse? <shrug> I could not tell ya.