Author Topic: Why GoIO is not for every one  (Read 19830 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Why GoIO is not for every one
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2014, 04:49:37 pm »
<3.27 K/D ratio. Your argument is invalid! :P


Seriously tho. You can do the game successfully solo. Heck with how bad some players are in this game I much more often prefer a crew of AI vs humans.

Course I'm a solo player in most MP games. I play with my own objectives whether or not they result in my side winning. Primary goal is to get the most out of a life. If that includes helping or leaving someone to die, so be it. Battlefield, I'd be playing solo and doing heck of a lot better than most players who'd grab a vehicle and run it straight into a wall of RPG fire. Opposing side would have people respawning and dedicating time and effort from multiple players to take me down because I wouldn't put myself in positions to make me an easy kill. I'd also choose squads without teammates to prevent them spawning on me and either revealing my position or stealing my vehicle.

People are just not ready to talk stuff over without taking offense at the smallest things, apparently. Maybe on the next sale Muse should give rewards to CAs for overlooking novice matches, and make their chat match only or something. Just an idea.

Yeah that sounds nice and all but CAs have no power in this game. They actually have less power than a normal person because they have to sit there and put on a happy face while some numbnut from the other side of the world curses them out. One of our members just recently asked to be removed from CA status because he got tired of it and it seriously destroyed his desire to play the game.

Now of course there is arguments for abuse of power but in cases like this I'd argue its better for them to abuse power and apologize later than it is to allow these sorts of players free reign in GOIO.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: Why GoIO is not for every one
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2014, 11:41:54 pm »
...Gilder, the smiley face thing doesn't apply for me... I just threaten them with the RethBurn treatment. It almost always works.

Offline Xemkobankavareniya

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Re: Why GoIO is not for every one
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2014, 12:18:40 am »
Hamster, my compliments, absolutely agree with you.